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Mark Drakeford standing down


spelling is overrated
So he's handed his notice in til a new leader is elected.

Whilst he was pretty shit I don't expect anyone who replaces him from Welsh Labour to be better.
He was pretty shit but yes, we're in for unmitigated Starmerist shite from any of the candidates to take over. I'm very concerned about what that will mean for education and health in particular which have so far been spared the privatisation etc that's happened in England.

I think support for Welsh Labour is incredibly fragile but can't see anyone poised to do anything positive with that. You'd think Plaid could wipe the floor with them really.
Is he the first casualty of the 20mph limit?

Worse is undoubtedly to come but I've had no time for him since Covid when he fucked the return to school plan.
Probably, which would be a shift to the right in tune with about everywhere on this fucking planet right now....great
In my (old) professional life I had dealings with both MD and VG. I found the former to be an intelligent, compassionate if bookish socialist (of sorts) while the latter I found to be shallow, evasive and slick. MD came up through youth and social work in Ely, via academia, to be Rhodri's policy wonk and then on to Health, and latterly, FM. For all that he did stuff I didn't agree with I liked him and found him to be sincere. VG far, far less so.
In my (old) professional life I had dealings with both MD and VG. I found the former to be an intelligent, compassionate if bookish socialist (of sorts) while the latter I found to be shallow, evasive and slick. MD came up through youth and social work in Ely, via academia, to be Rhodri's policy wonk and then on to Health, and latterly, FM. For all that he did stuff I didn't agree with I liked him and found him to be sincere. VG far, far less so.
My experience too, from brief encounters
In my brief and misguided early Corbyn era time in Cardiff West CLP he was the only elected member in their meetings talking about actual politics, strategy, how to win over non voters etc. A serious politician in a way Brennan and the councillors couldn't remotely match.
Depressing though. 'Pretty shit but less shit than whoever's next.' :(

40 years ago Drakeford would have been perceived as part of the soft right of Labour. Decent, kind but ultimately a safe pair of hands and unthreatening to the interests of the rich.

The fact that he’s now seen as the best Welsh citizens can hope for says more about the degeneration of the Labour movement than it does about him.
Apparently he said he would do the job for 5 years.

5 years are up now.

Sorry to read about his wife.
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