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Manchester architecture, culture and food meander - 12 May

Will you come?

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I'm Petee's spirit animal
Spawning from the mundane thread, we might - if we can be arsed - sort out a wander round town to look at buildings, hunt for stray vultures and get some food.

Shirl and mauvais might be up for it, but anyone else?

Probably won't be for a wee while as we'll need time to get our act together as usual...

sounds interesting - with possible exception of the vultures bit.

haven't been to manchester for a while.

might just possibly be interested but it's a long way from here...
We need to pick a date for this - or even just a month and then narrow it down from there. Any ideas?

For food, there is an ongoing thing at the old Mayfield depot every Saturday, but not sure if it takes a break for part of the year. It's running at the moment anyway.

GRUB Food Fair

There are probably some food events going on during the warmer months, but the main food festival is in September.

There's also Mackie Mayor's thing on Swan Street - I've not been but it is supposed to OK.
Well lets have a month then. Probably not June as Hebden meet is in June and we don't want to overdo the meeting of urbs :)
Are we looking at a weekend or a weekday?
If we're having a Saturday how about May, July or September. Lots of people have holiday booked for July and August. I've not planned my summer holiday yet and it could well be in October :facepalm: so what do you think?
It's gonna take more than a day to find some culture in Manchester :p

Anyway that's me wedding anniversary weekend so I'll be in Sweden ;)
That poll says it closes on the 24th of May, won't the culture tour have been and gone by then?
Barleybabes, can we do the 12th instead of the 5th?
Wolfie's mum and dad are coming North for the first time in donkey's years and they will be coming on the weekend of the 5th. I do want to do the culture walk and I'll sulk if I have to miss it :)

attention farmerbarleymow
Barleybabes, can we do the 12th instead of the 5th?
Wolfie's mum and dad are coming North for the first time in donkey's years and they will be coming on the weekend of the 5th. I do want to do the culture walk and I'll sulk if I have to miss it :)

attention farmerbarleymow

No problem. I can't change the thread title now - but 12th is fine with me.

This sounds interesting, and makes me feel terrible about ignoring the mundane thread for several years now. I will try to make it.

I've just thought Shirl - I'm not expected to be the Pied Piper am I?

I do have a hefty book about the architecture of Manchester, but it's been about 15 years since I read it. :hmm:
I've just thought Shirl - I'm not expected to be the Pied Piper am I?

I do have a hefty book about the architecture of Manchester, but it's been about 15 years since I read it. :hmm:

It has quite an impressive town hall, doesn't it? Come to think of it, that's probably about the only thing I know about Manchester, and that's only because I and a visiting friend rolled in from folk concert and pub one night and became quite engrossed in an Open University telly thing about it. :D Oh, and Peterloo and Anthony Burgess and Coronation Street.
I think I have the same book as you farmerbarleymow and I have been to a couple of architecture walks in the past. But i can't really tell my Venetian inspired whatsit from your neo gothic thingy. Ancoats and then down the canal is perhaps my favourite mundane meander in the city centre.
It has quite an impressive town hall, doesn't it? Come to think of it, that's probably about the only thing I know about Manchester, and that's only because I and a visiting friend rolled in from folk concert and pub one night and became quite engrossed in an Open University telly thing about it. :D Oh, and Peterloo and Anthony Burgess and Coronation Street.

It's a magnificent town hall - in my view the best in the country (Leeds is a close runner up, slightly behind Rochdale). Sadly it's closed for a few years for some TLC, given it opened in the 1870s.

There is an Anthony Burgess Foundation near Home. I've never been so no idea what it is like. The old Corrie set is now being demolished sadly - they should really have listed it given it was a national institution. There is a Peterloo mini-demo thing each year in town - the campaign is for a statue I think (but can't really remember what was said when I went to the one last year). We're getting the Pankhurst statue next year I think - the first statue of a woman in the city centre for 100 years - the miserable old bag Victoria statue was the last. She really doesn't look very happy in statue form.
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