The Future of Loughborough Farm.
This was also item on the LJ Neighbourhood forum.
It appears that there is a pot of money available which Lambeth can bid for- Lambeth bid for regeneration fund from GLA- as it was put on the agenda.
For unknown reason Lambeth did not know about this fund. Then realised it could apply to LJ. Leaving only a few weeks to put in bid.
So from what I gathered at the meeting officers approached LJAG about putting a bid in for the land around the Farm.
CH1 has posted previously LJ was categorised for light industrial back in early 80s. Something the leading lights in LJAH at the meeting did not understand. In planning jargon "KIBA"
As Council came late to this there is only a few weeks to put in a bid to GLA. The actual idea imo does not sound to bad.
To keep the farm and also keep the light industrial use in that area for local employment the fund could be good way to keep this under local control.
First problem. There was discussion in the meeting about the Farm. The guy from LEMB ( Loughborough Estate Management Board) said that the land the farm is on comes under LEMB. That LEMB had let LJAG use it for the farm. He was now upset the LJAG regarded it as there land. He questioned how many from the estate used it. That people on the estate wanted a gym on it instead. LJAG replied that this was incorrect and that some from estate used the Farm.
So its was the issue around class again coming up in the meeting.
Thinking on this today also remembered that the guy from LEMB also brought up issue of land in estate area that Lambeth had transferred out of the estate. ( The land thats being built on now). So imo the farm is seen as part of loss of control of land by a working class community in that area. If I was on that estate I would be looking at what is happening to Cressingham for example and not trust the Council to defend Council housing.
The bid for this regeneration fund needs to be in by 2nd October. So there is not time for proper consultation.
It appears to me that Lambeth are looking to LJAG as the body they can work with. Forgetting the Council tenants. At one point in the meeting the officer said that the Council have not the budget for proper consultation. So were relying on voluntary groups like LJAG to do this.
This is dangerous position for LJAG. They asked me after meeting how to build links with the estate. I said there is a danger they will become part of Council. The role Brixton Green are quite happy with.
Whilst I like my Ward Cllr who turned up to meeting I am a bit concerned that LJAG could be used by our Nu Labour Cllrs as fall guys. As
ViolentPanda pointed out on other thread about Brixton Green and Somerleyton road. The same Cllrs who are colluding with Government cuts and support Blairite for party leader, can give themselves local credibility with the working class Council tenants by siding with them against a "middle class" lobby group. An hypothesis worth pondering on.
The politics of LJ are rather fascinating.
Anyway. The guy from the Farm who is on voluntary basis looking at the bid , and he seemed a young well meaning person, wanted to get a framework bid in and appeared to me to genuinely want to talk to Loughborough Estate residents. Saw him talking to the guy from LEMB after meeting ended.
He did say he would be in LJ over weekend as the "Platform" is open selling the farm produce etc. So if anyone wants to go and see what its about I would recommend this.
The idea of the bid is that as the area is classified as light industrial the bid will be about local employment- workshops etc.
The Council officer said in reply to concerns from Loughborough estate residents that this might be another way that LJAG gain control over land that a management board would be set up to oversee the project of all local groups. .
I dd say, as someone from estate had already brought up issue of Pop, that in Brixton the Pop project had started with a lot of promises then ended up as Pop. Not what many thought they had agreed to.
Cllr Heywood agreed that lessons needed to be learnt from what had happened to that use of land. Got the feeling the Cllr Hopkins enthusiasm for Pop on his blog is not felt by some other local Labour Cllrs.
Its was about the only thing that Loughborough Estate residents and LJAG agreed on- we dont want "Pop" in LJ. Rather refreshing for me to hear others do not think Pop is wonderful.
Another estate resident said that as the bid had to be put in so quickly there was not enough time to do proper consultation. So it should be dropped.
I agreed with this. Considering the disagreements going on now a bid without proper consultation may make divisions and resentments in the area worse.
I do think that the proposal could be a good thing for LJ if it could be done in way that does not cause more divisions and ends up living to its promise of locally controlled social enterprise type project.