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Lost my voice - interview for dream job tomorrow - help


toilet expert
Went to a club this weekend and when I got outside I couldn't speak. I don't remember shouting or anything, but clearly I must have been. Anyway, how I did it is not important now. What is, is that I can't speak. It's really bad.

I have an interview at 10am tomorrow, and it's a great job. I doubt there's much I can do for my voice except wait it out - most things I've read online say expect up to a week to get it back. So, yeah.

But is there anything I can/should do with the interview? Prepare cards? Bring a computer to type on? Email them to warn them in advance?

I know things like this can't be helped...but do you reckon it's likely to affect things much? First impressions an all that :(
Email them. They may reschedule but if not they'll appreciate the forewarning.

Eta: don't say you lost it on a mash up weekend :D
OK, so what do I say?

"By the way, my voice is fucked...just a heads up".

I don't want to reschedule if possible, as I have another job offer waiting and I don't want to keep them waiting. But if they offered I guess I'd take it. They've kept me waiting a long time already so they're clearly not desperate for a new bod. The application deadline was 16th January, then I did a technical test the week after and they've only just got back to me last week!
OK, so what do I say?

"By the way, my voice is fucked...just a heads up".

I don't want to reschedule if possible, as I have another job offer waiting and I don't want to keep them waiting. But if they offered I guess I'd take it. They've kept me waiting a long time already so they're clearly not desperate for a new bod. The application deadline was 16th January, then I did a technical test the week after and they've only just got back to me last week!
Hmm, maybe say 'just wanted to let you know I've lost my voice so I may be a bit croaky tomorrow. I'm still really keen to come along and I'll bring my laptop/notes just in case'. Proactive problem solving or something :hmm:
Hmm, maybe say 'just wanted to let you know I've lost my voice so I may be a bit croaky tomorrow. I'm still really keen to come along and I'll bring my laptop/notes just in case'. Proactive problem solving or something :hmm:
Good afternoon <Mr interview man>,

Thanks for the info.

I wanted to let you know that I have lost my voice so I might be a bit croaky tomorrow. I was hoping it would have cleared up by now but it doesn't seem to be improving yet. I'm still really keen to attend and I will bring my laptop/some notes in case you have trouble hearing me.

If there's anything else you think I could do to mitigate this annoyance, then I'd be happy to hear suggestions.

Kind regards,

This ok? I don't want it to sound like I'm mega sick, because I'm not. I feel fine except for a little irritation in my throat and the lack of voice.
This thread just prompted me to look up Marcel Marceau, who was a lot more interesting than I ever gave him credit for - so thanks for that, and best of luck with t'interview!

Good luck tomorrow Fez909 - although I admit I laughed when I saw the thread. :D

Hopefully you won't croak it during the interview and they'll take it in their stride. I've interviewed loads of people and haven't had this, but plenty of people coming to interview full of colds and snot (not appreciated). No big deal really as long as the candidate can demonstrate their experience. :)
Take a blackboard on wheels in with you, and scribble out your answers in chalk.

Or ask them if you can conduct the interview via text messages. That would also help demonstrate your typing agility and technical prowess. :cool:
I've just done a crash course in sign language, so i'm going to just reply with my hands and sue them for discrimination if they don't give me the job :thumbs:
Good luck Fez. Sounds like you're too far gone for hot ginger honey lemon to do much good but it's a nice drink anyway :)
Get yourself dosed up on turmeric milk.
Glass of warm milk with a couple of spoons of turmeric and a good glob of honey ...add some ground black pepper if you have any. Take it once now...once tonight and again in the morning.
If you can tolerate it, and it's actually nice...it works as an anti inflammatory and may help a lot.

Best of luck with the interview...:)
Been to boots and got some "Vocalzone"

It's peppermint oil, myrrh, and menthol. Feels well oldskool.

Have also found a few mentions of pineapple juice by alleged singers on various forums. Worth a try, though one of them says to try it hot :boke:
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