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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Would it be possible for the plane to enter the water in one piece and sink without leaving a substantial debris field, either by a low angle of descent/low speed followed by sinking (unlikely with no fuel) or by entering at speed more or less vertically like a diver?

Very unlikely. Aircraft simply aren't designed to withstand such loading scenarios (unless they are seaplanes).
The longer it takes the lower the chance of finding out what happened

The ocean is simply quite staggeringly large. It is possible that nothing will ever be found (as mentioned further back in the thread). Probably more likely some debris will get washed up on a coast in weeks/months/years to come and, if happened upon, it might be identified.
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I got this on my fb news feed today..


Flight MH370 Co-ordinates to a remote island taken by a confirmed passenger of Malaysian Flight 370 named Philip Wood reveal what is known as a small island called Diego Garcia. The co-ordinates came from Philip's cellphone when he uploaded a black photo with a message claiming he himself is being held prisoner by unknown military.

iPhone 5 co-ordinates: EXIF: LAT: 7deg 18′ 58.309″ South ; LONG: 72deg 25′ 35.559″

Converted co-ordinates: LAT: -7.316197 ; LONG: 72.426544



UNREPORTED FACTS REGARDING Flight MH370 and the United States Military Base Diego Garcia:

* Diego Garcia is a US Military island base in the Indian Ocean
* Diego Garcia has never been mentioned to the public
* Diego Garcia has a fully operational runway and Airport
* Diego Garcia is 2,142 miles from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
* The island was leased by Britain in 1966. It is due for renewal in 2014
* Diego Garcia flight co-ordinates were logged into the renown Pilot's Flight Plan Simulator
* The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities
* The data from the pilot's flight simulator has now been erased
* Flight MH370 was under 'suspicious cargo' surveillance by the GRU (Russian Main Intelligence)
* 20 of the passengers work for a company which specializes in futuristic warfare and technology
* Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km
* Malaysian authorities have pleaded with the US and Australia to release to them information from their top secret radar bases in Australia
* Island residents of the Maldives (647 miles north of Diego Garcia) reported seeing a huge low flying aircraft heading SOUTH which is the direction of Diego Garcia at 6.15am the morning after it 'disappeared' from radar
* The time of departure from Kuala Lumpur to the time of the plane's sighting is accurate
* The National Maldives Defence Force dismissed these eye witness accounts on the premise of no radar detection
* It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
* Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared
* Diego Garcia has been completely dismissed from the International search, and completely dismissed from public investigative speculation
Hello, Diego Garcia is a major military base including nuclear capabilities,you don't think that the Russians and the Chinese have the place covered in terms of surveillance,there's as much chance of a large civilian plane landing at Diego Garcia unnoticed as there is as one landing at Perth and no plane spotters seeing it.
I know nothing peterkro. just find all the various speculation interesting is all :) interested to see just how long they keep looking for, whos gonna be the one to pull the plug on it and just how important the answers to the disappearance are...
I know nothing peterkro. just find all the various speculation interesting is all :) interested to see just how long they keep looking for, whos gonna be the one to pull the plug on it and just how important the answers to the disappearance are...
Yes I know,the most likely scenario is that it went down in the Southern Ocean somewhere,the chances of finding it are slim.Go down to the great Australian Bight and see the ocean there,it can crash onto the land and destroy any sign of life.Nature is not something to be fucked with.
I got this on my fb news feed today..
I generally defriend people who post that kind of bollocks on my FB newsfeed, on the basis that it is as clear as day that they and I have little in common.

ETA: and you only need to glance at that blog page to have all your conspiraloon alarm bells ringing...even before you get to the comments on the bottom. It ticks all the conspiracy theory nutjob boxes, so even if by some remote chance the story contained a germ of truth (it doesn't), that is never going to be the page to find out the truth about it. Save your eyeballs and electrons.
It's even got an article about how there was a Malaysian plane at tel aviv - please don't link to stuff like that mate :(
I got this on my fb news feed today..


Flight MH370 Co-ordinates to a remote island taken by a confirmed passenger of Malaysian Flight 370 named Philip Wood reveal what is known as a small island called Diego Garcia. The co-ordinates came from Philip's cellphone when he uploaded a black photo with a message claiming he himself is being held prisoner by unknown military.

iPhone 5 co-ordinates: EXIF: LAT: 7deg 18′ 58.309″ South ; LONG: 72deg 25′ 35.559″

Converted co-ordinates: LAT: -7.316197 ; LONG: 72.426544



UNREPORTED FACTS REGARDING Flight MH370 and the United States Military Base Diego Garcia:

* Diego Garcia is a US Military island base in the Indian Ocean
* Diego Garcia has never been mentioned to the public
* Diego Garcia has a fully operational runway and Airport
* Diego Garcia is 2,142 miles from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)
* The island was leased by Britain in 1966. It is due for renewal in 2014
* Diego Garcia flight co-ordinates were logged into the renown Pilot's Flight Plan Simulator
* The pilot's flight simulator has 'remote take-over' capabilities
* The data from the pilot's flight simulator has now been erased
* Flight MH370 was under 'suspicious cargo' surveillance by the GRU (Russian Main Intelligence)
* 20 of the passengers work for a company which specializes in futuristic warfare and technology
* Australian Military Radar Base: The Jindalee Operational Radar Network has the capabilities of detecting movements within a radius of 37,000km
* Malaysian authorities have pleaded with the US and Australia to release to them information from their top secret radar bases in Australia
* Island residents of the Maldives (647 miles north of Diego Garcia) reported seeing a huge low flying aircraft heading SOUTH which is the direction of Diego Garcia at 6.15am the morning after it 'disappeared' from radar
* The time of departure from Kuala Lumpur to the time of the plane's sighting is accurate
* The National Maldives Defence Force dismissed these eye witness accounts on the premise of no radar detection
* It is public knowledge that flight MH370 was not detectable, or had lost signal to radar
* Almost every member of the public had no idea there was an island in the Indian Ocean housing a US Military base and Airport before the above post was shared
* Diego Garcia has been completely dismissed from the International search, and completely dismissed from public investigative speculation

He also believes extra terrestrials are on planet earth in order to help us. I wouldn't even bother wasting time on his evidence untroubled facts.
There's holocaust denial shit on that site too, not for a moment saying you believe that shit but tell your mate not to post from websites like that in future :(
I do believe that the ETs are here to help us. I do believe that as much as they are able they are mitigating many of the negative things that are now happening on earth, many of which are completely or partly manmade. There have been dark or negative ETs here in the past, but they are now gone from the planet, and no more will be able to come here. The reason for this is simple: we now have an electronic grid around the earth that is of a higher vibration than dark ETs can survive. It and the positive ETs are protecting us and keeping us safe as the earth approaches Ascension.

At this point, I will state that I also believe there is an inner earth that is populated with ITs (Inner Terrestrials), and these beings will also help us after Disclosure is made. Drunvalo speaks of his visit with them in his recent video interview.

Of course there is.
Sounds legit.

What I don't understand is this: if the illuminati are hell bent on world domination but the good ETs are here to help us, who the hell put the electronic grid around the earth that prevents the dark ETs getting through but allows the helpful ones to pass? The Industrial Workers of the World?
What I don't understand is this: if the illuminati are hell bent on world domination but the good ETs are here to help us, who the hell put the electronic grid around the earth that prevents the dark ETs getting through but allows the helpful ones to pass? The Industrial Workers of the World?

Well the answer is obvious, who controls the world again, therefore being able to put the grid around it?
It wasn't posted by a friend, I only have a handful. it was just one of those things that fb likes to stick on your page now and again.

Still the question remains. Which nation is going to be brave enough to pull the plug on this search?
Who is funding the search? It's politically sensitive because it publicly opens up weaknesses in national defence systems how it disappeared so easily. I imagine quite a few countries would be eager to prove it didn't expose anything about them... Or for it not to be found if it does.
It wasn't posted by a friend, I only have a handful. it was just one of those things that fb likes to stick on your page now and again.

Still the question remains. Which nation is going to be brave enough to pull the plug on this search?
I don't think that they'll "pull the plug" as such. But what'll happen is that, as the obvious places to search and items to search for don't appear, they'll gently scale it back - the overflights will stop, then the intensive seabed searches, although I am sure some will still carry on, long after the search ceases to be newsworthy.
Took 2 years to find that Air France plane and they found debris there! I think this search is dead in the water if you may pardon my pun.
China's Haixun 01 ship has detected pulse signal in the South Indian Ocean, Xinhua news agency reports.

The signal, at 37.5 kHz per second, was picked up by a black box locator at 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees east longitude.


e2a: That would be about 400 km NE of the most recent search area.

e2a: That would be about 400 km NE of the most recent search area.

This is really positive news right? I mean, it's more likely to actually be what they're looking for? With the suspected debris it could've been anything, but a pulse signal can't be confused with something else can it?
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