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Loughborough Junction chitter-chatter

We had a very strange ranting letter through the door warning about that group, from LEMB.
I swear that Peter bloke is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. 🫣
The letter sent to every household was to try to deter people from joining Loughborough Voices What's App group. A group currently made up of over 85 tenants. Brought about to bring about positive changes on the Loughborough estate. He knows if enough people get together it could be the end of his 11 year reign of being Chair of the board. And that would spell disaster for him and the Housing Director. Please join us and encourage anyone you know who is fed up of living in squalor, paying for services they are not receiving and deterred from reporting anything at the office due to the rudeness of the staff there. Just to name a few of the issues!!!

The planning application for the Co living development is tomorrow.

There is a way to watch these online. I've forgotten how.

There will be speakers against the application.

Its Item three..

A few notes on the meeting.

Attended in person to speak against the application.

Its now limited to two minutes each and max three objectors.

Hard to hear what was said as the state of the art meeting room didn't appear to be working well

I think the opposition Cllr sent apologies.

Leaving the whole committee being Labour

The officer gave a long report on the scheme saying it should be accepted.

All three local Loughborough Junction Cllrs turned up to object.

There were three main issues brought up,

Transport classification is poor PTAL 3 in the planning jargon.

For a Co Living scheme it should be high. Officers went along with the developer in saying PTAL gave odd results sometimes and the adjacent areas had higher PTAL.

So a planning issue to oppose the scheme was dismissed by officers. This should not happen.

Residents are always told that to oppose an application then one must read up all the docs and find a genuine planning reason to oppose it.

However officers regard planning guidelines are flexible. In conjunction with a developer will decide that some planning guidelines can be treated as not that important in light of the whole scheme.

The developer had said in the docs that they thought the PTAL methodology was flawed. That Lambeth had introduced Active Travel policy. Walking and cycling. That the demographic that would use the Co living could walk more.

That's quite a troubling way a developer is using a green Lambeth policy. To get around need for good public transport links.

The methodology for PTAL is public transport links.

Second issue was that the Council had been working up separate planning guidelines for this site. Over two years. They are finished and off to external assessment.

So imo should carry planning weight. Officers claimed this was not the case and that as they had not been passed by the external assessment then committee should not take them into account.

The third thing was lack of affordable housing. Co Living requires no onsite affordable housing. The monetary replacement of that had been whittled down as I've already posted about. Using Viability assessments.

Strangely this is not something the developer went on about in their input to committee.

They managed to get one of their more youthful team to go on about how he had lived in co living and what a great product it was. Plus the got Pastor Lorraine from Dwaynamics to say how nice the developers were.

All in all what I expect from planning officers and committee.

At least Cllr Emma Nye was not impressed by all the great things the developer was saying and voted against. On basis that the gains ( section 106 ) didn't seem that good to her.

Most irritating was the Chair of the committee saying however strongly people felt the application had to be decided on policy.

And said Pastor Lorraine support of the scheme showed that the developers had done good job in getting in touch with the local community.

But imo policy was not followed. Yet again officers get to close to developers over long period when the had pre application meetings.

A major flaw in planning , from my experience , is that far from NIMBYS holding up plans local residents have much less input than the nimby argument makes.
Its definitely heading that way. Grrr.

What gives with the hero of Switzerland site? Are they land banking it? what a disgrace.

An issue with that site is the original planning permission is for one staircase.

Now post Grenfell its going to be difficult to sell flats with only one staircase.

So looks like developer might produce new plans

The present planning permission is valid

My understanding is that any new build that does not have extra staircases etc post Grenfell would mean that any buyers would have problems getting a mortgage.

So whilst when permission was granted and it was legitimate realistically developers are going to have to change plans and re apply with new applications
BTW there have been complaints that planning issues take to much time up at meetings.
I can imagine so. However just to ginger you up - I was returning from a mate's flat in Morval Road today using the direct route - down Barnwell Road to Railton Somerleyton etc.
The view Eastwards down Barnwell Road is now just as degraded as the view Eastwards down Coldharbour Lane from chateau CH1.
That bloody empty Peaboldy building has destroyed the heritage character of both roads.
Will they eventually decide that "London Vernacular" boxes are listable do you think?
On complaints about planning taking up to much time.

If the Loughborough Junction Master plan had been finished then less time would have been taken up on planning applications.

As a master plan would have guided development

I did attend the consultation events for the master plan. ( This was a few years ago)

Which were well attended. Council hired a consultant to run them.

The problems started with the officers interpretation of the results of the consultation. Specifically the Grove Adventure Playground site which they wanted to turn into a development opportunity site.

Council officers claimed there was support for this at the consultation. People like me who attended said that was not said

The argument about this went on at LJ Neighbourhood Forum meetings for months.

With one Cllr telling me there was no demand for an Adventure Playground in LJ.

To cut a long story short eventually Council relented and agreed the consultation process was flawed.

That's putting it politely. IMO what happens is senior officers decide what they want to do before consultation starts and then try to make the consultation findings fit there preferred option.

The upshot of this was that the officers refused to finish the Master plan for LJ.

All that time residents put in attending meetings was wasted.

So as new developments came up LJ had no master plan to guide development in line with community wishes.

Later LJNF tried to further protect the Grove Adventure Playground site when Local Plan guidelines were up for review.

Tried to get the land the Adventure Playground was on written into planning guidelines as for youth provision.

Senior officers resisted this. To extent that senior officer attended meeting by the external examiner to oppose our suggestion that this land be kept for youth provision.

The reason to try and get it classified in this way was to safeguard the land. And stop the Council selling it off in the future.

All old history but context for extra time spent by locals opposing later planning applications.

My recommendations would be that:

1. Council review how it does consultations.

2. Council owned land to not be regarded as development opportunities to be sold off.

3. Senior officers to be told to work cooperatively with local residents in the spirit of the Coop Council.

Second issue that comes up is the use of planning language.

I agree planning jargon can make discussions hard to follow.

This is not the fault of local residents. Its the language of the local authority. People are told that to comment on a planning application one must use the relevant planning policy.

This, I can understand, is off putting. And means meetings can get taken up with incomprehensible jargon

That is how the system works I'm afraid.

I've found that looking at a planning application online and its often loads of long documents. Written in planning jargon I find hard to clearly understand.


Council look to have planning officers write a plain English version of large planning applications for the general public.

Second issue around planning applications is that with large planning applications the planners have a long series of pre application meetings. This leads to officers becoming to close to developers.

At planning committee this means officers reports to recommend approving an application end up coming across as supporting developers.

Even when their are genuine planning grounds to oppose an application


Planning officers to be directed by Council to produce reports on planning applications that are not biased in developers favour.

Reports that in plain English go into the plus and minuses of a proposed development in even handed way. So that the Cllrs on committee have the information to decide on an application.
Does anyone know about the upcoming vote to boot out the current estate TMO? We had a letter from the council saying our 5-yearly opportunity to get rid of the TMO is coming up in January, but the council won't say when exactly. Obviously it's not in LEMB's interest to share that info. So how can residents freely and family vote in the absence of any info? We're about to sleepwalk into another 5 years with this awful TMO
Does anyone know about the upcoming vote to boot out the current estate TMO? We had a letter from the council saying our 5-yearly opportunity to get rid of the TMO is coming up in January, but the council won't say when exactly. Obviously it's not in LEMB's interest to share that info. So how can residents freely and family vote in the absence of any info? We're about to sleepwalk into another 5 years with this awful TMO
The last one was reported on 19/2/20 so reckon the next one has to be run imminently tho like you say can't see anything about it online
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Does anyone know about the upcoming vote to boot out the current estate TMO? We had a letter from the council saying our 5-yearly opportunity to get rid of the TMO is coming up in January, but the council won't say when exactly. Obviously it's not in LEMB's interest to share that info. So how can residents freely and family vote in the absence of any info? We're about to sleepwalk into another 5 years with this awful TMO
This was posted a little while back.

Post in thread 'Loughborough Junction chitter-chatter' Loughborough Junction chitter-chatter
It looks like the lease on the Green Man is up for offers - though as retail Type E which I think would prevent it from becoming a pub again
It looks like the lease on the Green Man is up for offers - though as retail Type E which I think would prevent it from becoming a pub again
That's a shame - it would make sense those hardy SuperCute brewery fans having a proper pub as a "brewery trap"
Or maybe they just like Industrial Chic?
Some wag (or historically concerned tankie) posted this picture of New Loughborough writ large in a Brutalist thread on Facebook - complete with dedicatory picture of Eric Honnecker.
If Starmer and Reeves genuinely want to solve the housing problem they will have to do something like this - with state funding.
Never mind all this pissing about creating privatised Banlieue over the green belt without any train service, hospitals or schools for the befit of property giants with company plates in Bermuda etc.
Halle East Germant 1975.jpg
Halle, East Germany,1975
Buses off this weekend between LJ and Camberwell. There is an article explaining on Brixton Blog Coldharbour Lane to close for huge delivery
This is the delivery of a super transformer for the underground power cable at Bengeworth Road.
This has not been picked up by the TFL website (no disruptions expected) -surprise surprise.
Bus stops in Coldharbour Lane have been annotated.
Seems likely that only the P4 will be operating in Coldharbour Lane from midnight Saturday to midnight Sunday.

Very similar article with a more dramatic picture here Supergrid transformers set for delivery to new substation in south London | London Daily News
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