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Morons Unite For The Freedom To Infect Each Other

My cat used to do this. At one point, we were plagued by intruder cats coming through the cat flap at night and eating his food. He'd come and cower next to our bed when this happened. I'd get up, open the door and chase the other cat out, then right on cue my cat would bound past me pretending he was chasing off the already-retreating intruder.
When I was living at home with my parents I once heard a loud cat fight in the garden. I looked out and saw our cat getting a right pasting from a trespasser. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and charged into the garden. The trespasser heard me opening the back door and legged it but I threw the apple just as he reached the top of the fence and hit him hard in the arse.

Our cat went straight to the top of the fence to see him off, like “and don’t come back!” 🤣
My cat used to do this. At one point, we were plagued by intruder cats coming through the cat flap at night and eating his food. He'd come and cower next to our bed when this happened. I'd get up, open the door and chase the other cat out, then right on cue my cat would bound past me pretending he was chasing off the already-retreating intruder.
I had to get up last night to chase one of the local toms out of the kitchen where he was trying to claw open the drawer where the treats are.
Over the last few weeks I've been getting out and about a lot more and meeting up with friends and team mates from sport. Of course there is a lot of talk about lockdowns and the virus and one thing I've noticed is that anti-lockdown feeling is reasonably widespread but for a variety of different reasons.

These aren't people who would go to these silly marches, they are people that have followed the rules and are people that have largely been spared a lot of the negative financial impact of covid and the lockdowns. Similarly they are not covid deniers and not cranks.

The reasons vary from authoritarian government to the cure is worse than the disease views. Those who think that it is not acceptable to impose such far reaching restrictions on so many who are not at risk particularly when the most at risk are the very elderly.

I've argued against them and tried to explain the situation armed with a lot of information I have garnered mostly from this place. I can imagine though that had I not been here or not had the time or inclination to do a lot of reading I might well feel the same. I'm not justifying these views and certainly not these pointless marches but I can see how quite normal and ordinary people become involved without believing in plandemics and Bill Gates 5g fuckwittery.
I've noticed is that anti-lockdown feeling is reasonably widespread but for a variety of different reasons.
What I've noticed is a bit of class divide. Much manual work continued through lockdown, so my Sister's bloke for example, doesn't see why he should avoid socialising with the other builders he's been working with all day. Especially after getting public transport to and from work the whole time.

Easy for me to support restrictions, sat at my laptop in my dining room, but I'm not forced to take 'risks' everyday
When I was living at home with my parents I once heard a loud cat fight in the garden. I looked out and saw our cat getting a right pasting from a trespasser. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and charged into the garden. The trespasser heard me opening the back door and legged it but I threw the apple just as he reached the top of the fence and hit him hard in the arse.

Our cat went straight to the top of the fence to see him off, like “and don’t come back!” 🤣
All those hours bowling in the nets put to good use :thumbs:
Over the last few weeks I've been getting out and about a lot more and meeting up with friends and team mates from sport. Of course there is a lot of talk about lockdowns and the virus and one thing I've noticed is that anti-lockdown feeling is reasonably widespread but for a variety of different reasons.

These aren't people who would go to these silly marches, they are people that have followed the rules and are people that have largely been spared a lot of the negative financial impact of covid and the lockdowns. Similarly they are not covid deniers and not cranks.

The reasons vary from authoritarian government to the cure is worse than the disease views. Those who think that it is not acceptable to impose such far reaching restrictions on so many who are not at risk particularly when the most at risk are the very elderly.

I've argued against them and tried to explain the situation armed with a lot of information I have garnered mostly from this place. I can imagine though that had I not been here or not had the time or inclination to do a lot of reading I might well feel the same. I'm not justifying these views and certainly not these pointless marches but I can see how quite normal and ordinary people become involved without believing in plandemics and Bill Gates 5g fuckwittery.
in my view different things - everyone is sick of lockdowns and there is always going to be a level of resistance.

far, far different different to "covid is scamdemic" "the vacinne will kill us" "the government is using lockdowns to control roll out hte great reset/agenda 21" horseshit.
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in my view different things - everyone is sick of lockdowns and there is always going to be a level of resistance.

far, far different different to "covid is scamdemic" "the vacinne will kill us" "the government is using lockdowns to control us" horseshit.
i would bet that the people on the march are covid denialists.

they will not be factoring covid existing into their logic. of they will have minimilised it so much it might as well not exist. scandemic is a hugely powerful meme still in these Moon Camps.
i would bet that the people on the march are covid denialists.

they will not be factoring covid existing into their logic. of they will have minimilised it so much it might as well not exist. scandemic is a hugely powerful meme still in these Moon Camps.
If the ones I stumbled on in Regent's Park the other week and in central London last summer are anything to go by, then pretty much all the people on the march will be covid denialists. And it will be a small affair. More of a wander than a march.
in my view different things - everyone is sick of lockdowns and there is always going to be a level of resistance.

far, far different different to "covid is scamdemic" "the vacinne will kill us" "the government is using lockdowns to control roll out hte great reset/agenda 21" horseshit.
That's one of the things that piss me off about the tinfoil twats; their paranoid bullshit has the effect of polluting and polarising the public discourse.
That's one of the things that piss me off about the tinfoil twats; their paranoid bullshit has the effect of polluting and polarising the public discourse.

which was pretty grim before covid anyway.

i hate it, like i hate most forms of extremism and a future where this is a presence in society genuienly makes me shudder. spending about 4 months spying on them, it was like watching a monster forming wiht normal people comprising its parts.

you know, hang out in any sort of right wing sphere and its irritating, annoying, anger provoking, but this is something else. i spent teh whole time just thinking wtf?
and because it's so unreality based, then real power and injustice will sail on by with its tongue out.

i honestly think the "msm" is crucial in the future of democracy - they still contain most of the info that is linked to, even when it's then turned into loon cakes. every editor of any sort of media outlet that has clout should really be aware of where this could end if they don't stick to their guns and at least have some semblence of reporting on reality. if they fall, this shite will spread like wildfire. youtube and facebook went full Pol Pot on them just before the election and cut it down massively - but still you see the massive marches, huge online presences in things like news comments etc.
a huge turnout, even larger than the last protest. not surprising there is no information whatsoever on the bbc.

a huge turnout, even larger than the last protest. not surprising there is no information whatsoever on the bbc.

So, what's your position on this march and some of the ideas expressed there dtb ?

Also lots of demos get little or no coverage on BBC etc. as has always been the case. It partly depends on what else is going on in the world/UK, and given there's a pandemic that's killed millions across the world as only one of the really globally important things happening now, probably coverage of a load of people walking through London shouting a load of weird, unproven, and bollocks ideas on a whole range of topics doesn't make much of an important story tbh.
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