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Lunch should have its own thread

I inadvertently froze most of a lettuce and half a cucumber because the fridge was turned up too high (or is it down too low?). So I made soup with these, an onion, a couple of spuds and a few sprigs of mint. Very tasty. WFH FTW.
I inadvertently froze most of a lettuce and half a cucumber because the fridge was turned up too high (or is it down too low?). So I made soup with these, an onion, a couple of spuds and a few sprigs of mint. Very tasty. WFH FTW.
I had the same problem - fridge on too high a setting so a nice soup I'd bought froze solid, along with a couple of lemons.
A couple of small cans of marrowfat peas with tahini and beer.
(I accidentally bought them thinking they were mushy peas)
I'm having a lunch a la farmerbarleymow today. One tin of sardines in olive oil and a handful of rubbery radish.
I did some kitchen tidying the other day and realised I've got about thirty tins of sardines of various flavours (and that's after I donated quite a few tins to the local foodbank place). After I've got through the two packs of fresh smoked mackerel I'll get cracking on the tins.
I did some kitchen tidying the other day and realised I've got about thirty tins of sardines of various flavours (and that's after I donated quite a few tins to the local foodbank place). After I've got through the two packs of fresh smoked mackerel I'll get cracking on the tins.
I buy a couple or three tins of sardines a week here and have them on toast or in a sandwich. Love tinned fish . Saw a book on Amazon of tinned fish recipes might treat myself for my birthday .
I adore tinned sardines. Must have them four or five times a week. My insides must be very well lubricated and full up to the brim with essential fatty acids.
My favourite thing to do is to eat them in a salad with loads of crunchy veg and lots of chilli and soy sauce and sesame oil or in a toasted sandwich with cheese and piccalilli or just straight out of the tin. I saw some telly chef or other making spaghetti bolognaise with them instead of mince. Not been brave enough to try that yet, but I bet I will.

Also got tinned mackerel and tinned sprats and tinned salmon and tinned smoked oysters and tins of anchovies and tins of cod roe in my cupboards. I reckon I could survive a zombie apocalypse, provided I don't lose my tin opener.

In other fishy news, there is a local fish dealer on the docks here whose main business is large scale delivery to hotels and restaurants but during lockdown he started offering free delivery to you in your house, if you bought about a tenners worth. Buying off him meant a tenner went a very long way, so my freezer (and I) has/have been stuffed with salmon and mackerel and haddock and monkfish and bream and crab for most of this year. Every cloud.

Today's lunch was beans on toast. Not remotely fishy.
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