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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

You state that they are illegal. That cannot be said short of on the basis of a Court decision. The use of containment tactics has been acknowledged by the courts as a lawful tactic, subject to certain guidance. The consistent failure of those who argue against it to acknowledge that fact undermines their position fatally. Containment is NOT illegal per se. Legal fact.

And whilst I would agree that there is scope for individual officers to make individual decisions to let people out in plainly exceptional circumstances, it is ridiculous to expect that anyone who asks nicely to leave should be allowed to do so as that would defeat the purpose of the containment.

i'm going to have to pick you up on this. Kettling has only been tested once through the courts - Mayday 2001. And although it was ruled containing people in oxford circus didn't breach article 5 human rights act - right to liberty, the judgement could only be specific to that incident.

And the judges bent over backwards to say the legal justification for kettling in this instance could apply only to the very unique and very specific things that happened on mayday 2001.

They were
- the demonstration was not 'official' (formally organised with and recognised by the police)
- literature beforehand promoted violence and encouraged disorder
- the reason it took so long to release people because the kettle wasn't preplanned therefore took time to organise dispersal

None of these apply to any of the student demos. In fact the opposite. The judgement made specific note on the fact if these things weren't in place on mayday 2001 then maybe, just maybe it would have been an unlawful detention.

So to conclude: kettling as a police tactic is only justified in law under very specific circumstances. Those circusmtances weren't met during the kettling of the 3 previous student protests.

I think you should blur his face.
- the reason it took so long to release people because the kettle wasn't preplanned therefore took time to organise dispersal

Well I hate to disapoint the judge, could the judge explian why there were 'police t.v. cameras' from the top of the buildings filming everyone with close up shots? They didn't just appear in a couple of hours. They were always there from the start. Also it tracked and followed an undercover personel going around taking pictures of everyone pretending to be a rebel. I still remember her rotton face on the other side talking to a senior copper. :mad:
Well I hate to disapoint the judge, could the judge explian why there were 'police t.v. cameras' from the top of the buildings filming everyone with close up shots? They didn't just appear in a couple of hours. They were always there from the start. Also it tracked and followed an undercover personel going around taking pictures of everyone pretending to be a rebel. I still remember her rotton face on the other side talking to a senior copper. :mad:

aye, we all know it was preplanned. But imagine a very senior police officer in front of high court judges explaining why it took over 8 hours to disperse the protest.

It was almost as if someone had given him a story to recite in court in order to justify the kettle :(
Bollocks. Facts are facts. This snooker ball was thrown. That officer hit that protestor with a baton. Perspective is irrelevent (unless you are pompous clown, obviously ...)

What the fuck are you chatting about, you lying prick. I have NEVER supported capital punishment. Never. Ever. Fucking liar. :mad:

Don't bother responding to any of my posts again, or attemtping to engage me in any way.

I don't waste my time with bare-faced liars.

1. Where's the snooker ball?

2. Perspective is absolutely relevant, was the baton strike offensive or defensive, proportionate or not.

3. My point wasn't that you supported capital punishment; go back,read it again and stop trying to avoid some uncomfortable 'facts' re. your pretended naivety.

Louis MacNeice
Yes, but you have to understand that d-b is a better class of person than we are. He's totally honest, and so are all his friends. Therefore his indirect experience represents plain fact, whereas the personal experience of the likes of you are the mutterings of a lying scumbag.


It helps no end, and I'm much obliged to you. I'm practicing some bare faced lies as it happens, and aim to be an altogether better class of dishonest scumbag in the future.
129 page post match analysis! I'm surprised Shearer and Hanson haven't been on yet.

Anyone remember what the demo was about, or was that of secondary importance?
yes I'm sure everyone has forgotten that it was a protest against the hike in tuiton fees, I mean, people really are that short sighted. You holier than thou tagnut.
It helps no end, and I'm much obliged to you. I'm practicing some bare faced lies as it happens, and aim to be an altogether better class of dishonest scumbag in the future.

Glad to have been of service. I myself have also been busy practicing bare-faced lies and total and utter fictions. I'm currently riffing on how a mounted copper fell off his horse because his tack slipped, and how that could only happen if he hadn't fastened it properly. A steamer of a brazen lie IMHO.

Oh, hold on....
Bollocks. Facts are facts. This snooker ball was thrown. That officer hit that protestor with a baton. Perspective is irrelevent (unless you are pompous clown, obviously ...)

What the fuck are you chatting about, you lying prick. I have NEVER supported capital punishment. Never. Ever. Fucking liar. :mad:

Don't bother responding to any of my posts again, or attemtping to engage me in any way.

I don't waste my time with bare-faced liars.

haha :D

the mask slips and the reality of the scarred mind's revealed :)
It was a pathetic dig.

As is this post.

You've been on another thread, all high and mighty about the intimidating nature of politics threads yet here you are bandying pathetic insults, totally unprovoked and totally content-free.
Some people can't resist.

WRT the Sparts, we can only hope that the state doesn't decide to treat the students the way the Weimar state treated the Spartakists
This young lady lost her snooker ball on a demo in France earlier this year and the police are helping her to find it I reckon.


My heart is quite warmed by the fact that at least two of those cops seem to be in the process of stopping the others, batons drawn, from beating her....the pic could be deceiving on so many levels though..
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