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Morons Unite For The Freedom To Infect Each Other

My cat used to do this. At one point, we were plagued by intruder cats coming through the cat flap at night and eating his food. He'd come and cower next to our bed when this happened. I'd get up, open the door and chase the other cat out, then right on cue my cat would bound past me pretending he was chasing off the already-retreating intruder.

A familiar scenario - they’re brave with “the staff” backing them up 🙂
My dog would have a go at any passing dog when I got her. She's calmed down now, but still occasionally does trot after dogs for a few yards who've gone past doing that proud jumping up and down as in "I could have you, I could, I could, you just watch yourself".
My dog would have a go at any passing dog when I got her. She's calmed down now, but still occasionally does trot after dogs for a few yards who've gone past doing that proud jumping up and down as in "I could have you, I could, I could, you just watch yourself".

My dog used to chase cats in the street when she was young, but whenever they stopped and turned back to face her, she stop too, and whimper.

ETA but I never told you that. Obvs. She was well hard really. Obvs.
We need to organise a counter demonstration to stop these loonies!!!! Even if we must get a few dozen people we can block there route by sitting down in the road in front of them. And given that many of these anti vaxxers and covid deniers are far right extremists maybe Anti Fascist Action groups would be willing to help out!!! These dangerous idiots must be opposed!!! 😡
withstanding that most of this lot will turn up get pissed and start fighting themselves

its like a rangers after match celebration

We need to organise a counter demonstration to stop these loonies!!!! Even if we must get a few dozen people we can block there route by sitting down in the road in front of them. And given that many of these anti vaxxers and covid deniers are far right extremists maybe Anti Fascist Action groups would be willing to help out!!! These dangerous idiots must be opposed!!! 😡
I stumbled into one of these protests last week. They're not far right extremists in the main. They're quite an eclectic mix of rather harmless-looking people. This won't be a large demo, and those that do attend don't need to be opposed. What for?
What exactly is this 'freedom' they are uniting for? The freedom to go shopping? Shops reopened last month. Freedom to go to the pub and sit inside? You can now. The freedom to not wear a mask in an indoor public place? You ought to, but it's rarely policed, so go ahead, be a rebel, fill your boots. The freedom to go on holiday abroad? Should be fine in about a month's time. Everything these people have predicted - never-ending lockdowns, microchips in the vaccine, curbs on civil liberties for the unvaccinated - has been WRONG. This is the single most idiotic protest ever.
What exactly is this 'freedom' they are uniting for? The freedom to go shopping? Shops reopened last month. Freedom to go to the pub and sit inside? You can now. The freedom to not wear a mask in an indoor public place? You ought to, but it's rarely policed, so go ahead, be a rebel, fill your boots. The freedom to go on holiday abroad? Should be fine in about a month's time. Everything these people have predicted - never-ending lockdowns, microchips in the vaccine, curbs on civil liberties for the unvaccinated - has been WRONG. This is the single most idiotic protest ever.
Basically, what you'd get if David Icke, Alan Partridge and the Chuckle Brothers organised a demo.
This is a particular lunacy that is getting near to its end date, half the population have now had one jab, a third has had both, the daily death rate has been down to single figures for a while now and an end to this (at least in the UK) is clearly fast approaching.
The vaccination program has been a massive and unqualified success. It's hard to imagine there are going to be a million people marching through London demanding an end to something that is almost over.
And yet Exclusive: Vaccination won’t mean an end to self-isolating
These covid 19 conspirac theorists are the most paranoid nutters on the planet right now! The believe that the covid 19 pandemic is part of a massive global conspiracy to enslave the entire human race! They also believe that there is a plan to reduce the world population by 90 per cent using the covid 19 vaccine organised by Bill Gates and others! These people are not harmless, they are extremely dangerous like a crackpot death cult. You should check out their videos to see just what incredible rubbish they believe in. They keep talking about Agenda 201 and the Great Reset! These real events have been taken out of context by them. They claim those eve ts are proof of a global conspiracy to control all human kind. These people basically live in a science fiction fantasy world.
These covid 19 conspirac theorists are the most paranoid nutters on the planet right now! The believe that the covid 19 pandemic is part of a massive global conspiracy to enslave the entire human race! They also believe that there is a plan to reduce the world population by 90 per cent using the covid 19 vaccine organised by Bill Gates and others! These people are not harmless, they are extremely dangerous like a crackpot death cult. You should check out their videos to see just what incredible rubbish they believe in. They keep talking about Agenda 201 and the Great Reset! These real events have been taken out of context by them. They claim those eve ts are proof of a global conspiracy to control all human kind. These people basically live in a science fiction fantasy world.

Without someone smart to manipulate and direct them they're just grit in the machine. Maybe there's an organic cause to their strange thinking, couldn't handle their drugs or something like that.
I stumbled into one of these protests last week. They're not far right extremists in the main. They're quite an eclectic mix of rather harmless-looking people. This won't be a large demo, and those that do attend don't need to be opposed. What for?

I cant help but feel it might be relevant to point out your 'lockdowns and masks dont achieve much' idiotic pandemic opinions and suggest they may influence your attitude towards such demonstrations.
And now I'm going to have to misappropriate a disgusting Johnson Libya quote in order to let off steam from reading about how they are 'harmless-looking'.

All they have to do to pose as harmless people is clear the dead bodies away.
I cant help but feel it might be relevant to point out your 'lockdowns and masks dont achieve much' idiotic pandemic opinions and suggest they may influence your attitude towards such demonstrations.
Go fuck yourself, elbows. You misrepresent my opinions constantly over this and it's fucking tiresome.

This lot are a small group of oddballs. I don't think it helps to try to give them more importance than they warrant.
Go fuck yourself, elbows. You misrepresent my opinions constantly over this and it's fucking tiresome.

This lot are a small group of oddballs. I don't think it helps to try to give them more importance than they warrant.
How is it misrepresenting you to point out what you actually said about masks and lockdowns last year? That's not misrepresenting you, it's just embarassing you because it shows how wrong you were.

And given that you said pretty much the exact same thing about actual fascists last year I think your opinions on this lot of 'oddballs' are worth ignoring too.
This demonstration will be very large! The last few so called anti lockdown protests in central London have been tens of thousands strong! One last week was at least 20 thousand strong. And one a couple of weeks before that was at least 30 thousand strong! These are not really anti lockdown protests. They are covid denial and anti vaccine protests as no one on them wears face masks or social distance! Most of the people who attend these events either believe that the covid 19 pandemic is either a great big hoax. Or that it has been massively exaggerated by world governments and the mainstream media in order to bring in a New World Order to enslave humanity! It is also sad that some anarchists and socialists have been taken in by this conspiracy bullshit!
This demonstration will be very large! The last few so called anti lockdown protests in central London have been tens of thousands strong! One last week was at least 20 thousand strong. And one a couple of weeks before that was at least 30 thousand strong! These are not really anti lockdown protests. They are covid denial and anti vaccine protests as no one on them wears face masks or social distance! Most of the people who attend these events either believe that the covid 19 pandemic is either a great big hoax. Or that it has been massively exaggerated by world governments and the mainstream media in order to bring in a New World Order to enslave humanity! It is also sad that some anarchists and socialists have been taken in by this conspiracy bullshit!
30,000 people is a lot of people in one space, but I think it'd be a stretch to suggest that it's any kind of representative number.

Assuming, of course, that those numbers have any relation to reality - I don't know, because I CBA to check.
This demonstration will be very large! The last few so called anti lockdown protests in central London have been tens of thousands strong! One last week was at least 20 thousand strong. And one a couple of weeks before that was at least 30 thousand strong! These are not really anti lockdown protests. They are covid denial and anti vaccine protests as no one on them wears face masks or social distance! Most of the people who attend these events either believe that the covid 19 pandemic is either a great big hoax. Or that it has been massively exaggerated by world governments and the mainstream media in order to bring in a New World Order to enslave humanity! It is also sad that some anarchists and socialists have been taken in by this conspiracy bullshit!
Opposing them on the streets still seems pointless though, and even kinda counter-productive to me.
This demonstration will be very large! The last few so called anti lockdown protests in central London have been tens of thousands strong! One last week was at least 20 thousand strong. And one a couple of weeks before that was at least 30 thousand strong! These are not really anti lockdown protests. They are covid denial and anti vaccine protests as no one on them wears face masks or social distance! Most of the people who attend these events either believe that the covid 19 pandemic is either a great big hoax. Or that it has been massively exaggerated by world governments and the mainstream media in order to bring in a New World Order to enslave humanity! It is also sad that some anarchists and socialists have been taken in by this conspiracy bullshit!
why would they need to bring in a nwo to enslave humanity when they've already so signally succeeded?
This demonstration will be very large! The last few so called anti lockdown protests in central London have been tens of thousands strong! One last week was at least 20 thousand strong. And one a couple of weeks before that was at least 30 thousand strong! These are not really anti lockdown protests. They are covid denial and anti vaccine protests as no one on them wears face masks or social distance! Most of the people who attend these events either believe that the covid 19 pandemic is either a great big hoax. Or that it has been massively exaggerated by world governments and the mainstream media in order to bring in a New World Order to enslave humanity! It is also sad that some anarchists and socialists have been taken in by this conspiracy bullshit!
This is just argument ad populum.

People have been spouting these 'new world order' claims for decades. At what point do they come true? Didn't materialise after 911, 7/7, 21/7, the 2007 sub mortgage prime disaster, or any other event?
The thing is with conspiracy theorists is that they keep moving the goal posts inorder to keep their conspiracy theories going! For example they claim that the covid 19 vaccination programme is a plan by Bill Gates to reduce the world population by 90 per cent. And that the vaccines are designed to kill people off. But then they say the vaccines will not start killing people for another 5 years! I have read that in their internet blogs! So that gives them 5 more years to keep their conspiracy theory going! No doubt in 5 years time they will move the goal posts again to perpetuate their New World Order conspiracy theory!
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