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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

I do support Putin but that is another subject i have yet to find a topic for. On this one. if women are free to have abortions then men should have the option for financial abortions to not provide economic help
I'm a bit dim could you explain what you mean?
I do support Putin but that is another subject i have yet to find a topic for. On this one. if women are free to have abortions then men should have the option for financial abortions to not provide economic help

I had to register. You do realise it's not mandatory to ejaculate inside someone? Abortion isn't something women do to men. In almost all cases, the man is benefiting from the termination of the unwanted pregnancy just as much as the woman is.
I had to register. You do realise it's not mandatory to ejaculate inside someone? Abortion isn't something women do to men. In almost all cases, the man is benefiting from the termination of the unwanted pregnancy just as much as the woman is.
Not sure why you registered this its full of unhappy people. As for comment. Men and women should both have rights, physical and economic.

To the rest of this forum, everyone is not your enemy, its just a chat forum. Enjoy the life, enjoy the time
Not sure why you registered this its full of unhappy people. As for comment. Men and women should both have rights, physical and economic.

To the rest of this forum, everyone is not your enemy, its just a chat forum. Enjoy the life, enjoy the time
It seems fine to me.

As for comment - abortion and child support are two separate issues. Lots of men - and quite a few women - do not pay child support for children being raised by their ex partners. That has nothing whatsoever to do with abortion which, I say again, is not something women do to men but largely something both parties benefit from.

If your issue is child support rather than abortion, then speak about that, without shitting all over a discussion about abortion. If a man doesn't want to run the risk of paying child support, he doesn't have to have unprotected sex. It's really very simple. Take precautions - that's entirely your physical and economic right - it's your body.
Of course, Boxxer, there is one very obvious alternative to abortion - the baby is dropped off at the fathers door within hours of the birth, regardless of his desire or capacity to parent, and the next couple of decades are purely his to enjoy.

All the guys who thought it was just a one night stand, or a thrill their wife didn't know about, or someone they'd raped, or a toxic relationship they thought they'd left behind - I bet they'd be thrilled at being daddy. Maybe the baby has profound disabilities, or maybe the father is still at school, or he's unemployed, or he was planning to travel, or his career is just taking off, or he hasn't got a pot to piss in, or he's already caring for dependents, or the mother who couldn't access abortion actually died due to pregnancy/labour complications, but what does any of that matter? It's his physical and economic right according to you, so there it is - have it.

I'm sure most men would just love to find themselves taking care of a baby they didn't choose to have, 24/7. No prospect more appealing. There you go, you've solved the problem on behalf of eternally grateful men everywhere.
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Of course, Boxxer, there is one very obvious alternative to abortion - the baby is dropped off at the fathers door within hours of the birth, regardless of his desire or capacity to parent, and the next couple of decades are purely his to enjoy.
That's what I was unsuccessfully thinking of trying to post, but at back of my mind was thinking how bad an idea it is because we'd in general make such a fucking awful job of it.
It seems fine to me.

As for comment - abortion and child support are two separate issues. Lots of men - and quite a few women - do not pay child support for children being raised by their ex partners. That has nothing whatsoever to do with abortion which, I say again, is not something women do to men but largely something both parties benefit from.

If your issue is child support rather than abortion, then speak about that, without shitting all over a discussion about abortion. If a man doesn't want to run the risk of paying child support, he doesn't have to have unprotected sex. It's really very simple. Take precautions - that's entirely your physical and economic right - it's your body.
i lost interest. I want to delete my account but i cant find the option, how do i delete it, you seem to know everything

if any admins read this, explain to me please, how do i delete my account?
That's what I was unsuccessfully thinking of trying to post, but at back of my mind was thinking how bad an idea it is because we'd in general make such a fucking awful job of it.
Thinking ahead, especially about assuming a responsibility you don't want or can't handle, is probably where you went wrong. Do as the anti abortion nuts desire, and simply have as many kids as you can before your own - or someone else's - body gives up. Fuck the consequences, for you, for the children, for everyone. You have a 'physical and economic right' to do this and to make a fucking awful job of it - live the dream and if that involves someone else's nightmare, well, whatever.
i lost interest. I want to delete my account but i cant find the option, how do i delete it, you seem to know everything

if any admins read this, explain to me please, how do i delete my account?
Do I? I've only contributed about three posts so I don't know where you got that impression.

But we aren't here to talk about me, or about your attention span, or to be diverted by your plaintive declaration that you've bitten off more than you can chew, or to marvel at your admiration for murderous autocrats. The topic here is abortion, specifically in the context of recent developments in the US.
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