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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

Its deliberate cruelty for no reason.

I'm not often shocked, at my age you have seen most things.

This is shocking though. One would have assumed that those 'rights' would have been in place for decades.

I'm not American bashing, but in so many ways this 'champion of the free world' is actually on par with the Third World.

There was an article in the Guardian today, where a bill of over $83,000 had been generated as a result of someone having their appendix removed. :eek:

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How do they get the ability to block it? wouldn't it just pass on a majority vote or does the Senate not work like that?

The short answer is that it doesn't work that way. We have a procedure called a fillibuster, where legislators can lodge a protest to a bill. In the olden days, to do this required someone to get up and keep speaking until a vote is taken to move on. There's stories about people speaking without a break for hours and hours. Now, they just lodge a paper fillibuster and everyone moves on. The fillibuster served a purpose at one time, but now its just a means to keep any legislation from passing. If they went back to the old version, it would probably be more workable.

There's a number of other things that keep us from having nice things, such as how elections are funded, which require politicians to spend a lot of time raising money, often in backroom deals that kill things that would benefit everyone.

We're overdue for a revamp of our electoral and lawmaking systems.
If you want to read a fascinating but infuriatingly sad article, this says a lot. It is long but worth it - explores the 'if she drowns she's not a witch' approach of rules whereby a teenager has to prove to a judge that she's not 'mature' enough to be a mother before being granted an abortion... although at the same time she has to be word-perfect on reciting from a booklet of all the harm the procedure will allegedly do her according to people who want to force her to give birth :mad:

Basically, smart but poor and obviously had a really tough, shitty life teenager loses appeal because the judge doesn't agree with abortion, so presumably never gives permission to anyone anyway. She tries to explain she had a crappy mother with poor mental health, who had her too young, and doesn't think she's ready to do better for her own children, plus, after nearly going off the rails she's working really hard and getting her life back on track and she can't do that if she has kids (she is pregnant with twins). Unfortunately this just makes the judge decide obviously she'll be a great mum seeing as she's working so hard to get her life on track, so he'd better just smash the tracks up and force her to give birth to twins when she has no family support whatsoever and the relationship with the twins' father is ropey.

Girl tries her best, but PND and PTSD (it doesn't say as much but I suspect, aside from her childhood, some of the trauma has to be BEING FORCED TO GIVE BIRTH TO TWINS) get in the way. Twins end up, with mother's agreement, in guardianship of some family friends who seem to have some resources so it's a fairly happy end for them, but has quite possibly ruined their poor mum's chances of sorting her life out, and she's distanced herself as she's scared of ending up acting like her own mum because, guess what, she was not ready for this. :mad:
Of course probably the best way to make a case for being too immature to have a baby would be to say you plan to keep on going partying every night and you can leave the baby at home, right, it'll be OK for a few hours etc. At which point the judge would decide you obviously need to have a baby to teach you a lesson because you're mature enough to go partying every night so you must be mature enough to have a baby. It's a thoroughly no-win situation for the girls.
Of course probably the best way to make a case for being too immature to have a baby would be to say you plan to keep on going partying every night and you can leave the baby at home, right, it'll be OK for a few hours etc. At which point the judge would decide you obviously need to have a baby to teach you a lesson because you're mature enough to go partying every night so you must be mature enough to have a baby. It's a thoroughly no-win situation for the girls.
You're basically guilty of being born with a female body and failing to adjust it.
The knock on effects are going to be huge. Unwanted children being forced onto women who don’t have the wherewithal or the desire to be mothers (fathers will be largely absent in these stories) won’t grow up to be happy well-adjusted productive creative people.

So much misery and failure is kinetically stored in this stupid situation.

And then there will be the self righteous handwringing bewilderment about increased suicide, drug use, broken families etc. down the line. I find it extraordinary that they can’t fathom how this will play out. The policy is utterly idiotic.
One of my worries is that the resulting issues will prompt yet more policy pushing towards handmaid’s tale territory.

A couple of my American friends/family have told me that schools are being more strict about the dress code recently, especially for girls.
I debated about where to put this and decided it belonged here:

I don't know where to begin with all that's wrong with the people like Vincent James and what they openly intend to do. He's saying that he doesn't think the Handmaid's Tale goes for enough and want women to go back to more than 100 years ago before the vote.
I ain't seen the video yet but let me guess, his views on women aren't any better than his views on Jewish people? The man is garbage.
Two defendants facing up to twelve years in prison, under a law written to protect abortion clinics, because they spraypainted pro-choice graffiti on anti-abortion "pregnancy counselling" facilities:
I know nothing about this content creator, but this is the most disgusting and appalling thing I have ever in my life heard. Bar none

Imagine the net utility of killing that worthless scumbag, extracting his organs (discard the heart though, it clearly doesn’t work) and distributing all his money to the people who need it. Hard to think of a cost benefit analysis that wouldn’t favour that!
And here's the face of a post-Roe America. A woman who is facing having to give birth to a dead baby because some people reckon that's what Jesus would want her to do. She's fundraising and can hopefully get out of state but not everyone will have that option. CW: very upsetting stuff about forced birth and death of child


As abortion bans across the nation are implemented and enforced, law enforcement is turning to social-media platforms to build cases to prosecute women seeking abortions or abortion-inducing medication — and online platforms like Google and Facebook are helping.

This spring, a woman named Jessica Burgess and her daughter will stand trial in Nebraska after being accused of performing an illegal abortion — with a key piece of evidence provided by Meta, the parent company of Facebook. Prosecutors said Burgess helped her daughter find and take pills that would induce an abortion. The teenage Burgess also faces charges of illegally disposing of the fetus' remains.

TechCrunch reported that internal chat logs were provided to law-enforcement officers by the social-media company, which indicated the pair had discussed their plan to find the medication through the app.

Meta said in a statement regarding the Nebraska incident that it responded to "valid legal warrants from local law enforcement" prior to the Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which overturned nationwide abortion rights and allowed for bans in some states.

And though the warrants Meta responded to in this case "did not mention abortion" — since law enforcement had requested the chat logs while investigating the teen's disposal of the remains, which incidentally revealed the discussion of abortion pills — the subsequent charges reveal how data released by social-media companies can be used to prosecute people for abortion, even when they are being investigated for other reasons.

Pharmacies sharing data​

An investigation by ProPublica found online pharmacies that sell abortion medication such as mifepristone and misoprostol are sharing sensitive data, including users' web addresses, relative location, and search data, with Google and other third-party sites — which allows the data to be recoverable through law-enforcement requests.

ProPublica found similar web trackers that capture user data on the sites of at least nine online pharmacies that offer abortion pills by mail, including Abortion Ease, BestAbortionPill.com, PrivacyPillRX, PillsOnlineRX, Secure Abortion Pills, AbortionRx, Generic Abortion Pills, Abortion Privacy, and Online Abortion Pill Rx.

None of the pharmacies immediately responded to Insider's requests for comment.

Representatives for the FBI told Insider they were "unable to accommodate" Insider's detailed request for information about the criteria required for officers to issue a request for a civilian's social media or internet history, what information is generally turned over to them in the pursuit of such information, and what channels officers used to make those requests.

Representatives for Google and the Los Angeles and New York police departments, two of the largest police forces in the country, did not respond to Insider's requests for comment.

"We comply with government requests for user information only where we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so," a spokesperson for Meta told Insider. "In addition, we assess whether a request is consistent with internationally recognized standards on human rights, including due process, privacy, free expression and the rule of law. When we do comply, we only produce information that is narrowly tailored to that request. If we determine that a request appears to be deficient or overly broad, we push back and will fight in court, if necessary. We do not provide governments with 'back doors' to people's information."

According to internal statistics provided by Meta, the company complies with government requests for user data more than 70% of the time and receives more than 400,000 requests a year.
Various states are demanding a police crime report to back up requests for abortion after rape (which will also be impracticable as there won't be anyone left in state to perform them). Yeah making police gatekeepers to abortion, that'll be fair. 'Oh, all these girls saying they've been raped just regret sleeping with a guy and don't want a baby, well they'll just have to live with the consequences, LOL'
Also, you'll get 'Want a rape recorded? Better do a pregnancy test honey so we can check you're not just a skank who doesn't want a baby after a one night stand, which you obviously must be if you're pregnant'. So basically you end up with rapes that result in pregnancy not being recorded. Catch 22.
"Amanda was forced to wait until she was septic to receive abortion care, causing one of her fallopian tubes to become permanently closed. When Lauren M. learned one of her twins was not viable, she was forced to travel out of state for the abortion she needed to save her and her other baby’s life, who is due in several weeks. Lauren H. received a devastating fetal diagnosis two weeks after Roe was overturned, and in the chaos that followed, she was forced to travel to Seattle for an abortion. Pregnant again now, Lauren H. fears that Texas is not safe for her or her family. Anna was forced to fly across multiple states after her water broke, risking that she would go into labor or septic shock on the journey. Ashley had to travel out of state to for an abortion to save the life of one of her twins, and afterward, fearful of documenting Ashley’s abortion, her Texas physician instead described her condition as “vanishing twin syndrome.”

"Lest anyone think these are oddball cases, the complaint reminds us that such cases are occurring routinely around the country in states that have banned or severely limited abortion access. The complaint points out that in case after case, the story is essentially the same: Necessary health care is denied; doctors are prevented from treating patients according to long-standing standards of care; and “pervasive fear and uncertainty throughout the medical community regarding the scope of the life and health exceptions have put patients’ lives and physicians’ liberty at grave risk.”"

I've said for a while that they'll be going after birth control next and here, they are.

eenage girls in Texas are no longer permitted to receive birth control without parental consent, thanks to a ruling made by a federal judge this past December. The decision affects government Title X clinics, which historically have offered contraceptives to low-income people, including adolescents, in an effort to lower the rate of teen pregnancies.

U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk recently ruled that Title X clinics violated both Texas state law and federal constitutional rights. He claimed that the presence of such facilities in Texas, where parental approval is required by state law, constitutes an imminent present-day injury.

According to a recent article in NPR, advocates for women’s health and health care providers have criticized the decision, saying that it is too broad and has never been done before. “We can’t even provide contraception for a gynecological issue,” said Carolena Cogdill, CEO of Haven Health, adding that the ruling has had a chilling effect on care. “We had a young lady come in who had abnormal bleeding, and we wanted to prescribe contraception to help control that bleeding. And we couldn’t do it because she was 16.” This ruling has brought the state’s sex education curriculum under scrutiny, with some critics arguing that it’s outdated, while others say that it doesn’t reflect students’ real-world experiences.

They're deliberately cutting the legs out from under girls. They want them pregnant and poor and dependent. This will ruin lives and create poverty and misery.
"Amanda was forced to wait until she was septic to receive abortion care, causing one of her fallopian tubes to become permanently closed. When Lauren M. learned one of her twins was not viable, she was forced to travel out of state for the abortion she needed to save her and her other baby’s life, who is due in several weeks. Lauren H. received a devastating fetal diagnosis two weeks after Roe was overturned, and in the chaos that followed, she was forced to travel to Seattle for an abortion. Pregnant again now, Lauren H. fears that Texas is not safe for her or her family. Anna was forced to fly across multiple states after her water broke, risking that she would go into labor or septic shock on the journey. Ashley had to travel out of state to for an abortion to save the life of one of her twins, and afterward, fearful of documenting Ashley’s abortion, her Texas physician instead described her condition as “vanishing twin syndrome.”

"Lest anyone think these are oddball cases, the complaint reminds us that such cases are occurring routinely around the country in states that have banned or severely limited abortion access. The complaint points out that in case after case, the story is essentially the same: Necessary health care is denied; doctors are prevented from treating patients according to long-standing standards of care; and “pervasive fear and uncertainty throughout the medical community regarding the scope of the life and health exceptions have put patients’ lives and physicians’ liberty at grave risk.”"

Not to mention that women in forced-birth states are getting scared to tell anyone about their pregnancies pre 12 weeks given the high risk of miscarriage and Ob-Gyns are now getting reluctant to see women in that first trimester of pregnancy lest they come undeer suspicion of having 'done something' if the mother miscarries. Another great win for women's health and safety.
I've said for a while that they'll be going after birth control next and here, they are.

They're deliberately cutting the legs out from under girls. They want them pregnant and poor and dependent. This will ruin lives and create poverty and misery.

This is a genuine question, with absolutely no agenda.

Are condoms not available? Not as good as oral contraception, I know, but surely better than nothing?
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