They're mostly armlessIs there a Def Leppard song that is not shit?
They're mostly armlessIs there a Def Leppard song that is not shit?
I meant no offence I just don't much like their music really. I like the funk.
To be fair, I can see myself spending a lot of time on a site that's a bit like Twitter but organises conversations into groups - call them threads, perhaps - that you can choose to follow and contribute to.
I thought it was that Def not Deff - but yeah, they're one for the "fine for what they are/were" file.can we bash mensh and not deff leppard? I like deff leppard
I really hope this type of meme posting crap is not becoming a regular feature during discussions here ( unless it's the Banwidthz thread)
I really hope this type of meme posting crap is not becoming a regular feature during discussions here ( unless it's the Banwidthz thread)
I wonder what the 'no safe spaces' USP for refers to? I take it means racism, homophobia and anti-working class prejudice will be fine. But people calling Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the corrupt plutocracy a bunch of swindling swine will be censored quicker than a picture of an Israeli topless model in a Tehran daily paper.
Is there room for Louise Mensch given that America already has Anne Coulter and the UK has Katie Hopkins? Isn't the job of blond spokesperson for ill-informed, intemperate callousness already taken?
Mensch's husband managed Def Leppard FWIW.
I wish i had thought of the internet.
"Louise Mensch launches a rival to the internet"
Merely the fact that it says 'The Intelligence Report' in the background is enough.
Why anyone would value her opinion is beyond my comprehension. Her views depend on what is in it for her at the time. She didn't even have the commitment to those who voted for her to see her time in parliament through. And that faux American accent, rarely has lol been more appropriate.
the right sort of one anywaya Brit accent confers intelligence
Her accent is so weird. It's not like the midatlantic one that Tony Blair fell into by accident, it's as if she's actively cultivating it.