Where have the road madness people been applying resistance? At meetings/consultations? Via councillors?
After the road closure experiment was stopped by the Council new consultation process started. This was invite only. Not public consultation.
The funding for the public realm improvements comes from TFL. But administered through the Council.
The new consultation meetings took p!ace before the LJ Neighborhood Forum meetings. Which I attend. Also at the forum meetings there was reports of what happened at the new consultation meetings on the public realm.
They sometimes overlapped. So I have good idea how they worked.
After the road closure experiment debacle LJ Road Madness were on a roll. The new consultation group set up by Council of leading stakeholders included LEMB , LJ Road Madness, LJAG.
Basically LJAGs vision for LJ was in tatters. The road closure experiment had failed.
The whole point imo of the TFL funding was to make LJ more pedestrian and cycle friendly. One might argue that the road closure experiment was a failure. But my understanding of the opposition was that other ways would be looking at to reduce dominance of cars.
But no. LJ Road Madness and LEMB argued about any improvements.
Two cases. I asked at LJ Neighborhood P!winning forum that the rat run by Coop, Padfield road, remain closed off. LJ Road Madness opposed this. Despite it being obvious it's rat run to avoid the lights at junction. That's when I realized that car lobby wasn't interested in traffic reduction.
The new consultation meetings set up by Council were totally dominated by car lobby in LJ.
The planning forum meetings and new consultation meetings on public realm the overlap a bit.
Last one I remember about the pedestrian crossing. Idea is to bring in Oxford Circus type crossing on the Loughborough road/ CHL junction. This was met with great suspicion.
( I've seen the one in Oxford Circus. It works well imo. Much more pedestrian friendly)
Outside the hated Farm idea was to narrow road down. Slow up traffic. This was resisted fiercely. I don't think it is going to happen now. Also remember discussed pedestrian crossing from Wyck Gardens to the Farm/ LJ Works. This caused a big long discussion. I remember as I turned up for planning forum and it was still going on. The LJ Road Madness/ LEMB arguing against pedestrian crossing.