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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

It’s picky to point this out but in the context of this discussion I reckon “mother-to-be” would be better expressed as “pregnant woman/ person”.

MtB suggests the pregnancy is wanted, and the person is choosing to be a mother.

This isn’t to be pedantic. If we’re talking about choosing abortion as a legitimate choice and an option to be supported, then it seems to me that casting all pregnant people as mothers in waiting isn’t correct, and can be problematic.
Fair enough. My position is that a fully developed human being will always take priority over a potential human being.
Brock Turner, the former Stanford student who was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman in 2016, seems to be leading a fairly average life for a 27-year-old Ohio resident. He’s gainfully employed, appears to maintain a home in Dayton, and according to social media posts, enjoys an active social life. However, those posts aren’t innocent accounts of a night out. They’re warnings that are currently reverberating even beyond the state Turner has lived in since he was released from prison.

“Brock Turner has apparently moved back to OH, specifically the Kettering/Oakwood area & has been frequenting local bars,” reads a Facebook post from Casey Laroo, who does not live in Ohio but received the information from a friend who does, and did some Googling to confirm whether how likely it was. “If you see him out, inform the bartenders who he is, inform the women in the bar who he is, do not let anyone intoxicated walk away with him alone.”

Laroo told Jezebel via Facebook message that she posted the warning on behalf of her friends that live in the state.

“The criminal justice system has proven that crimes against women don’t matter, therefore we don’t matter,” Laroo wrote. “Women are forced to stick together and help each other out because if we don’t do it, no one else will.”

Turner was mandated to register as a Tier III sex offender (the highest offense) after being charged with three felonies—assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person; penetration of an intoxicated person with a foreign object; and penetration of an unconscious person with a foreign object—for which he was sentenced to just six months in prison. In a letter to the judge, Turner’s father infamously wrote that his son’s punishment was a “steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.” Several others, including an ex-girlfriend, also vouched for Turner. At the sentencing hearing, Chanel Miller, the young woman he violently assaulted, read a searing 7,138-word victim impact statement that went on to be published by BuzzFeed and preceded her memoir, Know My Name.

Here's the interesting bit:

“He has allegedly been stopped from leaving bars...with heavily intoxicated young ladies. He is also [allegedly living] 10 minutes from [University of Dayton] student housing,” reads another Facebook post, “so UD ladies you especially need to stay vigilant especially since we know has assaulted college aged women before and he views intoxication and loss of consciousness as an invitation for sexual assault.”

You would think if you had been previously convicted of raping an intoxicated woman that you'd stay far from that scene, if for no other reason than to avoid misunderstandings. Besides, he's 27. It's time to stop being the creepy guy hanging out in college bars.
More detail on the twisted lunacy inside Amy Coney Barrett's head. Trigger warning: do not read if the Handmaid's Tale upsets you. Revealed: leaked video shows Amy Coney Barrett’s secretive faith group drove women to tears

I found this quote to be chilling:

Asked in an interview during the anniversary event about the years after the group’s members first made a “covenant” to join People of Praise in the early 1970s, Dorothy Ranaghan said: “Some of the women – who are still in my women’s group, as a matter of fact – were wearing sunglasses all the time, because they were always crying and would have to hold on to their chairs every time somebody started teaching, because ‘What are we going to hear this time?’”

Anyone wanna bet they were covering up bruises not tears?

The older I get, the more I think the Abrahamic religions need to die.

In its lawsuit, the FTC describes how with a sample of data obtained from Kochava it was possible to pinpoint a device that visited a women's reproductive health clinic and then trace that phone back to a single family home.

Giving the information away because you disagree with abortion would be a cunt's trick but selling it. They should be in fucking prison for this.
It’s picky to point this out but in the context of this discussion I reckon “mother-to-be” would be better expressed as “pregnant woman/ person”.

MtB suggests the pregnancy is wanted, and the person is choosing to be a mother.

This isn’t to be pedantic. If we’re talking about choosing abortion as a legitimate choice and an option to be supported, then it seems to me that casting all pregnant people as mothers in waiting isn’t correct, and can be problematic.

Assuming everything works, if something happened and the body attached to the fingers typing this message had an embryo in it, I would absolutely not become a “mother-to-be”.

That bundle of cells would be on its way out of its host just as soon as the means to accomplish that were obtained. Not a shadow of a doubt. If anyone classed me as a mother-to-be I would lose my shit.
Really good article...

American Christians seem to have a persecution complex, despite being one of the most privileged groups in America. (Watch people like Greg Locke and you'll see it's a common theme) I think they believe they have to be as persecuted as Jesus himself to properly qualify as a Christian. And if that persecution is missing, they don't feel complete somehow. I think that gives Alito a little extra fear when he sees that the number of professing Christians is dropping in the US:

Since the 1990s, the religious share of Christians has decreased, while Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, and other religions have spread, mainly from immigration. When including "irreligion" or "unaffiliated" as a religious category for statistical purposes, Protestantism, historically and currently the dominant form of religion in the United States, ceased to be the religious category of the majority in the early 2010s, though this is primarily the result of an increase in Americans, including Americans of Protestant descent, professing no religious affiliation, rather than being primarily the result of an increase in non-Protestant religious affiliations; Protestantism remains the most common or the majority religion among those Americans who declare a religious affiliation.[7]

People who claim no religion, atheism, or unaffiliated are one of fastest growing categories. Also growing, is people who profess their religion as "witchcraft." It is growing faster than any other religious belief. In short, he's afraid of becoming a minority. A little fake persecution is ok, but no one wants the real thing. I don't know why that would be, it's not as if minorities are treated badly. Is it? ;)
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Feelings of faith are often more enjoyable if there's pain associated. Doesn't matter which church or religion. Whipping, fasting, hitting your head with a stick, kneeling on stone floors...it never ends. Maybe humans have evolved to cope with suffering and deprivation? It's a useful trait for survival. And if we don't have it going on naturally, maybe we need to concoct some artificial misery?
Feelings of faith are often more enjoyable if there's pain associated. Doesn't matter which church or religion. Whipping, fasting, hitting your head with a stick, kneeling on stone floors...it never ends. Maybe humans have evolved to cope with suffering and deprivation? It's a useful trait for survival. And if we don't have it going on naturally, maybe we need to concoct some artificial misery?

I don't think that story works. I reckon we actually have fewer people wandering around auto-flagellating these days. If not in absolute terms, then certainly proportionally.
Feelings of faith are often more enjoyable if there's pain associated. Doesn't matter which church or religion. Whipping, fasting, hitting your head with a stick, kneeling on stone floors...it never ends. Maybe humans have evolved to cope with suffering and deprivation? It's a useful trait for survival. And if we don't have it going on naturally, maybe we need to concoct some artificial misery?
The blurry line between pain and orgasm
Seems to me it's the partially the suppressed anger that's built over the last 50 years that they can't be openly racist, misogynist, homophobic any more without being criticized. And yes Yuwipi Woman that they're now afraid of becoming a minority religion, so they won't have the same hold over the faithful.
Some more information on Christianity becoming a minority. This article predicts that point at 2070.

Young Americans progressively switch out of Christianity with each generation before the rate begins to slow in this scenario.

Here, Christians fall below 50% of the population by 2050 and to 39% by 2070. The percentage of Americans who have no religious affiliation rises to 48% by 2070 and the percentage of Americans who are members of non-Christian religions creeps up to 12%.

I'm not so certain this will happen. I think one thing they're missing is that a lot of young adults check out of religion as they establish themselves. Then, when they have children or get older, they tend to gravitate back toward religious affiliation.
Some more information on Christianity becoming a minority. This article predicts that point at 2070.

I'm not so certain this will happen. I think one thing they're missing is that a lot of young adults check out of religion as they establish themselves. Then, when they have children or get older, they tend to gravitate back toward religious affiliation.
fair enough, we all mostly grow into our parents, but is having a "religious affiliation" the same as full on "baptised in the kool-aid believer"?
Some more information on Christianity becoming a minority. This article predicts that point at 2070.

I'm not so certain this will happen. I think one thing they're missing is that a lot of young adults check out of religion as they establish themselves. Then, when they have children or get older, they tend to gravitate back toward religious affiliation.
Or, that might have been taken into account. What's your calculation?
Or, that might have been taken into account. What's your calculation?

As Two Sheds points out it depends on who wins the culture war. The right sees this as basic to their survival, and I'm not certain they're wrong. I see the world in cycles and systems. The US has a long tradition of Christianity and I think eventually, things will swing back the other way. My worry isn't Christianity, per se, but the more radical versions embodied by people like Franklin Graham, Craflo Dollar, Greg Locke, etc. These people are all frauds, but it doesn't stop them from imparting some pretty ugly ideas of what Christianity is, without the mediating parts such as the Sermon on the Mount. In short, I think these projections are wildly optimistic and that Christianity will remain a majority religion for a long while, especially with the influx of immigrants from Mexico and South America who are often deeply religious.
fair enough, we all mostly grow into our parents, but is having a "religious affiliation" the same as full on "baptised in the kool-aid believer"?

Of course not, but I sometimes wonder how deeply many people feel their religion. There's a lot of Christians who see their church mainly as a social club. If you talk to most of them, they really don't have that great of knowledge of their own religion or the bible. They're there for the coffee and conversation after the sermon (or maybe business contacts).
My worry isn't Christianity, per se, but the more radical versions embodied by people like Franklin Graham, Craflo Dollar, Greg Locke, etc. These people are all frauds,
Lying is such big business now. What's the best branch of lying to go into, megachurch or congress or TV news? Are the people you mentioned very rich? Some of the Fox News people are. Maybe MTG and Boebert and Gaetz will overtake them? I hope the careers advisors at schools are abreast of all this. We don't want the brightest kids taking a wrong turn and going into poorly paid lying, e.g. being a missionary.
Lying is such big business now. What's the best branch of lying to go into, megachurch or congress or TV news? Are the people you mentioned very rich? Some of the Fox News people are. Maybe MTG and Boebert and Gaetz will overtake them? I hope the careers advisors at schools are abreast of all this. We don't want the brightest kids taking a wrong turn and going into poorly paid lying, e.g. being a missionary.

I think all of them are quite wealthy. Franklin Graham is worth about $12 million. Creflo Dollar seems to be worth about $30 million. Greg Locke about $129 million. Nice work if you can get it.
They're just saying this shit out loud now:

A Michigan candidate for the US House backed by former President Donald Trump once railed against giving women the right to vote, arguing that America has “suffered” since women’s suffrage.

As a student at Stanford University in the early 2000s, Gibbs founded a self-described “think tank” called the Society for the Critique of Feminism that argued women did not “posess (sic) the characteristics necessary to govern,” and said men were smarter than women because they are more likely to “think logically about broad and abstract ideas in order to deduce a suitable conclusion, without relying upon emotional reasoning.”

Hosted on Gibbs’ personal page at Stanford in 2000 and 2001, the Society for the Critique of Feminism argued for a patriarchal society run by men, calling it “the best model for the continued success of a society.”
“We conclude that increasing the size and scope of government is unequivocally bad,” Gibbs added. “And since women’s suffrage has caused this to occur on a larger scale than any other cause in history, we conclude that the United States has suffered as a result of women’s suffrage.”

The Society for the Critique of Feminism was cited by other anti-feminist websites, including on anti-feminist and conspiracy website Father’s Manifesto. Father’s Manifesto, which was operated by the Christian Party, had a petition to repeal the 19th Amendment. Gibbs twice praised the organization in comments hosted on their website and linked to them from his own website.

“A great website detailing, among other things, the unconstitutional laws which passed as a result of the 19th amendment, and providing further evidence of the damages done by the 19th amendment: The 19th Amendment and the Totalitarian State,” Gibbs said, linking to their website.

John Gibbs, who defeated in the primary an incumbent Republican who had voted to impeach Trump, also made comments in the early 2000s praising an organization trying to repeal the 19th Amendment which also argued that women’s suffrage had made the United States into a “totalitarian state.”

“Some argue that in a democratic society, it is hypocritical or unjust for women, who are 50% of the population, not to have the vote,” Gibbs argued. “This is obviously not true, since the founding fathers, who understood liberty and democracy better than anyone, did not believe so. In addition, all people under age 18 cannot vote, although they too comprise a significant portion of the population. So we cannot say that women should be able to vote simply because they are a large part of the population.”

Someone needs to tell this supposedly "logical" man that the 19th Amendment is part of the Constitution, therefore any laws based on it are in fact constitutional.

I hope these men know that if I'm not allowed to vote, I won't be paying any taxes.
Somehow, I knew it was heading here. You can't police pregnant women without knowing the intimate details of their cycles:

Florida’s state government finds itself in the center of another human rights controversy after The Florida Times-Union reported the state is forcing all female student athletes to report their menstrual periods. According to the article, this information would be included in their annual physicals and received by the schools’ athletic directors.

I wouldn't be surprised if they use it to deny trans athletes access to school activities too.
Land of the Free my arse. Freedom for the white patriarchy. Everyone else is subservient to them. They make Russia look fair and reasonable.
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