I bought this stuff in a jar called coconut sambar. You're meant to heat it up and have it with rice or dosa/idli etc. It's very fucking spicy, like injury-inducingly, but really, really delicious and addictive. So some of that on its own in a bowl, followed by the last of my birthday cake (walnut and caramel).
Fucking love sambar x
Hello! How nice to see you Yeah, me too, but I'd only been aware of the watery lentil stuff until now. This is a bit of a revelation. But - my poor bumhole ((()))
Put some yoghurt on it. Your bum ole I mean
It just needs to stop being such a snowflake really.
That's brilliant Thimble Queen
I made a homelette with a feta and red onion filling, and we had it with buttered seedy bread. Fucking wow
Roast pheasant with pork, chestnut & bacon stuffing (reduced to £1.49!), herby skin-on roast potatoes and parsnips, carrots, brussels sprouts, spring greens, gravy.
Wasn't actually hungry after eating my lunch late, but it smelled so good I forced a plate down anyway
Got a choice of gü chocolate soufflé or the last of the apple and rhubarb with coconut yoghurt for pudding, if I can find any room...