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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

TBH, its probably why the far right is winning. The left doesn't have the killer instinct, passed from generation to generation, needed to win.

The US now:

The republicans: ruthlessly tramples everyone’s rights, rips up environmental regulations and gerrymanders democracy out of existence.

The democrats (who control the presidency and congress): let us hear another poem from Nancy Polosi about how sad this is.
This guy is completely toxic:

A 300 year old nation of migrants from all over the world. Systematically destroyed the peoples living in the land prior to their arrival. Used slaves extensively for many years for profit and to support lifestyle, used religion to justify this. Now using religion to remove the rights of women.

The similarities to other countries where religious fundamentalists hold power are all quite clear. I dont care what clap-trap a person decides they want to believe in as long as it doesnt involve dictating their theories into laws that oppress others.

Not really a civilised nation yet no matter what they think of themselves
The US now:

The republicans: ruthlessly tramples everyone’s rights, rips up environmental regulations and gerrymanders democracy out of existence.

The democrats (who control the presidency and congress): let us hear another poem from Nancy Polosi about how sad this is.

Yep. I went to a "protest" and all they did was sing songs about how love will make it better. I left before they could sing Kumbaya.
A 300 year old nation of migrants from all over the world. Systematically destroyed the peoples living in the land prior to their arrival. Used slaves extensively for many years for profit and to support lifestyle, used religion to justify this. Now using religion to remove the rights of women.

The similarities to other countries where religious fundamentalists hold power are all quite clear. I dont care what clap-trap a person decides they want to believe in as long as it doesnt involve dictating their theories into laws that oppress others.

Not really a civilised nation yet no matter what they think of themselves
i think you'll find the colonies were planted rather nearer 400 years ago - cotton mather dated the colonies from 1620 in his magnalia. so slaves used for ~250 years for profit and to support lifestyle, whether in large plantations or in small villages - for instance, tituba, the slave of salem minister samuel parris, present at the time of the salem witch hysteria. a quarter of a millennium rather longer, i think, than simply many years.
By 2021, she had met her two half-siblings, but not her birth mother. She nearly met her birth mother in 1994, but on the phone, according to Thorton, McCorvey told her that she should have thanked her for not having an abortion. Thornton's visceral reaction was "What! I'm supposed to thank you for getting knocked up ... and then giving me away?" She told her birth mother that she "would never, ever thank her for not aborting me".[25] She reflected that "When someone's pregnant with a baby, and they don't want that baby, that person develops knowing they're not wanted."[26]
Not really a civilised nation yet no matter what they think of themselves
I agree. Which will come first, the maturing of the US, or its death? They're progressng rapidly towards destruction by war or climate change. It's hard to tell whether progress is being made towards civilisation. The majority seem to be getting there, but the extremist minority are sabotaging the entire project. The left and the centrists just cannot get their act together to turn things around.
I agree. Which will come first, the maturing of the US, or its death? They're progressng rapidly towards destruction by war or climate change. It's hard to tell whether progress is being made towards civilisation. The majority seem to be getting there, but the extremist minority are sabotaging the entire project. The left and the centrists just cannot get their act together to turn things around.
It's not really a minority though is it?
Just thinking of all the things you could do if you really wanted more people to have babies and fewer abortions and if you actually cared about children:
  • Property maternity/paternity leave
  • Affordable childcare
  • End to discrimination against mothers at work
  • Decent benefits for parents
  • Free or affordable healthcare
  • Affordable housing
  • Stop totally fucking up the environment


Oh, but those are expensive and don't involve punishing women, better force women (and anyone with a womb who has the temerity not to identify as a woman) to give birth, that'll sort it.
He was probably confused by the pill being taken by mouth. How else would it work??

Even worse than that one though was the Republican who just said "you can't be forced to have sex" but deleted the tweet? two hours later.
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Jesus buttfucking Christ. How the fuck do you go through 70 years of life, including getting married and having three children, without coming to learn that the reproductive system is separate from the digestive system? Way to conform to the stereotype of the clueless yet opinionated Boomer.

I'm just following breadcrumbs here, but I'm guessing him or someone he knows has had a trans-oesophageal ultrasound, and he has confused this with pre-natal ultrasound scans.
You'd need to feed that probe in a hell of a long way to see a gestating foetus... :D
Just thinking of all the things you could do if you really wanted more people to have babies and fewer abortions and if you actually cared about children:
  • Property maternity/paternity leave
  • Affordable childcare
  • End to discrimination against mothers at work
  • Decent benefits for parents
  • Free or affordable healthcare
  • Affordable housing
  • Stop totally fucking up the environment


Oh, but those are expensive and don't involve punishing women, better force women (and anyone with a womb who has the temerity not to identify as a woman) to give birth, that'll sort it.
It's also godless communism :mad:
Danny Kruger, another posh boy old etonian who proves the inadequacy of his education. Abortion is political he says, not a health issue, fucking hell.

This is kinda the point though. That those who have issues around women (AKA misogyny) need to disguise it as something other than pure hate, disdain, contempt and "political " is a handy cipher for that.

If someone claims it's political, it's guaranteed to be misogyny.
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