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London: the unlockening/relockening

Saw that ! The swimming bit was pretty rammed in the summer, wouldn't get in there myself , can't be the cleanest of water with all the stuff up-river :eek:
My friend's Colombian housemate used to hang out there a lot but think he was into less wholesome pursuits (dubious drugs and random sex mainly).
South London seems to be leading the way right now, as far as declining cases are concerned.

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Lambeth now has a lower rate than many rural regions of the UK.

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South London seems to be leading the way right now, as far as declining cases are concerned.

Hopefully they wont lead the way in a more worrisome regard:

A "significant" cluster of the South African Covid-19 variant has been found in two areas of south London where surge testing has been implemented.
Wandsworth and Lambeth will see additional testing after 44 confirmed and 30 probable cases were identified.
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) called it the "largest surge testing operation to date".
Do we know what was the outcome of the previous 'surge testing' efforts in S london (and elsewhere) - do we know to what extenet they helped to identify and/or contain things?

I havent seen much area-specific data. I certainly wouldnt expect such efforts to result in complete containment, since there is too much lag and nowhere near 100% surveillance for that result to be expected. And I might expect engagement with test systems to drop in the vaccination era, down from a level that wasnt all that impressive to start with.

Its still a useful exercise since it should give some sense of prevalence of new strains, but I think of it in terms of broad surveillance more than anything else. It may also have a useful psychological effect, but this too will be very incomplete.

The very limited amount of info in the public domain and the very limited nature of the media reporting on it means I cannot even answer simple questions such as whether the cases discovered more recently are descendants of the smaller clusters they discovered in these locations earlier in the year.
I've seen pics of Soho yesterday and already people going 'Selfish bastards, here comes the third wave' etc, but they looked liked they were perfectly well spread out outdoors in small groups and I didn't see anything especially irresponsible about this. I do tire of people seeing anyone doing anything other than staying at home starting to yell about 'Third wave!'
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I've seen pics of Soho yesterday and already people going 'Selfish bustards, here comes the third wave' etc, but they looked liked they were perfectly well spread out outdoors in small groups and I didn't see anything especially irresponsible about this. I do tire of people seeing anyone doing anything other than staying at home starting to yell about 'Third wave!'

I walked through Soho yesterday. It was perfectly safe.
I've seen pics of Soho yesterday and already people going 'Selfish bastards, here comes the third wave' etc, but they looked liked they were perfectly well spread out outdoors in small groups and I didn't see anything especially irresponsible about this. I do tire of people seeing anyone doing anything other than staying at home starting to yell about 'Third wave!'

Yeah, I completly agree. We get a bit of it here too but I think its a bit more understandable here because its a place people can vent or get out their frustrations in a way we wouldn't necessarily do in the real world.

I do get that some people are very scared and I do get how this situation is causing huge anxiety (I feel it myself when I'm out and about and I'm statistically fairly low risk) but there needs to be an understanding that we require a balance. So much has been sacrificed and lockdown has been so terrible for so many that hating on people just trying to gain a small bit of enjoyment within the rules seems a bit much.

I think there is something interesting going on here and its more than just the pandemic itself, its become a vector for other frustrations and anger about the world in general. There is probably an interesting thread in here somewhere but perhaps not at the moment.
For what it's worth I had my first run up today since before Xmas - trains to Manor Park , local buses - 3 seperate tube rides.

Impeccable spacing and mask wearing (yes we all hate them) , on public transport and pretty much people just glad to be released and out in this good weather. Tube busier than national rail , but evident that there is some real worker as in suit / business traffic around and though it is a long way to go , it feels like a bit of normality coming back. Central London away from retail areas , has some activity at last.

I could have had a drink when I got to home station - several pubs serving outside , but being a good bloke I had to go back and do the dinner preparatons !
I've learned from the last relaxations of regs that this is the time to do things, before the infection rate builds up. It won't be because of people going to pubs, but a whole load more people commuting and working, only a very small number of whom will have been vaccinated, yeah I can absolutely see it happening again.
Johnson will dance round 10 Downing Street going oops I did it again
It will be "you did it again". Just like the last time. If only people had properly followed the rules etc etc. No chance that the rules might have been the problem.

That narrative got very little traction last time. And even the government chose mostly to hide behind the new variant instead.
I've learned from the last relaxations of regs that this is the time to do things, before the infection rate builds up. It won't be because of people going to pubs, but a whole load more people commuting and working, only a very small number of whom will have been vaccinated, yeah I can absolutely see it happening again.

Funny enough, lots of people on here were moaning about the schools re-opening so early, and forecasting doom & gloom, with massive increases in cases, and what actually happened?

Despite a massive increase in testing, and the more you look, the more you find, cases have actually dropped by about 60% since the 8th March.

Despite some rabied backbench Tory MPs & rags like the Mail & Sun demanding the roadmap is speeded up, the [otherwise crap] government is sticking to it, the 5 week gap between restrictions being lifted seems reasonable to me, and as long as they stick with that & the data backs them up, I am happy enough.

Whilst vaccines will not totally solve this problem, they will help to bring it under control, and the bottom line is you can't keep people locked-up forever.
I've seen pics of Soho yesterday and already people going 'Selfish bastards, here comes the third wave' etc, but they looked liked they were perfectly well spread out outdoors in small groups and I didn't see anything especially irresponsible about this. I do tire of people seeing anyone doing anything other than staying at home starting to yell about 'Third wave!'
Was up there last night and it was very calm, orderly with social distancing etc. Covent garden was not even that busy, whilst Leicester Square had a large but not massive crowd. This was at 10pm too, prime crazy hour. It was all winding down nicely by the time I left at 10.45 or so.
I do actually feel the roadmap is mostly reasonable aside from Boris' Magic Day of Freedom on 21 June. Part of me thinks they're mostly proposing it as they think that once you allow anything beyond small outdoor parties and one other household over indoors it'll be a total free-for-all anyway?
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