No. It was when I was a civil engineer.
Because the yard was so far from the sites, you tended to keep a wee bit more in the way of gelignite on site than was allowed.
The first court appearance was for having 100 lbs (two boxes) of gelignite under my desk when the limit was ten lbs, the second was for transporting 500 lbs of gelignite on a public ferry. At Glenborrodale, we were creating a huge rock cutting, it was about 80 feet high on the high side, ten on the low side. We had two Holman 4" drilling rigs working, the explosives required for a single shot was 400 lbs. We usually managed a shot a week, drilled Mon - Thurs and stemmed and blew it on Friday. It took about four hours to rig the blasting circuits, Cordtex, double run, so that if one circuit was breached, the second would fire. The nightmare is unexploded gelignite amongst the rock. With Cordtex, it isn't quite so bad with misfires, as there is only one detonator used. Firing electrically, every charged hole has a detonator, so if the machine bucket hits, it can fire.
I got fined £50.00 on both occasions, which the company paid.