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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

I can't find the article now, but I've read that one of the effects of the US system is that people will tend to avoid early care due to costs, then will throw everything they have and more at care in the last two-to-three months of their lives, when they're dying anyway whatever they do. It's a crazy way to ration things and it's a boon to those purveying hugely expensive experimental treatments of dubious value.
I can't find the article now, but I've read that one of the effects of the US system is that people will tend to avoid early care due to costs, then will throw everything they have and more at care in the last two-to-three months of their lives, when they're dying anyway whatever they do. It's a crazy way to ration things and it's a boon to those purveying hugely expensive experimental treatments of dubious value.

You also get people like Robert Courtney:

A druggist in Kansas City, Missouri, surrendered to the FBI today, charged with a shocking crime that amounts to a huge betrayal of the trust and health of cancer patients.

Prosecutors believe the druggist deliberately diluted life-saving chemotherapy drugs, and hundreds of patients may have been treated with them. It's alleged the druggist cut the dosage but charged full price to boost his profit margin. CBS News correspondent Cynthia Bowers has the report.

Kansas City pharmacist Robert Courtney was taken into custody today, charged with diluting chemotherapy drugs, but federal officials say what he did, in essence, was rob cancer patients of a fighting chance to live.

Chris Whitley of the US Attorney's Office says, "It chills the spine to think that this sort of thing was going on."

This all started when a salesman for Eli Lilly, which makes the cancer-fighting drug Gemzar, noticed a discrepancy between the amount the Research Medical Tower Pharmacy ordered and the amount it sold to a local doctor. Investigators set up a sting, and when they ran tests on IV bags of Gemzar and another drug, Taxol, they were floored.

We moved quickly to find who might be hurt," says Whitley.

A bag that was supposed to contain 300 milligrams of Taxol was found to have only 83 milligrams, and in the worst case a bag labelled 2,400 milligrams revealed no traces of Gemzar.

Money might be the motive. One treatment of Gemzar cost patients more than $1,000. The lab says what they got was worth less than a quarter of that.

These chemotherapy drugs are usually used to fight the most deadly forms of the disease, including advanced breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Doctors say diluting these drugs to any degree could be more dangerous than not giving them at all.

My brother got his cancer infusions from that pharmacy. We never could determine that he was given watered down chemo. Last time I checked Courtney was eligible for parole in 2034.
I can't find the article now, but I've read that one of the effects of the US system is that people will tend to avoid early care due to costs, then will throw everything they have and more at care in the last two-to-three months of their lives, when they're dying anyway whatever they do. It's a crazy way to ration things and it's a boon to those purveying hugely expensive experimental treatments of dubious value.
This was a really interesting, if horrifying, article…

Alabama again, 'streamlining the adoption process', aka deregulating and therefore increasing abusive treatment of vulnerable pregnant women. And increasingly, presumably, the likelihood of kids been adopted into unsafe, abusive homes of people like fundamentalist Christians, for example.


Very strange article (though only half way through tbf).
Wonder what our resident legal eagles think…

Edit: no, it doesn’t get better. Maybe American ideas of jurisprudence are just totally different to here, but I doubt it. There’s nothing about “natural law”theories of law that necessitate this dystopian theocracy shite.

If anything, it opens the door to more critical views of what law can be and its limits imo.

Paging Athos.
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Just heard one state, think it was Idaho, Reps threw out a danger to parents' life exception because it was too complicated because there were too many life threatening conditions in pregnancy.

So we can't legislate to save lives because pregnancy is too risky.

And dead women are less important than making sure not a single person can claim exception somehow (not sure how) by claiming life endangerment.
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Just heard one state, think it was Idaho, Reps threw out a danger to parents' life exception because it was too complicated because there were too many life threatening conditions in pregnancy.

So we can't legislate to save lives because pregnancy is too risky.

And dead women are less important than making sure not a single person can claim exception somehow (not sure how) by claiming life endangerment.
but not life threatening enough for young girls forced into pregnancy and childbirth......are these 'people' so fucking thick that they can't see the irony :mad:
but not life threatening enough for young girls forced into pregnancy and childbirth......are these 'people' so fucking thick that they can't see the irony :mad:
I suspect the thinking is that the unborn are innocent whereas pregnant women and girls are guilty (of having had sex or having had it done to them). :mad: :mad:
but not life threatening enough for young girls forced into pregnancy and childbirth......are these 'people' so fucking thick that they can't see the irony :mad:

Is it stupidity or callousness? The fact that this kind of shit keep getting pushed, even when they are told about the unavoidable consequences of doing so, leads me to believe it's more of the latter than the former. They just don't care. Punishing and restricting women is more important than keeping them alive or healthy, even if they would never come straight out and admit it.
More updates from Florida:

Following months of FBI harassment, two additional pro-choice individuals have been charged as co-defendants in the first such use of the FACE Act (a law intended to protect abortion access and abortion clinics). On the morning of Wednesday, March 29, law enforcement took one individual into custody and demanded that another turn themselves into federal authorities.

Doubling down on repressive tactics, both the State of Florida and Heartbeat of Miami, a Christian pregnancy center, have filed separate lawsuits against all four co-defendants and numerous "Jane Does." This civil litigation is further evidence of a far-right political stunt intended to further an extremist agenda. The two suits resemble a legal tactic called SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation). The lawsuit filed by Heartbeat of Miami intentionally and falsely conflates constitutionally protected First Amendment activities with evidence of racketeering and conspiratorial criminality. Both the State of Florida and Heart of Miami intend to have a chilling effect on pro-choice activists, frightening people from their lawful public participation across the country.

The person arrested on March 29 is a parent and caregiver to two minor children. The arrest occurred in front of the two children, weeks after a "no knock" raid on their home that led to an eviction and damage to the home caused by flash bang grenades. Law enforcement continued to harass the two minor children, attempting to coerce them to provide statements to law enforcement without a guardian or attorney present. The second person arranged with their attorney to turn themself in to federal authorities.

These are two more casualties in an ongoing political attack on and harassment of pro-choice activists in Florida. At the behest of extreme right-wing politicians, the Department of Justice has moved to grossly abuse and misuse the FACE Act. The act was put into place with the express purpose of preserving safe abortion access and safety for those who provide abortions.

There is no substantial evidence that the locations that co-defendants are alleged to have spray painted with graffiti provide any clinical reproductive care. In fact, they have been outed by pro-choice organizations as part of a vast network of "fake clinics" that have the sole purpose of misleading those seeking reproductive care and using scare tactics to dissuade them from seeking it in the future.
A very concerned healthcare professional speaks out

and Biden intends to oppose the judgement:

How the fuck could this push from misogynist Republicans result in anything other than a more extreme baby bust than what is happening now? Why the fuck would any woman in the US risk having children even if she wanted them?
How the fuck could this push from misogynist Republicans result in anything other than a more extreme baby bust than what is happening now? Why the fuck would any woman in the US risk having children even if she wanted them?
It seems like there will end up being a brain drain from forced birth states - no one with half an intelligence is going to want to stay somewhere they're saddled with a baby if contraception fails and where they/their partner is likely to die if there are complications in pregnancy. However this totally sucks for those who see what is coming but don't have the resources to move, which will be a lot of people. :(
This seems like the best place to put this

"The Prime Minister’s confrontation with the supporter of the People’s Party of Canada was captured during his visit to the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.

Mr Trudeau was told by the young man that he supported the PPC as “they’re mostly Christian and I’m against the vaccine mandate”, before telling the PM that he was also against abortion.

“Do you think women should have the right to choose what happens to their own bodies?” Mr Trudeau asked him in the incident, which was filmed by Reddit user @NoahFromCanada.

“Personally, no,” the man responded before Trudeau cut him off and asked, “Do you think you should be able to choose what happens to a woman’s body?”

The male student replied that if women were “sleeping around” then “they shouldn’t be allowed to abort the baby.”

That response drew a “wow, wow” from Mr Trudeau, who asked the man if abortions should be allowed if a woman was raped.

“That’s where it gets complicated,” he told the Prime Minister, who quickly dismissed the answer.

“No, it doesn’t get complicated. It’s a yes or no. It’s an all-too-common example. Women get raped all the time and it’s something we have to take seriously … Should a woman who was raped be able to get an abortion?” he asks once again.

“Uh, I’m split on it, 50-50,” the student said, unable to answer the question.

“Well, it sounds like you need to do a little more thinking … and a little more praying,” Mr Trudeau replied, patting him on the shoulder before walking away.

Unlike in growing parts of the US, abortions are fully legal in Canada, with Mr Trudeau repeatedly telling the country that every woman has the right to an abortion."
This is a really worthwhile article. What the woman in it has gone through - including using her meagre savings for lawyers fees so her other baby isn’t taken into care while she’s at the hospital caring for the one that she was dangerously forced to have. Kafka level stuff.

Raised in the depths of Tennessee’s opioid epidemic in a family haunted by addiction, Hollis’ earliest memory is of clutching her baby brother when she was 5 years old, as her alcoholic father flipped tables. When she was 9, she said, her mother’s boyfriend gave her drugs and read her the Bible before he molested her. By 12, she was living with a teenage boyfriend and babysitting his brothers in exchange for hydrocodone pills…

…Someone accused her of leaving her daughter unsupervised in a car outside a vape shop, records show. Hollis disputed it, but the Department of Children’s Services put Zooey in the custody of her cousin while they investigated the allegation of child endangerment. Hollis and her husband moved out so the cousin could live at their family home…

…She went to an emergency room near her home, but left after an hour without being seen. She drove to Vanderbilt and told workers she was at risk for a placenta disorder, the complication Grimm had told her she was showing signs of developing, hoping to get seen more urgently. “Nobody even looked at me after that,” she said. She remembered waiting for hours in triage, crying and incontinent, until she gave up and headed to a third hospital, which gave her antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. Doctors had spent weeks explaining her condition was life-threatening; she didn’t understand how she could be left to sit in a waiting room…

Careful not to disrupt the placenta, which was attached to the bladder and ballooning outward, Grimm gently removed a baby girl. She emerged weighing one pound and 15 ounces, limp and unable to breathe on her own. Doctors dried and intubated her, wrapped her and placed her under a radiant warmer to try to keep her organs from shutting down. No one knew if she would survive...

…Then, Dr. Marta Crispens, a gynecological oncologist trained to deal with big tumors, began work on removing the uterus. The placenta started gushing blood again. This was what made the condition so frightening: There was no predicting the level of bleeding and whether it could be contained in time. The intensity in the room ratcheted up. It seemed to Grimm like hours passed as he helped Crispens stanch the bleeding, though it was only minutes…

After four days, Hollis had to leave Elayna in the hospital and go home. There was no availability in charity housing for parents of NICU babies, and she needed to take care of Zooey.

Then, three days later, sheriff’s deputies showed up at Hollis’ door and took her to jail…
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It's rare that Coulter suggests a seemingly workable solution to anything, but


So rare that I can hardly believe it's her. One of the reddit comments remarked that they felt the reason was that Republicans would thereby eventually come to a majority in the population.

This article puts everything pretty starkly.

The forced birthers act as though people can 'just' put babies up for adoption, notwithstanding the emotional and physical cost and - as the main part of this article states, ignoring the fact that adoption and fostering services in the US are already totally screwed. And then there's the racism as well... I don't often get blown away by a stat, but according to this 1 in 10 black children are removed from their home for protection reasons before they are 18. 1 in 10. And this is overwhelmingly for neglect, which = not meeting a child's needs which = being poor. So those that don't give kids they're forced to have up for adoption, especially if they're black or indigenous, have a high chance of those kids being taken away from them because they couldn't afford to have another kid in the first place. :mad:

If you want to know the difference between the Republicans and Democrats, look at the voting results on the Equal Rights Amendment:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday fell short of the votes needed to enshrine equal rights for women in the Constitution, a century after a guarantee of gender equality was proposed in Congress.

With a 51-47 vote in favor, Senate Democrats and supporters were nine votes shy of the 60 needed for a resolution to clear the 100-member chamber's filibuster hurdle.

The resolution would have removed a 1982 deadline for state ratification that prevented the Equal Rights Amendment from going into effect. Three states -- Nevada, Illinois and Virginia -- approved it after 1982.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer said the ERA was more important since the Supreme Court last year overturned the national right to abortion.

Groups opposed to abortion have argued the ERA could provide an avenue to making abortion a constitutional right, and the amendment's failure is likely to increase attention on women's rights in the 2024 White House campaign.

Passage of Thursday's resolution would have required the support of nine Republicans in the Senate, where Democrats hold a narrow 51-49 majority. Only two Republican senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, joined Democrats in voting for the measure.

The ERA was proposed in 1923 but did not pass Congress until 1972. Under U.S. law, amendments to the Constitution must be ratified by three-fourths, or 38 of the 50, state legislatures and do not require presidential approval.

A U.S. District Court ruled in 2021 that ratifications after the deadline "came too late to count." And a federal appeals court in February rejected calls from Illinois and Nevada for the ERA to be adopted.

Every Democrat voted for the ERA. Only two Republicans voted for it, the rest voted against equal rights for women. Women voters, ^this is what they think of you.
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