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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

Anti-abortion groups have not yet persuaded Donald Trump to commit to signing a national ban if he returns to the White House.
But, far from being deterred, those groups are designing a far-reaching anti-abortion agenda for the former president to implement as soon as he is in office.

In emerging plans that involve everything from the EPA to the Federal Trade Commission to the Postal Service, nearly 100 anti-abortion and conservative groups are mapping out ways the next president can use the sprawling federal bureaucracy to curb abortion access.

Many of the policies they advocate are ones Trump implemented in his first term and President Joe Biden rescinded — rules that would have a far greater impact in a post-Roe landscape. Other items on the wish list are new, ranging from efforts to undo state and federal programs promoting access to abortion to a de facto national ban. But all have one thing in common: They don’t require congressional approval.

“We’re trying to do as much, now, of the future president’s work that we can,” Spencer Chretien, a former special assistant to Trump who now runs Project 2025, recently told a packed room at Students for Life’s annual DC conference. “We need our people, our pro-life conservative people across America, to get fired up and to know that help is on the way and that they have something to look forward to.”
An apparently academic journal called 'The New Bioethics' has apparently published this article.


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What a load of fucking arrogant bullshit. It assumes a priori that abortion is an immoral action. That's not even getting into the situational ethics, in which even nominally immoral actions may be considered permissible or even necessary in certain circumstances.
An apparently academic journal called 'The New Bioethics' has apparently published this article.


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they publish papers but also have an essay section so could be that part
In addition to research papers and book reviews, The New Bioethics has an Essay section which allows authors the opportunity to explore an issue in greater depth than in papers which are limited to 7000 words.
Not quite sure I believe this but Huffpost carrying it:

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they're disappearing up their own arses :facepalm:

I've just skimmed this judgment and it is absolutely insane - it's full blown theocracy. Mentions 'God' over and over again and repeatedly cites the bible and theologians throughout. This is a sample:

In summary, the theologically based view of the sanctity of lifeadopted by the People of Alabama encompasses the following: (1) Godmade every person in His image; (2) each person therefore has a valuethat far exceeds the ability of human beings to calculate; and (3) human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holyGod, who views the destruction of His image as an affront to Himself.

I am no US Constitutional expert, but I can't see how this does not violate the establishment clause of the first ammendment.
I order to retain my sanity I'm choosing to believe this is an attempt at winding up "the libs".

I cannot take it seriously.

[ I'm sure I should use that star wars anakin/Natalie Portman meme here... ]
I order to retain my sanity I'm choosing to believe this is an attempt at winding up "the libs".

I cannot take it seriously.

[ I'm sure I should use that star wars anakin/Natalie Portman meme here... ]

I don't think it is sadly, well it is, obviously like everything they say, and Elon is just being a dick, but that doesn't mean that aren't sincere in their aims. Harrington describes herself as a reactionary feminist and has been banging on about this for a long time with quite a bit of support in gender critical circles. She also seems to have done a good job in ingratiating herself into the US conservative right and she's not the only one. They aren't going to waste that, a bunch of self styled feminists with the ear of the press attacking reproductive rights is too good an opportunity to pass up. How far they get with it is anyone's guess but I don't think anything should be considered off the table now - they really mean this stuff, they want to strip away everything.
I was going to post a Handmaiden's Tale meme of some sort, but as I haven't read the book I looked at the Wiki description:

After a staged attack that killed the President of the United States and most of Congress, a radical political group called the "Sons of Jacob" uses theonomic ideology to launch a revolution.[8] The United States Constitution is suspended, newspapers are censored, and what was formerly the United States of America is changed into a military dictatorship known as the Republic of Gilead. The new regime moves quickly to consolidate its power, overtaking all other religious groups, including Christian denominations.

The regime reorganizes society using a peculiar interpretation of some Old Testament ideas, and a new militarized, hierarchical model of social and religious fanaticism among its newly created social classes. One of the most significant changes is the limitation of women's rights. Women become the lowest-ranking class and are not allowed to own money or property, or to read and write. Most significantly, women are deprived of control over their own reproductive functions.

That is really rather prophetic and the USA seem to be galloping toward this at an alarming rate.
I wish I could remember where I'd heard this, but I remember listening to an interview with someone who had infiltrated and done a lot of research on the US conservative right and they really emphasised that all this stuff is very sincere and driven by religion and that needs to be understood. Whilst there may be opportunists amongst them like Trump, for most religion comes before politics and even money - although by happy coincidence what God wants is very often similar to what will make them the most money.

But they are religious extremists who believe in a literal intepretation of the bible and want a society based on that. And there's a lot of them backed by some very powerful billionaires.
I was unsurprised to see the news about IVF. Also saw it pointed out on Threads today that many people use IVF to screen embryos for genetic illnesses that will mean any child born with it will die dreadfully within a few years. gsv has cousins who tragically had to have a late abortion and then had to screen embryos because they found they both carried markers for an illness and children with this condition would gradually lose all their physical capabilities and die of asphyxiation by age 4 or 5 as they finally lost the ability the breathe. But, you know , God wants that to happen apparently.
Nice to see,

Good for him to stand up for IVF.


As president, Trump nominated three of the justices who overturned Roe and paved the way for state lawmakers across the country to impose dramatic restrictions on access to abortion.

Never mind :(
Though note that is a historical existing law, not a new development. Doubtless the GOP would like to see it widely brought back, though.

Sweetly painted in rainbow colours, and the Christian Post approves
Far from being a threat to the LGBTQ community, the Rainbow Stone is actually a loving warning that, like everyone else, they need to repent of sin, receive the work of Jesus on the Cross, and be saved from a certain fiery judgment.
A loving warning indeed.
Luke 17:2 calls for drowning people who endanger children by tying a millstone around their neck. The owners of the bar say they considered the millstone to be a death threat.
I was going to post a Handmaiden's Tale meme of some sort, but as I haven't read the book I looked at the Wiki description:

That is really rather prophetic and the USA seem to be galloping toward this at an alarming rate.
IIRC, Margaret Atwood wrote that very much as a prediction of where things were going, and a cautionary tale.

Sweetly painted in rainbow colours, and the Christian Post approves

A loving warning indeed.

Too many American Christians have a truly fucked-up idea of what "love" means.
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