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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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I find the idea that the DGSE were involved risible. The old question 'cui bono?' is always a good starting point. The outcome of this is likely to be an increase in membership for the FN, which is hardly a desirable outcome for the French government.

The answer to the question, in this instance, is no one.

DGSE stands outside of "the French government". As with our own security services, their loyalty is to the state and the perpetuation of the state, not to the current parliamentary party in power. Once you acknowledge that fact, then "cui bono" becomes a different question than it is when applied to government.
Well, you would have to ask the IRA about the fate of the 'disappeared' about that.

No, vile as the IRA are, they would not engage in public beheading for disrespecting the Pope. There are lines that even they would not cross.
It was the Shankill butchers who were keen on mutilating people. I've seen analyses (written in horrible postmodernese, but persuasive nonetheless) that for them it was a form of 'symoblic genocide', as well as literal homicide.
Were this many idiots and trolls on the threads for 9/11 and the London bombings, can anyone remember?
Those threads still exist in the archive forum for you to see for yourself but it may have been extensively sanitised compared to what actually got posted in real time, can't remember. For 7/7 I vaguely recall the usual misinformation, confusion, conspiracy etc but not such a deliberate attempt to centre the thing around posters, nor a humouring of the same. Ten years ago though.
French police are after this guy as the 8th attacker.

Paris attacks: 'Dangerous' suspect and brother of Isis attacker hunted by police – live updates

What sort of state did the ira want after they took it over? I know some were supposedly 'marxist'/stalinist, some were pretty nasty nationalists but iirc many of them just wanted a more increased social democracy type arrangement or just the end of british rule.

I dont think they would have wanted public beheadings in dublin for immodesty or that sort of thing etc.

Not beheadings but tarring and feathering was a thing and not that long ago.
DGSE stands outside of "the French government". As with our own security services, their loyalty is to the state and the perpetuation of the state, not to the current parliamentary party in power. Once you acknowledge that fact, then "cui bono" becomes a different question than it is when applied to government.

A good point. I still don't see the benefit to the security services though, after all, budgets have never been better for them.
Were this many idiots and trolls on the threads for 9/11 and the London bombings, can anyone remember?
If my post, which immediately preceded this one, is included in that, I'll make it clear that I don't personally see the lives of the victims as historically irrelevant. It's just how it happens. Who now really cares about the slaughtered of past generations? They're just statistics, often used to prove some spurious point. The world is a waking nightmare.
A good point. I still don't see the benefit to the security services though, after all, budgets have never been better for them.

Budgets are transient, whereas networks of power and control aren't - they're long-lasting and enable an ever-tighter grip on the citizenry of the state.
As I originally said (although Monsieur Picarda chose to selectively quote me), DGSE have form, and while their involvement is possible, it's not (and here's the bit Maurice elided) probable.
Well, you would have to ask the IRA about the fate of the 'disappeared' about that.

No, vile as the IRA are, they would not engage in public beheading for disrespecting the Pope. There are lines that even they would not cross.

Premeditated Murder of a single mother with 10 kids was still considered regrettable but "it was war" was still being argued by Mary Lou in the last decade
Incident in the Place de la République in the centre of Paris - now being reported

Hundreds of people have fled the square, according to Reuters.

There are unconfirmed reports a loud bang was heard in the area.

Emergency services were seen heading to the Place de la République.

The incident follows the terror attacks in the French capital on Friday night that left 129 people dead.

(Sky News)
The IRA are hard left politically. They would have wanted an East German sort of Ireland, with them firmly in control.

No the IRA were left wing republicans. I think if you asked half a dozen IRA members what kind of United Ireland they were trying to achieve you'd get seven different answers. Some were seriously religious and others would be staunch socialist. The INLA were Marxist Leninist.

The idea that the IRA were fighting To achieve a east Germany style state is absurd.
Crowds running from place de la republique :( according to the graun

We just saw it on C4 news. The presenter said he was surprised there were so many people being allowed to gather considering the State of emergency, then crowds of people started running at him and the police turned up and told them to shelter behind a van and then said it was a false alarm and it was okay to go back to normal.
Peter Hitchens very good I thought in today’s Mail on Sunday:

PETER HITCHENS: Really want to beat terror? Then calm down and THINK

TBH, I think Hitchens is completely excellent in this article, and all the better for carrying this argument to Mail readers. I recommend you read the whole thing, as a few short quotes cannot do justice to his compassion, but this struck me as wise:

And then there is the rapid casting aside of ancient, wise rules. Our irreplaceable liberty and justice, which took a thousand years to create, are in shreds thanks to hasty and emotive measures that did no good. And now we have the shame of lawless confinement of untried men in Guantanamo, of torture that Englishmen, far fiercer and crueller than we think we are, abandoned as barbaric hundreds of years ago. And we have the horrors of ‘extraordinary rendition’ by secret flights to secret prisons, in which dark things took place. How can we claim to stand for liberty and justice if we do such things?

And we see the dubious and dangerous use of pilotless drones to conduct summary executions of our enemies. Few can be sorry at the death of Mohammed Emwazi (the so-called ‘Jihadi John’), but what precedents are we setting? For the moment, our fanatical foes do not have drones of their own. One day, they will.

After all, let us not forget that Islamist terror has grown in strength and reach, not diminished, since we embarked on our supposedly benevolent interventions in the Muslim world. The Iraq invasion, the Afghan intervention, the wild and brainless enthusiasm with which we greeted the disastrous ‘Arab Spring’, the supposedly humanitarian interference in Libya which turned it into a failed state, the aid and comfort we gave to the rebellion in Syria. Not only have these things failed to prevent terror. They have visited a violent chaos on the whole Muslim world, in which fanatical and grisly death cults thrive and prosper.
And alongside them, there is the enormous migration of desperate young men, from Africa, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, many of them Muslim, some of them no doubt easy recruits for the fanatics.

We pretend to understand these nebulous and varied terror groups, for years placing them under the all-embracing trademark of ‘Al Qaeda’, now insisting they are part of a new and greater menace called ‘ISIS’. The truth is there is no mastermind sitting in a cave issuing orders (though of course someone is always willing to claim responsibility for these outrages after they have happened – and who can be sure if such claims are true?).

That is a James Bond fantasy. And it is also why these things would still be hard to prevent if we turned ourselves into a totalitarian state of surveillance, identity cards, perpetual searches of the innocent – like going through an airport, only all the time.
We just saw it on C4 news. The presenter said he was surprised there were so many people being allowed to gather considering the State of emergency, then crowds of people started running at him and the police turned up and told them to shelter behind a van and then said it was a false alarm and it was okay to go back to normal.
Yes, I watched that too. Matt Frei. He looked properly shaken, quite understandably so.
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