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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

That's the fucking point: they weren't fucking traumatised. It was an entirely trivial incident. It is no big thing.

Well, that answers one question I had. You may be a former police officer, but you've got little idea about memory or about trauma. :)

Why the fuck are you obsessing about these fucking snooker balls.

As I said pages ago:

It. Makes. No. Fucking. Difference.

I'm not obsessing about them, I'm replying to your somewhat frenzied posts about them. If they make no difference, then why the vehemence on your part?
Is it because bearing the shining Mag-Lite of Truth in this pit of iniquity is tiring your arm?
Based in confirmable fact, not in rumour.
So you are saying if something cannot be corroborated then it should not be acted upon?

And you are implying that anything told to you by an informant is to be treated as "rumour".

You are basically setting absolutely impracticable rules for the real world. You are demanding proof where proof cannot exist.

So you are obviously against any banning of potentially violent demonstrations.
No mention in anything I've ever seen attributed to him.

Likewise. And having read quite a lot he has written I would be extremely surprised if he had mentioned any such thing elsewhere.

Absolutely not.

He's a fucking spy. What the fuck would he know about police tactics relating to ordinary public order policing?


Not in the context of ordinary public order policing they don't. And that is what I have been careful to define what we are talking about from the start (though you have probably omitted to notice that ... )
Sorry, I thought we were talking about agents provocateurs being deployed at sites of possible public disorder, not about "ordinary public order policing".

Silly me.

So much for your "I have been careful to define what we are talking about".
YOU might dismiss homophobically offensive abuse, used deliberately as "name calling". I don't.

This I agree with. I've said it before. If DB was black, racist abuse wouldn't be tolerated. Even if his attempted defence of the disgraceful behaviour of the police is laughable.

Homophobic abuse shouldn't be tolerated on here. Just as pulling disabled people out of wheelchairs or threats to ban demonstrations shouldn't be defended.

As far as the latter is concerned. Go ahead. Ban demonstrations. I guarantee this will be responded to with the most violent demonstration you have ever seen. Bring it on.
Well, that answers one question I had. You may be a former police officer, but you've got little idea about memory or about trauma.
Now what the fuck are you wittering on about? I am saying that getting hit on the head by a fucking snooker ball when you are wearing a NATO helmet is NOT a traumatising incident. And so there is no reason why recollection of the incident should be marred in any way. Are you saying that it is? :confused:

I'm not obsessing about them, I'm replying to your somewhat frenzied posts about them.
You SO fucking are. I couldn't give a fucking toss whether there were any snooker balls thrown or not. ALL I did was comment when editor asked if anyone had seen any evidence of them that I had seen a photo with what appeared to be a pink one in it. You, butchersapron and the rest are obsessing ... :rolleyes:
Now what the fuck are you wittering on about? I am saying that getting hit on the head by a fucking snooker ball when you are wearing a NATO helmet is NOT a traumatising incident. And so there is no reason why recollection of the incident should be marred in any way. Are you saying that it is? :confused:

You SO fucking are. I couldn't give a fucking toss whether there were any snooker balls thrown or not. ALL I did was comment when editor asked if anyone had seen any evidence of them that I had seen a photo with what appeared to be a pink one in it. You, butchersapron and the rest are obsessing ... :rolleyes:

What snooker balls. Especially what pink one.
So you are saying if something cannot be corroborated then it should not be acted upon?
No, I'm saying that the balance of probabilities should be in your favour.
And you are implying that anything told to you by an informant is to be treated as "rumour".
No, I'm not.
I'm stating that rumour is rumour unless it's supportable. In the case of your informant, if he/she regularly gives you good information, then the balance of probabilities weighs in your favour. If a bloke down the pub tells you, or a cabbie passes on something he heard in the back of his cab, then they don't. It depends on your informant.
You are basically setting absolutely impracticable rules for the real world. You are demanding proof where proof cannot exist.
If proof cannot exist, then why would the police involve themselves? Wouldn't that ipso facto mean that any action they took was purely speculative?
So you are obviously against any banning of potentially violent demonstrations.
I've said this many times before to you, but it obviously isn't getting through, so I'll repeat my request:

Please don't put words in my mouth.

I'm against banning any potentially violent demonstrations where the potential isn't supported by decent intelligence. Partly because of the potential for political abuse of any possibilities for banning, and partly because I don't trust the upper echelons of any police service to not act politically in such a situation. Decent intelligence that establishes a threat as within the balance of probabilities - fine. Without that - they can fuck off.
Parliament would have been ransacked. As would the Treasury and other State buildings. Maybe even burned down. Hundreds of thousands, maybe many millions of pounds worth of danage would have been caused.


More shops, especially those belonging to identifiable "enemies of the people" would have been looted.

Emmeline Pankhurst said:
There is something that Governments care for far more than human life, and that is the security of property, and so it is through property that we shall strike the enemy. Be militant each in your own way. I incite this meeting to rebellion.

People are angry; get used to it, because this is just the beginning. It's not ordinary people who have started this, but I'd like to think we'll finish it.

You're part of the problem, not the solution.
YOU might dismiss homophobically offensive abuse...
Surely something that is "homophobically offensive" is something offensive to homophobes?
...used deliberately as "name calling". I don't.
One poster called you a "drama queen" by way of highlighting your flair for on-thread melodrama, another poster ran with that.
Another poster accused you of having thrown a hissy fit.
Now, I can't pretend that "some of my best friends are homosexuals", but from those gay men (and lesbians for that matter) that I do know, none of them, when questioned after your original tizzy, thought that such phrases were homophobic, or even more than mildly abusive. perhaps they're insensitive, though.
And complaints about obsessive stalking and thread-to-thread off topic trolling are not complaints about "name calling" either.
I have NEVER done any of the things I complain of others doing. And you will never find any evidence of me doing otherwise.
Of course I won't. :)
This I agree with. I've said it before. If DB was black, racist abuse wouldn't be tolerated.

If "hissy fit" and "drama queen" are homophobia-motivated abuse, then he was abused.
If, on the other had, they're everyday terms that, when applied to people regardless of their sexual preferences, mean "fit of temper" and "melodramatic twit" respectively, then he wasn't abused.

I know which horse I'd bet on, but then I'm apparently one of this collective of obsessive stalkers who are constantly trying to do d-b down, so I would, wouldn't I?
No snooker ball?

Anyway, I spotted this banner on a report of a greek demo from a couple of days ago. That was nice of them wasn't it.

You have absolutely no idea whether snooker balls were thrown or not as (despite your plain delusion that you are fucking God Almighty) you are not omnipresent. And yet you feel able to dismiss out of hand the accounts of people who were. (including a friend of mine who was hit on the helmet by one ... strangely enough he didn't then spend twenty minutes looking for it and securing it as "evidence" to convince pricks like you (who, to be honest, wouldn't believe it even it you were struck hard around the head by one in a sock).

How fucking arrogant can you get?

You really are a strange little man.

You present an argument, based on indirect experience of a situation, that you imply is factual, yet when others present an argument, based on first hand personal experience, you dismiss it out of hand.

I would go and find some ball-breaking evidence to support my assertions, but to be fair, I'm not going to spend twenty minutes looking for it and securing it as "evidence" to convince pricks like you (who, to be honest, wouldn't believe it even it you were struck hard around the head by one in a sock)..
You really are a strange little man.

You present an argument, based on indirect experience of a situation, that you imply is factual, yet when others present an argument, based on first hand personal experience, you dismiss it out of hand.

I would go and find some ball-breaking evidence to support my assertions, but to be fair, I'm not going to spend twenty minutes looking for it and securing it as "evidence" to convince pricks like you (who, to be honest, wouldn't believe it even it you were struck hard around the head by one in a sock)..

That's the fucking point: they weren't fucking traumatised. It was an entirely trivial incident. It is no big thing. Why the fuck are you obsessing about these fucking snooker balls.

False memory doesn't rely on someone being traumatised, although shock, which would be perfectly understandable if, for instance, someone had been knocked out, can also cause false memory. As ViolentPanda says, the memory is a tricky thing.
You really are a strange little man.

You present an argument, based on indirect experience of a situation, that you imply is factual, yet when others present an argument, based on first hand personal experience, you dismiss it out of hand.

Yes, but you have to understand that d-b is a better class of person than we are. He's totally honest, and so are all his friends. Therefore his indirect experience represents plain fact, whereas the personal experience of the likes of you are the mutterings of a lying scumbag.

of course there weren't any snooker balls. what kind of idiot would either go out and buy a set of snooker balls, or nick them from their local club? :D it's not even a little bit credible. now pool balls are easy, you just go and nick them from your local pub for a quid.
Why's it been "embargoed"?

So every media ewstablishment thinks/knowsthey are being treated equally. They'll all have got the piece on the saturday, and given the opportunity to write it up neatly before any deadlines. If there were no embargo tho, someone would be claiming to have got it first, and to have a scoop, and so they'd piss all the other papers off, which wouldn't please the Met as they want all the journo's to think they're equal.
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