I got a real slagging off for not being kind enough about these villagers in a discussion last night. Maybe I was just sounding off a bit because the way that the question of climate change has been completely and utterly censored out of any discussion of what's happened with the weather this winter, but I was feeling pretty unsympathetic about the people who live there.
So my case was this; it's a low lying bit of land. We know that there will be more rain, it'll fall more erratically and flooding will increase - we know this from all the theory over the last 25 years at least, and increasingly from actual real observable events.
The population there vote tory overwhelmingly - and have chosen an MP who has vigourously opposed windfarms and renewable energy. They seem to have almost non-stop access to the BBC and are always on the radio and we're told they're "being stoic" yet they seem (to me) to be constantly banging on about how "no ones listening to them" & "the govt should be doing more" (ie we should all be diverting more of our tax to them).
Aren't tories supposed to favour small states? Aren't they supposed to believe in standing on their own two feet? Haven't they consistently and vehemently opposed any climate change policies of any meaning? Aren't they living typical carbon-intensive lives? Why do they think it should only be other people who have to pay the consequences?
Anyway, they're getting on my wick (and yes I know there are going to be innocent victims here).