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Love/Hate - Dublin gangster nonsense

Agree that it's a slow starter but boy does it come good. Think Fran is the best character funny as fuck. Nidge is an evil cunt. Looking forward to season 4. Fuck knows when it'll be aired out here though!

Out where?
Agree that it's a slow starter but boy does it come good. Think Fran is the best character funny as fuck. Nidge is an evil cunt. Looking forward to season 4. Fuck knows when it'll be aired out here though!

Looks like Fran will be leaving after Season 4. He wants to try his luck elsewhere.
Apparently all the actors have Dublin 4 accents too which is funny as fuck!

That's alright, I wouldn't know the difference between a Dublin 1 or Dublin 4 accent :D

I doubt most people outside of Ireland or who aren't Irish would either

I read something about Nidge as well, but I can't remember what :facepalm:
That's alright, I wouldn't know the difference between a Dublin 1 or Dublin 4 accent :D

I doubt most people outside of Ireland or who aren't Irish would either

I read something about Nidge as well, but I can't remember what :facepalm:

Haha well basically they're posh cunt wannabes lol. Happy days about the 5th series wonder who'll still be alive by then!
Haha well basically they're posh cunt wannabes lol. Happy days about the 5th series wonder who'll still be alive by then!

Well if Fran wants to leave, and Darren may already be dead, and maybe Nidge is going to die...

Maybe the girls will take over :D

I seem to be having trouble getting the Irish Daily Mirror online as that's where I read all the gossip (but the paper version)
Bloody hell, I've only just started watching it (am only on episde four)

3 things that have struck me so far...

1. Dublin has rarely looked so good on camera.
2. Gillen sucks the life out of any scene. Fuck that boy can over act.
3. Everything from the parties, to the soliciters, to the weights the characters lift screams small time. Hats off to RTE for getting that bit at least right, I think.

Looking forward to it getting better.
2. Gillen sucks the life out of any scene. Fuck that boy can over act.

Bloody hell, I've only just started watching it (am only on episde four)
Looking forward to it getting better.

It doesn't get any better, too much Wire/Sopranos for my liking but they do get the accents, some Northside accents are really amazing but they're always characterised as a druggy drawl by D4 luvvies and the rest. They went too gritty, I think. Just look at the credits. Great show though. Only decent drama RTE has knocked up in years. Everything else RTE does is bullshit, always copying UK shows or some other shit, sports bollocks etc.
It doesn't get any better, too much Wire/Sopranos for my liking but they do get the accents, some Northside accents are really amazing but they're always characterised as a druggy drawl by D4 luvvies and the rest. They went too gritty, I think. Just look at the credits. Great show though. Only decent drama RTE has knocked up in years. Everything else RTE does is bullshit, always copying UK shows or some other shit, sports bollocks etc.

It absolutely pisses on The Wire and The Sopranos put together. I was gutted when I'd watched em all (well, I say all, is there will there be more than three serieses?). The only thing that's as good as Love/Hate is Underbelly.

If anyone knows, what are those flats Ado lives in with his budgie cage outside the door? Is that Sean McDermott street? I'm only asking coz I like flats.

my favourite bit was when Debbie went to Ado's tring to get some gear and expected to have to shag him, but he couldn't be bothered and went "Just gis a look at your arse"
It absolutely pisses on The Wire and The Sopranos put together. I was gutted when I'd watched em all (well, I say all, is there will there be more than three serieses?). The only thing that's as good as Love/Hate is Underbelly.

Now, speaking as someone who has rather enjoyed Love/Hate, and the various series of Underbelly (and who posted the original threads here on both), I think you need to stop huffing out of plastic bags.
Now, speaking as someone who has rather enjoyed Love/Hate, and the various series of Underbelly (and who posted the original threads here on both), I think you need to stop huffing out of plastic bags.

Nah, seriously, The Wire was shit-boring - Just coz it was in Baltimore (where?) it seemed exotic. Dour Tom Waitts song at the beginning? Yeah. Tedious "Chess is just like the game" too obvious to be obvious analogy/metaphor/whatever the fuck it was supposed to be? Yeah. Loads of other shit that was just shit? Like McNULTY? Yeah. Johnny and Bubbles were ok, entertaining enough, and their badinage rang true, and I liked seeing the various squats/flats/doss holes they inhabited but in some ways they didn't ring true. Like when Johnny (just before he got battered and colostomied) begged Bubs to let him have a go at doing the graft (or hustle or whatever daft name americans have for it) with the forged notes - Why did he want Bubs to let him do the graft? He wouldn't have - If Bubs was prepared to do it and still sort him out, he wouldn't have done a thing to change that. I suppose you could argue he'd want to know how to do it himself, but that doesn't ring true to me.

And all the other serieses were boring - The docks one, the school one and any other ones that have just blurred into one boring one.

The book it was based on was mint though - "The Corner" - Quite a surprisingly enlightend chapter on welfare dependency considering it was written by a couple of yanks (who often have a blind spot WRT social security even if they're otherwise decent) in there. And other stuff - I'd praise that book pretty much unreservedly.

The Sopranos though? Nothing to be said. Shit. E2a - And tedious gangster shit at that.
Do, the first series and episodes 1-3 of series two are a bit crap, but the second half of series two is very good. Starting series three tonight.
Did you enjoy series 3?

I did. There was a big step up in drama and writing. The acting was much better. Though the party scenes remind me of The Alex in Clonakilty, teenagers spewing up everywhere, and no chance of a fuck pimply lads grabbing the arms of young ones in the hope of a grope or a ride.
I just bumped into an Irish friend in the street and she was totally unaware of the series or that it was on, so she was pleased
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