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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

crushing people is unlawful, though.

(sorry, i would have thought, i'm sure it can be "justified" in copper land)
If the crush was as bad as the doctor reports then it would not be something that I would expect to be upheld as lawful in Court. But the footage which has previously b een shown does not show that to be the case (though obviously things may have differed in other parts of the containment). Containment as a tactic must be fairly tight to be effective (otherwise people within it ramage around and gain momentum to attack and break through the lines containing them).
you are a drama queen though. (seriously, read that post from someone who's just joined the coversation, and only read this last page, you're banging on about the phrase drama queen, in the most dramatically queenly way possible. I picture you throwing your hands in the air, whilst typing it out)

you great big drama queen.

I'm allowed to say it, cos i'm also a big cock sucking homo :cool:

oooooh the drama :D
no, no you're not. You've obviously not read the point in DB's post where he makes it clear that the poster calling him a drama queen is himself gay, and therefore is knowingly using it as a term of homophobic abuse.

so apparently as a gay person you using it is evidence of homophobic intent, and you therefore must also be a raging homophobic cock sucking homo.

the mans logic as always is impeccable, and I for one say that it is an outrage that the mods on this site haven't acted on his complaints by banning all homosexual posters using the term drama queen for being homophobic, while allowing straight posters to use the term drama queen as often as they like.
I did not abuse you. I told you to fuck off because you were being completely out of order and ruining an important thread with your bile.
Fair enough. You will notice that that was within the context of a substantive post though.

Unlike this:

So I look forward to you isuing a similar warning to the grass ...
Don't try and drag me into your pathetic squabbles.

I've asked all posters to stop the abusive personal stuff.

You can either ignore that warning and carry on and get banned, or go back to arguing the topic instead of throwing around infantile potty mouthed abuse. It's really up to you now.
'Fuck off' is not abuse.

It is an instruction.
Fuck off then ...

(Note to editor: this is NOT a challenge to your authority - it is simply testing the theory proposed by littlebabyjesus ... is this abuse (in which case I will not use it again and I will expect littlebabyjesus not to either) ir is it not (in which case I expect to be allowed to use it just as they are) ...)
That's because you haven't explained what fucking happened accurately. I would guarantee that they would consider it homophobically offensive if you actually bothered to tell them the truth: that (a) the phrase "drama queen" was used in a hostile manner by someone who knew me to be gay in the first instance;
(b) my response was to politely explain that I found that use of the phrase by that person to be offensive and to please not do so again"; and (c) they, intead of desisting, repeatedly used the same phrase, in the same context and clearly deliberatly intending to aim at my sexual orientation and, when called again and again, resorted to using other ambiguous phrases such as "You're batty".
On the Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death thread, we have longdog (a notorious Urbanite homosexual) calling you "she", and being accused of making a "homophobically offensive" post (because, obviously, he's not remarking on your flair for melodrama, he's actually a homosexual homophobe) by you. I mention all this on the above thread, too, but you choose to believe that your interpretation is the only valid one. :)
Why don't you fucking try it instead of pontificating and belittling my experience as the victim of homophobically offensive abuse, allowed to go unchallenged by the fucking mods? :mad: :mad:
The mods let it go unchallenged, did they?
Want to post up a link to the thread substantiating your claim?
I ask, because I believe what you actually mean is that the mods didn't react in the way you wanted them to.
As for your victimhood, tough fucking luck. I've been a "victim" of anti-Semites all my life, including from a few halfwits on this board. I'm not crying about it. Rather than rant at them I use reasoned argument.
As always, it's be fucking illuminating for you if you replaced all the sexual orientation references with race or colour references and then tried to argue that what is happening isn't racially offensive ...
Except that the two situations aren't analogous. You're gay. Your sexuality isn't manifest in your skin colour, the type of hair you have, or what your nose looks like. You only manifest your sexuality externally as you wish to. People of other "races" don't have that opportunity. Even some "white" people with distinctive ethnic characteristics don't.

So, you're not so much illuminated, as blind.

No. You fucking won't. Not put up or shut the fuck up.

Prick. :mad:

Please don't order me around, there's a good Tourette's sufferer.

Or, as you'd put it.

Shut up, you pontificating fucking ignorant cunt. :)
Don't try and drag me into your pathetic squabbles.

I've asked all posters to stop the abusive personal stuff.

You can either ignore that warning and carry on and get banned, or go back to arguing the topic instead of throwing around infantile potty mouthed abuse. It's really up to you now.

My apologies for posting up my reply after you'd posted this warning. Didn't see it until I'd already posted.
Yeah ... course it was ... cos, er, loads died just like at, er, Hillsborough ...

Oh well, if you're a doctor they should have immediately lifted the whole fucking containment ... :rolleyes:

have you actually seen the footage of the incident in question?

one line of police across one end of westminster bridge while another line of police sweep all the protestors across the bridge towards the other line, and keep pushing them inwards even when there is no space left for them to move into, at which point they send in the horses.

IMO the various videos of this incident combine to create a clear set of evidence that the police at this point failed in their duty of care towards the protesters within the kettle. The use of horses in particular could easily have been enough to have set off a stampede situation in which hundreds of people would have been at risk of serious injury or death.

areal footage of the bridge showing the police lines moving in on each other

footage from in front of one of the police lines as the protesters are forced in backwards into a crush situation despite protesting that there is nowhere for them to go, no room, asking where they want them to go etc. at which point the police horses are seen to force their way into the crowd with mild panic ensuing. (horses move in at around 5.20 on the clip)

Do you not agree that this is clear evidence of the police wrecklessly endangering the lives of protesters that they owed a duty of care to? If not, please justify your position.
Except that the two situations aren't analogous. You're gay. Your sexuality isn't manifest in your skin colour, the type of hair you have, or what your nose looks like. You only manifest your sexuality externally as you wish to.
So there is a hierarchy of hate is there?

So I have less rights to protection from hatred on the basis of my sexual orientation than you have to protection from hatred on the basis of your religion (you could, after all, choose to bother some other God anyway, couldn't you ...) or race ...

This is an entirely discredited argument and those who deploy it are now generally considered homophobes.

So goodbye. Do not expect to engage with me until you accept that you are wrong and you apologise.

have you actually seen the footage of the incident in question?
Yes. I have commented on it specifically. The footage shows that the containment was tight but nowhere near as tight as suggested by the hysterical comments of the "Aberdeen doctor". And the use of horses was controlled and the fact that the crowd were moved back in response demonstrates that there was somewhere for them to move back to. As I have said, containment as a tactic only works if it is pretty tight.

Do you not agree that this is clear evidence of the police wrecklessly endangering the lives of protesters that they owed a duty of care to? If not, please justify your position.
No. I have commented that the containment was for a longer period than I would have expected to be justifiable and that I personally consider it unwise to have it on a bridge over the Thames. But no-one was hurt by the action and thus there is no prima facie evidence that any duty of care has been breached, let alone "clear evidence" of that.

If anyone thinks it was they are entitled to take action in the Courts and, having heard all the evidence (including why the containment was used and what was believed may happen if it was not used) and not just the bits whcih happen to be in the public domain, they will decide if it was justified or not.
If anyone thinks it was they are entitled to take action in the Courts and, having heard all the evidence (including why the containment was used and what was believed may happen if it was not used) and not just the bits whcih happen to be in the public domain, they will decide if it was justified or not.

equally if and when a copper arrests someone for assault pc in execution of his duty while breaking out of a kettle we will get access to all the juicy top table operational orders and decisions about kettling in order to justify the pc belief he was acting in the execution of his duty.

But of course this, i can guarentee, will never happen
So there is a hierarchy of hate is there?
Where have I either stated or implied that?
I merely said that your analogy isn't sound because while your differentiator can be hidden, those of people with visible differentiators can't hide theirs.
So I have less...
It's "fewer".
...rights to protection from hatred on the basis of my sexual orientation than you have to protection from hatred on the basis of your religion (you could, after all, choose to bother some other God anyway, couldn't you ...) or race ...
Actually, Jewishness doesn't proceed from the practice of Judaism, and we're not a race, we're a culture.
Anyway, I haven't said you have fewer rights, as we both know. Even undertaking your usual practice of selective quotation, it's impossible to draw such an inference from my post.
In fact I challenge any poster on this thread to do so, and welcome any analyses.
This is an entirely discredited argument and those who deploy it are now generally considered homophobes.

So goodbye. Do not expect to engage with me until you accept that you are wrong and you apologise.


How thoroughly typical of your behaviour that you spout an accusation and run away. I'd post an eye-rolling smiley, but you're not worth one.
equally if and when a copper arrests someone for assault pc in execution of his duty while breaking out of a kettle we will get access to all the juicy top table operational orders and decisions about kettling in order to justify the pc belief he was acting in the execution of his duty.

But of course this, i can guarentee, will never happen
You can't, because it's complete bullshit. People have been arrested, tried and convicted for assault PC when breaking out of kettles. Please stop lying.
This thread isn't about you, copper.

He's not a copper, he's a former copper attempting to present an alternative view.
Unfortunately, it's generally a view riddled with apologia and excuses.

From a quasi-academc POV, it's going to be interesting to see, over the coming months, how the various narratives on the protests consolidate, and how many gaps are filled with post-event misinformation from both sides of the argument (one of the reasons I'm storing as much of the coverage as possible, as it is produced/has been produced).
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