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Licking your finger to help you distribute paper

I did this two weeks ago in the shop, I was browsing ((but not intending on paying for anything) the newspaper rack. When its all gone digital I'll miss that. Sonal moaned at me from behind the desk but didn't kick me out. Force of habit, I must have the driest fingertips known to man.
Finger-licking has always been disgusting ...

I used a sponge for stamps and the rubber finger thing for counting money ... and hand collating copies of multi-page documents in a previous life. I think I'm going to delve into my stationery stocks on a search for said objects.

Would be useful - disposable gloves don't help with paper fanning for the printer...
and wearing a mask is a great preventative against wanting to lick something (at least stamps and envelopes now come as self-adhesive versions these days)
Those people (men) who spit on their hand before offering you a handshake. What's that all about? Definition of a cunt, that's what.
It what weirdos do (or did, I haven't seen it done for ages) instead of slashing their palms and mixing the blood. My mum's boyfriend used to do it. He was a rough as guts ex soldier from Glasgow.
I have been resolved on my weekly supermarket trips not to touch my face and to wash my hands as soon as I get home.

Except that all goes to pot in the store trying to get the plastic veg bags open. There is simply no way with dry fingers to release the open end. After standing there like a ninny for what seems like hours rubbing my fingers at the supposedly open end of the bag I give up and lick my fingers and hey presto immediately I can open the flipping bag. But bang goes any pretence at sterility!
I did this two weeks ago in the shop, I was browsing ((but not intending on paying for anything) the newspaper rack. When its all gone digital I'll miss that. Sonal moaned at me from behind the desk but didn't kick me out. Force of habit, I must have the driest fingertips known to man.
You need some of these! (In pseudonarcissus's post.)
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why do they come in packs of 12, not 10?
I can't help reading that as Frubber inger tips :D

They would also be good for making stop motion Dalek animations :cool:
I have been resolved on my weekly supermarket trips not to touch my face and to wash my hands as soon as I get home.

Except that all goes to pot in the store trying to get the plastic veg bags open. There is simply no way with dry fingers to release the open end. After standing there like a ninny for what seems like hours rubbing my fingers at the supposedly open end of the bag I give up and lick my fingers and hey presto immediately I can open the flipping bag. But bang goes any pretence at sterility!
That's alright, isn't it? As long as you're not putting them back! :eek:
Just remembered mum used to do checking pools coupons on a piece rate when we were kids, bloke would drop a big bundle round. She used those fingertips for that.
Except that all goes to pot in the store trying to get the plastic veg bags open. There is simply no way with dry fingers to release the open end. After standing there like a ninny for what seems like hours rubbing my fingers at the supposedly open end of the bag I give up and lick my fingers and hey presto immediately I can open the flipping bag. But bang goes any pretence at sterility!

I like to rub my Johnson before going round the supermarket. I always make sure I take some stuff off the shelves and put it back again.
Special edition for inbred people with 6 fingers on each hand. :eek:
Inbreeding, which is when a pair that is genetically related mates with each other, does increase the likelihood of genetic diseases, but most especially those that are recessive.

Recessive alleles mean that it takes two parents that are carriers (but not affected) of the same gene to produce an offspring with a 25% chance of being affected and 50% chance of being a carrier.

As polydactyly is usually caused by a random mutation, only one of the parents would be affected and so inbreeding does not increase the likelihood of a child developing polydactyly.

If both parents were polydactyls, then the likelihood of the child being affected is 75% but this is not increased by inbreeding.
Might having extra fingers not be very useful at times? Playing musical instruments? Typing? Trying to persuade reluctant water heaters to work?

And for those of us who only ever do any arithmetic by counting on fingers.
Yeah, I do it. Not on handouts because I don’t hand paper out, but on newspapers and occasionally books. But they’re mine so you lot can fuck off!
I was thinking again about the cashier at the bank. I wonder how many of those €50 notes she was licking had been rolled up and shoved up someone's nose for a cheeky line, and where else they might have been.
Anyone remember licking the green shield stamps?
What I would have done for one of these.

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Oh god Green Shield stamps - once my parents left me unattended for a few minutes while they were putting the shopping away in the kitchen, they returned to the sitting room to discover that I had found the Green Shield stamps and stuck them all over the walls, furniture, and TV :oops:
Oh god Green Shield stamps - once my parents left me unattended for a few minutes while they were putting the shopping away in the kitchen, they returned to the sitting room to discover that I had found the Green Shield stamps and stuck them all over the walls, furniture, and TV :oops:
Did they kill you?
Did you do this in the before times? Will you continue?

This already gave me the horrors before the pandemic. Why would anyone think it's ok to give a handout with your gob all over it? :eek: (Gazillions of people do, I just don't get it, even though it can be tricky to separate sheets of paper.)

Last time I can clearly remember it happening was just before we started hearing about the weird 'flu' out of Wuhan. My uni module leader had particular trouble with a worksheet she was giving out and did a repeat finger lick. I actually yelped :oops:

If you used to do it, but won't in future, what will you do instead? What other unsanitary habits might you have to rethink? I have to work out how not to rub my eyes all the bloody time :rolleyes:
Is there a setting I can change to make the frequency of my quadruple-becoming-double posts less likely? It's really getting annoying now. :(
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