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Locked out of Twitter - Arkose test not working

paul russell999

Well-Known Member
Hi there. I've just been locked out of Twitter because of "unusual activity" - need to check it's you, etc. etc. This happened once before post Musk - I did a quick Arkose test, and straight back in. This time the Arkose test is five questions - rotate the animal until it's the same direction as the hand. Five examples. I've done it over and over, and every time it tells me it's "not quite right". Although the answers definitely are right! Bit stuck! I'm using Firefox....
Hi there. I've just been locked out of Twitter because of "unusual activity" - need to check it's you, etc. etc. This happened once before post Musk - I did a quick Arkose test, and straight back in. This time the Arkose test is five questions - rotate the animal until it's the same direction as the hand. Five examples. I've done it over and over, and every time it tells me it's "not quite right". Although the answers definitely are right! Bit stuck! I'm using Firefox....
I got randomly booted a while ago but it seemed to right itself after a few hours.

There's no point trying to look for reason with the fucking app.
What’s an Arkose test? I know Uluru is composed of Arkose, but not being a geologist I’d be hard pressed to answer any other Arkose general knowledge!
Never heard that word "Arkose" before either but it must mean those "prove your a human" tests that websites do sometimes.
What’s an Arkose test? I know Uluru is composed of Arkose, but not being a geologist I’d be hard pressed to answer any other Arkose general knowledge!
Here you go (from wiki):

Uluru is dominantly composed of coarse-grained arkose (a type of sandstone characterised by an abundance of feldspar) and some conglomerate.[45][50] Average composition is 50% feldspar, 25–35% quartz and up to 25% rock fragments; most feldspar is K-feldspar with only minor plagioclase as subrounded grains and highly altered inclusions within K-feldspar.[45] The grains are typically 2–4 millimetres (0.079–0.157 in) in diameter, and are angular to subangular; the finer sandstone is well sorted, with sorting decreasing with increasing grain size.[45] The rock fragments include subrounded basalt, invariably replaced to various degrees by chlorite and epidote.[45] The minerals present suggest derivation from a predominantly granite source, similar to the Musgrave Block exposed to the south.[49] When relatively fresh, the rock has a grey colour, but weathering of iron-bearing minerals by the process of oxidation gives the outer surface layer of rock a red-brown rusty colour.[45] Features related to deposition of the sediment include cross-bedding and ripples, analysis of which indicated deposition from broad shallow high energy fluvial channels and sheet flooding, typical of alluvial fans.

Takes me back to trying to get my head round the feldspar solid solution series.

feldspar solid solution phase diagram

Labradorite is a very pretty feldspar though.
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