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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

You know they're going to go after women that had abortions out of state:

If you go out of state to procure an abortion or gender-affirming medical care, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin wants to know about it.

Griffin joined 18 other state attorneys general last month to oppose a rule change that would keep states from being able to get hold of the medical records of their citizens who travel out of state for abortion care.

The Biden administration asked for the rule change to protect women’s privacy should they need to access reproductive health care away from home. Advocates fear women who cross state lines in search of medical care that’s legal there but not at home might get tangled in legal troubles. The letter from Griffin and his colleagues suggests their fear is valid.

“HHS has heard from patients, providers, and organizations representing thousands of individuals that this change is needed to protect patient-provider confidentiality and prevent private medical records from being used against people for merely seeking, obtaining, providing, or facilitating lawful reproductive health care,” a Department of Health and Human Services statement said.

My state is one where the AG is requesting access to these records. If I didn't have responsibilities here, I'd move and will likely move at some point in the future.
These cases are just heartbreaking:

As the mum who was forced to give birth to a child who could never live and watch her die in the hours after birth said, there was 'no mercy' for her child who could have been spared those hours of suffering (not to mention the suffering of her parents) and this from the people who just make up shit about abortion involving chopping up living, breathing babies.

Even worse, apparently in Amanda Zurawski's case (I read this somewhere else) - Texas is trying to throw out her case by saying that seeing as she probably can't conceive again as a result of the infection she contracted because the law didn't allow her to be treated for miscarriage until she was mostly dead, the abortion rules aren't her problem anymore.

How do these people sleep?
What I mean by the above, is I suspect there are quite a lot of people who don't think all that much about abortion bans. They might kind of think it's not good, but hey, women will just have to be a bit more careful, that's not so awful is it? They think that because they're a man and they don't think any woman they know has had an abortion (they're wrong about this) or they're a middle aged mum of 2 and they sowed their wild oats a bit when they were a girl but they never needed an abortion, it's just a matter of being a bit more careful. Some will be more strident and think well, this is only a problem for young, single women who sleep around, maybe this will teach them a lesson. But sadly it might take them seeing how this affects 'good', 'ordinary' married mothers to realise that it's monstrous.

Thank you for posting that.

It's absolutely disgusting that 1819 outed someone who was harming no one and was in the closet. They have blood on their hands. I'm generally against internet reprisals, but I could see some justification if some internet vigilante decided to go after them.

I find it sad that religion prevented them from fully expressing themself. There are religions that have trans clergy. * Being a Southern Baptist is perhaps the worst choice for a religion if one is trans. There's no hate like Southern Baptist love.

* I believe the Unitarians are open to such people as clergy.
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This is the guy who outed the pastor in Alabama. No one should be surprised that its a former contributor to Breitbart named Jeff Poor:

Jeff Poor, the editor-in-chief of Alabama outlet 1819 News, has been the subject of increasing social-media outrage, following the suicide of a pastor and mayor that his publication outed as a crossdresser.

Law enforcement said on Friday evening that F. L. "Bubba" Copeland, the mayor of Smiths Station and pastor at the First Baptist Church of Phenix City, on the state border with Columbus, Georgia, had taken his own life. It followed a slow pursuit by officers attending a welfare check.....

Two days prior, 1819 News had published a story noting how Copeland had created an alter-ego for himself as a transgender woman. He wore his wife's clothes in social-media posts, interacted with members of the LGBTQ+ community, and wrote erotic transgender fiction.

Copeland told the outlet in an interview ahead of the article's publication that the posts were a hobby and a fantasy he had done to relieve stress since his youth. He added that the persona was "a fictional character I made up to relieve stress" and the erotica was purely fiction. It also noted that he had deleted the accounts and asked that the information not be publicized.

Copeland told 1819 News that, prior to the story being made public, only his wife knew of his alter-ego. In a statement delivered at his church later the same day, he described the article as an attack and said that he had "nothing to be ashamed of." However, he apologized to the community for the embarrassment it had caused.

Following Copeland's suicide, many on social media criticized the news outlet for disclosing elements of his private life. Since then, some have turned their attention to Poor. He is also a talk-radio host at a local station and a decade-long member of the editorial staff at conservative national outlet Breitbart.

Poor has not commented publicly on the criticism. In a statement sent to another Alabama news outlet, AL.com, he said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Smiths Station, the parishioners of First Baptist Church of Phenix City and the victims and family of Mayor Copeland." This, too, provoked criticism on X for appearing to suggest Copeland's actions had victimized others.

Poor has since restricted access to his X account. An archived version shows that, on Saturday, he reposted a response to one user's comment on an 1819 News story reporting Copeland's death saying "you did this and I doubt you even care." Poor's reply read: "Imagine having to defend this tweet you just made. Zero chance you can."

Poor has been at 1819 News for nearly two years, per his LinkedIn profile, starting out as its political editor, before becoming an executive editor and later editor-in-chief. Prior to that, he worked at another Alabama outlet, Yellowhammer News, and is also a columnist for Lagniappe, a weekly newspaper covering Mobile.

Even his comments sending condolences to the family were evil and completely lacking in empathy.
Hopeful, but is that going to help them if the Republicans get in and make a country-wide Federal ban?

Yes, but they would need to take not only the House, but the Senate, and the Presidency in the next election. Yesterday's results showed that abortion is a losing agenda for the Republicans and, other than the most ideologically motivated, they will back off from it.

On a side note, they also legalized weed.
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Joel Berry, managing editor of shitty conservative "comedy" site the Babylon Bee, taking defeat well:

View attachment 399331

He's roundabout mentioning:

Romans 14:11 KJV: For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

but, they reference that with the knowledge that the only way to make everyone bow will be to murder anyone who says "no" and they're looking forward to it.

As I get older, the more I think religion is a cancer.
I didn't know where to post this. It's a horrific story of infanticide by a 16-year-old girl who either hid her pregnancy and gave birth alone or didn't quite understand how babies happen and didn't know she was pregnant. She claimed to her mother that she was suffering heavy period bleeding, so her mother went to buy pads for her. When she came back, she found that her daughter had given birth and killed the baby by stabbing it.

Gordon, Nebraska is in the far north-west corner of the state, where there's more cows than people. She likely had very little access to birth control, even if she had the education to use it, which seems unlikely. Expect more of this if the far-right gets their way.
Does the blood of the innocent include the first borns of Egypt? God murdered them. Is God going to punish himself? And what about the infants that he ordered to be slaughtered in 1 Samuel 15?

The story of the Israelites in Egypt, in which YHWH hardens the Pharaoh's heart against releasing Moses' people from bondage, is a great one for showing that "free will" doesn't mean jack-fucking-shit as an excuse for god not doing anything these days other than appearing in toast. He canonically messes with mortals' free will if he wants to, so there's no good reason why he can't just come on down from the sky and confirm his existence to people in person.
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