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mass grave of 800 infants found at Galway 'fallen women' home

why are you and the west brit making jokes about potatoes ? Neither potatoes nor the lack of them killed a single person .

Don't knock my Irish heritage, like most people I'd qualify to play for the Republic's football team.

And btw, my dad was born to an unmarried Irish mum as it happens. In India luckily for them.
Don't knock my Irish heritage, like most people I'd qualify to play for the Republic's football team.

And btw, my dad was born to an unmarried Irish mum as it happens. In India luckily for them.

No see if you're CR if you're British, you're wrong about Ireland. If you're Irish and disagree with CR, you're a West Brit and a Gaybo, and wrong.
Bless, you love slinging invectives don't you. The Potato was the staple crop in Ireland.

Now a source for the millions deliberately killed in the workhouse please.

Or are you just making up more shite this morning?

no it fucng wasnt the staple crop in reland ...jesus :facepalm::facepalm:..there were numerous crops grown in Ireland. Loads of stuff was grown all over the place wheat..barley..corn...it was in abundance. The people who grew these numerous staple crops simply werent allowed to eat them.


no it fucng wasnt the staple crop in reland ...jesus :facepalm::facepalm:

Yes in that it's what made up the bulk of people's diet.

..there were numerous crops grown in Ireland. Loads of stuff was grown all over the place wheat..barley..corn..

Yes but the potato made up the bulk of people's diet.

.it was in abundance. The people who grew these numerous staple crops simply werent allowed to eat them

Do you know what staple crop mean you fucking div? It means the main food people ate. We grew other food for export and sale but the potato was the main food people ate.

Now how many millions of people were deliberately killed in workhouses?
What's a "West Brit", is it a Welsh?

A west brit is apparently a scathing insult used by armchair republicans. It suggests that people who are Irish, who don't subscribe to militant republican ideology aren't really Irish but in fact a "West Brit".
Don't knock my Irish heritage, like most people I'd qualify to play for the Republic's football team.

And btw, my dad was born to an unmarried Irish mum as it happens. In India luckily for them.

nobody mentioned your heritage.. was referring to herr Quisling there

what i did ask you was whats the story with the potato jokes..people never died due to any lack of them any more than jews died from an oxygen shortage

im well aware what gaybos problem is..post modernist union jack waving Dublin liberal poseur..no idea why you think a genocidal experiment in Malthusian economics and population control was funny though.
nobody mentioned your heritage.. was referring to herr Quisling there

what i did ask you was whats the story with the potato jokes..people never died due to any lack of them any more than jews died from an oxygen shortage

im well aware what gaybos problem is..post modernist union jack waving Dublin liberal poseur..no idea why you think a genocidal experiment in Malthusian economics and population control was funny though.

And you're a homophobic bullshit artist.

Now again source for the millions deliberately killed in the workhouses?

Do you know what staple crop mean you fucking div? It means the main food people ate.We grew other food for export and sale but the potato was the main food people ate. :facepalm::facepalm:

Now how many millions of people were deliberately killed in workhouses?[/QUOTE]

now your a foppish Dublin liberal but thats no excuse for base ignorance about simple agriculture ...you plainly dont know the simple difference between a crop and a diet. To explain...you dont grow a diet..you eat it . We grew numerous staples which were taken from us at gunpoint against our will . We didnt export or sell this stuff ...we grew it and then handed it over against our will to foreigners who insisted it was theirs by right and had the guns navy and artillery to back that immoral argument up . And they exported and sold the staple crops while we starved to death .
Commonsense dictates as we were starving in the millions we wouldnt have been sendng our food out of the country...because thats just extremely careless to the point of suicidal. And had we been selling our food we would have had money to buy other food...but of course we didnt .
what we were allowed to do on the side though was grow potatoes on dirt patches..off which we were expected to survive after harvesting the actual staple crops in the actual fields and handing them over to a largely foreign parasite class .
Who im sad to say also had a following consisting of native foreloc tuggers nformants faithful police and assorted bum kissers...from whence the term west briton originated . As im sure your aware .

is it because your a west brit you obviously get mixed up when it comes to this we business ?

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and CR seeing as at the height of the famine the entire Workhouse population of Ireland was 1/4 of million people I can't see how "millions of people were deliberately killed" in them.

And unlike you you homophobic bullshit artist, I can support my claims.


again your a disingenuous little west brit shite

if you even went to school here youd be well aware the workhouse system included a little thing called outdoor relief . its why the west of Ireland in particular is criss crossed wth roads to nowhere and walls up the mddle of mountans
People were delberately forced to do useless backbreaking work of absolutely no benefit to anyone in return for some paltry gruel . The calorific intake simply and delberately wasnt sufficient to sustain the work they were set . You didnt have to be physically inside the building for the same workhouse system to kill you . to literally work you to death in all weathers while barely feeding you .
How do you think those useless walls and roads to nowhere got built..they took everyone out for a daytrip ? with packed lunches ?



in the march of 47 alone there were over 3 quarters of a million men being worked to death building these useless monstrositys in the middle of nowhere within the workhouse system

http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=...wAw#v=onepage&q=irish road to nowhere&f=false

did you even go to fucking school ?
did you even go to fucking school ?

It's hysterical that you're saying "did you even go to school" when it's taken you about 10 posts to get to the point I asked you. So clearly you've been frantically googling to come up with a stat that helps your case.

Lets remember what you said

terally millions were deliberately killed in them . People were deliberately worked to death in their millions there...breaking rocks and doing pontless work on starvation rations with the sole purpose of killing them off because the populaton was too high. So bad that families preferred to starve to death on the roadside rather than set foot in one . Theres literally millions of corpses disposed off in mass graves that have never been marked i pass one everyday and youd have no idea how those people even died or how many were even tossed into it.

No literally millions weren't deliberately killed in them. They weren't the same as Nazi concentration camp

Whats amazing is we probably agree on pretty much every point on the famine. Yes British penal laws and the act of union caused the situation that created the famine. Yes the workhouses were terrible. Yes we exported food during the famine.

It's just you're such a arrogant obnoxious prick on the subject of Ireland and demand that I AM RIGHT, and anyone who disagrees with you is some self hating west brit Irishman.

You cunt.

Oh and of course pickmans liked your post.
CR and I have discussed this before. And i'm not entirely sold on his claims that that it was done deliberately. I don't doubt there were those that acted with intent to kill, but not that it was an organised policy. But there comes a point where standing aside and letting shit happen ins't an excuse. not when standing aside included going so far as to turn away shipments of food aid offered from europe, under the auspices of the corn laws.

and standing aside and claiming that the death rates were high because the victims didn't have the resources to cope has been exceedingly overused as an excuse. particularly when it was british policies/laws/greed etc that had taken those resources from the victims in the first place.
CR and I have discussed this before. And i'm not entirely sold on his claims that that it was done deliberately. I don't doubt there were those that acted with intent to kill, but not that it was an organised policy. But there comes a point where standing aside and letting shit happen ins't an excuse. not when standing aside included going so far as to turn away shipments of food aid offered from europe, under the auspices of the corn laws.

and standing aside and claiming that the death rates were high because the victims didn't have the resources to cope has been exceedingly overused as an excuse. particularly when it was british policies/laws/greed etc that had taken those resources from the victims in the first place.

tbh given your previous posts on matters Irish you should probably stay off this thread.
CR and I have discussed this before. And i'm not entirely sold on his claims that that it was done deliberately. I don't doubt there were those that acted with intent to kill, but not that it was an organised policy. But there comes a point where standing aside and letting shit happen ins't an excuse. not when standing aside included going so far as to turn away shipments of food aid offered from europe, under the auspices of the corn laws.

and standing aside and claiming that the death rates were high because the victims didn't have the resources to cope has been exceedingly overused as an excuse. particularly when it was british policies/laws/greed etc that had taken those resources from the victims in the first place.

The mainstream accepted historical position is that this is the fault of laissez faire politics by the British establishment. The British set up a situation where a potato famine would have a catastrophic effect on the Irish population, unintentionally. And then they just let it happen. Theres no evidence of intentional genocide.

You want a medal?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's just CR thinks anyone who's Irish and disagrees with him is a gay westbrit hipster scumbag middle class wanker.

Oh I know and agree with you about CR, it's just toggle's knowledge of Irish history and politics is based on a couple of essays she had to write for uni
Christ. You really are a troubled soul arent you.

a troubled soul s someone who insists this didnt happen as f t affrms you as a trendy new reland fuckwit....to be fashionable and fit in wth the Dublin chattering classes..the most vapid arseholes ever

from your own link it says the indoor system catered for one quarter million at any specific period... mine shows in one month alone there were another 3 quarter million out on the roads bogs and hillsides being worked like this on starvation rations . indoors they were being worked in overcrowded disease ridden shitholes. Outdoors these people were barefoot and in rags up mountains and in barren wastelands in the Irish weather
in good times they were already malnourished...by the time they were on workhouse schemes they were half starved. Now figure it out..one million souls in one month all in these conditions being worked lie slaves on starvation rations ether surrounded by disease or exposed to the elements...no doctors or medecines...get sick..no work..no food.. you die as simple as that...it went on for another 4 to 5 years like that...figure it out.
ask yourself what your own life expectancy would be in those conditions...dont catch cold..dont catch flu in your rags and bare feet ... or you die because you cant work. But you arent being fed anywhere near enough to ward off illness

figure it out. its what they did later in auschwtz.

this thread has been well derailed by this unctious lttle prick but anyone wanting to know how it is in ireland that people pretended the horrors in the institutions never happened need only read his scoffing at his own peoples misfortune as if its a myth . The church has lost its power so theres a different arse to kiss and different horrors to dismiss. But its the very same warped mentality turned a blind eye to both .
Oh I know and agree with you about CR, it's just toggle's knowledge of Irish history and politics is based on a couple of essays she had to write for uni

Which means they've researched and written several thousand words on subject. Makes toggle slightly better qualified than most people to speak on the issue.

CR thinks anyone who doesn't know all the lyrics to "a nation once again" isn't truly Irish.

On the Gerry Adams thread he claims his mate knows why it was okay for the IRA to murder a cop.
a troubled soul s someone who insists this didnt happen as f t affrms you as a trendy new reland fuckwit

Who uses trendy as a insult? 1993 called they want their nicknames back.

....to be fashionable and fit in wth the Dublin chattering classes..the most vapid arseholes ever

from your own link it says the indoor system catered for one quarter million at any specific period... mine shows in one month alone there were another 3 quarter million out on the roads bogs and hillsides being worked like this on starvation rations . indoors they were being worked in overcrowded disease ridden shitholes. Outdoors these people were barefoot and in rags up mountains and in barren wastelands in the Irish weather
in good times they were already malnourished...by the time they were on workhouse schemes they were half starved. Now figure it out..one million souls in one month all in these conditions being worked lie slaves on starvation rations ether surrounded by disease or exposed to the elements...no doctors or medecines...get sick..no work..no food.. you die as simple as that...it went on for another 4 to 5 years like that...figure it out.
ask yourself what your own life expectancy would be in those conditions...dont catch cold..dont catch flu in your rags and bare feet ... or you die because you cant work. But you arent being fed anywhere near enough to ward off illness

By the start 1847 (half way through the famine) the government abandoned outdoor relief, as it wasn't effective.

There's zero evidence that the British intentionally created a genocide or that there were millions deliberately killed in workhouses as CR claims.

figure it out. its what they did later in auschwtz.

Oh christ

this thread has been well derailed by this unctious lttle prick

And you're a homophobic liar.

but anyone wanting to know how it is in ireland that people pretended the horrors in the institutions never happened need only read his scoffing at his own peoples misfortune as if its a myth . The church has lost its power so theres a different arse to kiss and different horrors to dismiss. But its the very same warped mentality turned a blind eye to both .

You are just demented.
The mainstream accepted historical position is that this is the fault of laissez faire politics by the British establishment. The British set up a situation where a potato famine would have a catastrophic effect on the Irish population, unintentionally. And then they just let it happen. Theres no evidence of intentional genocide.


Setting up the abysmal living conditions in which the famine was so catastrophic can't reasonably be described as unintentional through, successive policies over generations marginalising the catholic population. and policies that made it worse included protectionist Corn laws. I don't think someone sat down and set this up, thinking what was the best way to kill millions of Irish.

but I do think that the responsibility of successive British governments goes well, well beyond the point where it is reasonable to claim that British policies weren't responsible for the famine being significantly worse than it otherwise might have been.to the point where I don't think ti's unreasonable to blame them for many of the resulting deaths.

Which means they've researched and written several thousand words on subject. Makes toggle slightly better qualified than most people to speak on the issue.

ty. 2 years later, I'm still working on some related stuff.
It's hysterical that you're saying "did you even go to school" when it's taken you about 10 posts to get to the point I asked you. So clearly you've been frantically googling to come up with a stat that helps your case.

Lets remember what you said

No literally millions weren't deliberately killed in them. They weren't the same as Nazi concentration camp

Whats amazing is we probably agree on pretty much every point on the famine. Yes British penal laws and the act of union caused the situation that created the famine. Yes the workhouses were terrible. Yes we exported food during the famine.

It's just you're such a arrogant obnoxious prick on the subject of Ireland and demand that I AM RIGHT, and anyone who disagrees with you is some self hating west brit Irishman.

You cunt.

Oh and of course pickmans liked your post.

no we dont agree on anything. There was no famine..the country was full of food. The Irish people did not export their food. The Irish people did not sell their food . They simply werent permitted access to the nations food supply..whch was in great abundance the entire time..by a vastly superior military force who took t out of the country against the Irish peoples wishes. The food was taken from the country by a foreign power who stripped a conquered people of all their resources for profit.

Millons of people dont just die by mistake...they are killed . The British newspapers were openly rejoicing at the death toll and calling for more..the cheif government economst Nassau senior complained not enough Irish would die from mere starvation to have any lasting Malthusian beneft . Trevelyan called the mass deaths providence...a fortunate thing...and he was in charge of implementing the policy . Other senor British establishment figures were appalled and called it for what it was...a cold blooded policy of extermination . British aristocrat leaders called it precisely that...deliberate extermination.. not me . Because thats what it was .

Not once did the Irish people ever beg for foreign food aid to be sent...Britain did that . The Irish people only pleaded that their own food be kept in the country. The British state took it away at gunpoint. Thats deliberate mass murder and the workhouse system was only a means of hastening mass murder
[QUOTE="Casually Red, post: 13355918, member: 49433"
Millons of people dont just die by mistake...they are killed . The British newspapers were openly rejoicing at the death toll and calling for more..

the cheif government economst Nassau senior complained not enough Irish would die from mere starvation to have any lasting Malthusian beneft .

Trevelyan called the mass deaths providence...a fortunate thing...and he was in charge of implementing the policy


. Other senor British establishment figures were appalled and called it for what it was...a cold blooded policy of extermination . British aristocrat leaders called it precisely that...deliberate extermination.. not me . Because thats what it was .


Not once did the Irish people ever beg for foreign food aid to be sent...Britain did that .

Full. Of. Shit.

Besides attending receptions, Forbes and his crew members, and Cork officials unloaded and distributed the relief goods. They established a distribution committee that purveyed the food throughout Cork and its 160 districts. The committee also filled special and personal requests for aid from some of the most devastated areas, such as Skibbereen, Cove, and Kinsale. Father Mathew also took Forbes on a personal tour of the impoverished and desperate areas in Cork. Forbes, greatly overcome by the suffering he saw in the streets of Cork, made the following observation: ‘I would gladly forget, if I could, the scenes I witnessed…in two hours walk, I saw more actual distress and apparent poverty than I ever saw in my whole life…’

Who uses trendy as a insult? 1993 chey want their nicknames back.

By the start 1847 (half way through the famine) the government abandoned outdoor relief, as it wasn't effective.

There's zero evidence that the British intentionally created a genocide or that there were millions deliberately killed in workhouses as CR claims.

Oh christ

And you're a homophobic liar.

You are just demented.

Just a small point, but "the workhouse" was part of the system of poor relief, separate from so-called "outdoor relief". Those taken into workhouses were given make-work within the workhouse, those granted outdoor relief were compelled to work outside. Two arms of the poor relief apparatus.
Setting up the abysmal living conditions in which the famine was so catastrophic can't reasonably be described as unintentional through, successive policies over generations marginalising the catholic population. and policies that made it worse included protectionist Corn laws. I don't think someone sat down and set this up, thinking what was the best way to kill millions of Irish.

but I do think that the responsibility of successive British governments goes well, well beyond the point where it is reasonable to claim that British policies weren't responsible for the famine being significantly worse than it otherwise might have been.to the point where I don't think ti's unreasonable to blame them for many of the resulting deaths.

Precisely CR has accused the British govt of deliberately killing millions using the workhouse system. I dispute that figure (as in I don't think millions of people admitted to workhouses were killed. Or that it was the intention of the establishment who set up the workhouses to use them to murder people. The death toil of the famine is wildly agreed to be roughly at the million people level (with about the same amount of people emigrating)

I think the famine was caused by British policy in Ireland (specifically the act of union and penal laws) and there was indifference in the British establishment to actively helping Ireland during the famine. Thats wildly different from deliberately killing millions of people in workhouses, which is what CR claims.


ty. 2 years later, I'm still working on some related stuff.[/QUOTE]
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