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What kind of libertarian?

That's the thing. I love Doug Stanhope and cynicism in general, but generally if someone says they are libertarian I'm like 'fuck them'. People also say South Park is libertarian and I love that as well

I just don't understand, is it just a word for anarchist that is more acceptable?
One of the biggest political parties in America is called the Libertarian Party, is it not that they are referring to?
That's the thing. I love Doug Stanhope and cynicism in general, but generally if someone says they are libertarian I'm like 'fuck them'. People also say South Park is libertarian and I love that as well

I just don't understand, is it just a word for anarchist that is more acceptable?

some confusion with trans atlantic political definitions here. Anarchists would describe themselves as libertarian socialists (i think) whereas a US libertarian views socialism the way you and me view peadophilia.
That's the thing. I love Doug Stanhope and cynicism in general, but generally if someone says they are libertarian I'm like 'fuck them'. People also say South Park is libertarian and I love that as well

I just don't understand, is it just a word for anarchist that is more acceptable?

Randism is libertarian too. I think that maybe some people associate libertarianism with a bent for individual "fuck you jack, I'm all right" politics and some libertarian politics and the people that subscribe to it reflect that e.g. the Tea Party.
The term is a synonym for Anarchism except in the US where they've hi-jacked the term recently to refer to right wing loonery.The root word is libertaire and was coined in 1857 by Dejacque.Even in the US in the fifties there were groups who were actually libertarian as opposed to the hi-jacked "Libertarian" wing nuts.
I thought they were in the main, either anti social Anarcho Capitlists, Fronteersman fantasists or selfish idiots. Maybe a comination there of.
The term is a synonym for Anarchism except in the US where they've hi-jacked the term recently to refer to right wing loonery.The root word is libertaire and was coined in 1857 by Dejacque.Even in the US in the fifties there were groups who were actually libertarian as opposed to the hi-jacked "Libertarian" wing nuts.

Didn't Murray Rothbard gloat quite openly about hijacking the term from what most Europeans would recognize as anarchist groups? Could swear I read something to that effect not long ago.
It seems to be gaining a fair bit of traction into mainstream Republican politics these days. Romney's VP pick Paul Ryan is probably the highest profile guy who seems to buy into the libertarian approach when it comes to economic matters. Or I suppose the Hayekian approach might be a bit more accurate.

There's very few Republicans these days that don't at least pay some lip service to libertarian economic philosophy. Most fall well short of actually trying to implement it though.

In fairness to the libertarian party they at least try to be consistent and were virtually the only republicans criticizing the Bush wars. They saw them as wasteful government spending with no clear benefit to the taxpayers who funded them.
Can someone explain it?

My opinion is that America is primarily responsible for the production of Libertardianism because only there do you have such an ignorance of history, and such a disconnection from identity and the concept of society itself, that to them it probably actually does make some sort of sense. I mean, Native Americans and the people dragged there against their will aside, Americas founding principal was all about rugged anti-social types kicked out of Europe for being too religiously nutty and extreme heading off to the frontier where they would be left alone to shag their cousins in peace, without interference from a distant an alien government based in a capital almost invariably half-a-continent or more away. Over the years of course the 'American Spirit' has evolved from anti-social bible-thumping maverick into the consolidation-phase self-absorbed twat who essentially hates humanity.

Libertarians are big fans of the gold-standard, this is because they can't stand the idea that as the African word 'Ubuntu' describes, we are what we are because of other people. Most people realize that 'value' comes from human beings, Libertarians hate this idea, they want 'value' to come from dead lumps of shinny shinny yellow metal. To your average Libertwatertard things like Healthcare, Social Welfare, Education, Industrial Safetery Standards and Labour Rights... all are Stalinistic Tyranny. This is because the pseudo-autism of the Libertard knows no bounds. I could rant and rave long into the night but I think I'll stop here.
My opinion is that America is primarily responsible for the production of Libertardianism because only there do you have such an ignorance of history, and such a disconnection from identity and the concept of society itself, that to them it probably actually does make some sort of sense. I mean, Native Americans and the people dragged there against their will aside, Americas founding principal was all about rugged anti-social types kicked out of Europe for being too religiously nutty and extreme heading off to the frontier where they would be left alone to shag their cousins in peace, without interference from a distant an alien government based in a capital almost invariably half-a-continent or more away. Over the years of course the 'American Spirit' has evolved from anti-social bible-thumping maverick into the consolidation-phase self-absorbed twat who essentially hates humanity.

Libertarians are big fans of the gold-standard, this is because they can't stand the idea that as the African word 'Ubuntu' describes, we are what we are because of other people. Most people realize that 'value' comes from human beings, Libertarians hate this idea, they want 'value' to come from dead lumps of shinny shinny yellow metal. To your average Libertwatertard things like Healthcare, Social Welfare, Education, Industrial Safetery Standards and Labour Rights... all are Stalinistic Tyranny. This is because the pseudo-autism of the Libertard knows no bounds. I could rant and rave long into the night but I think I'll stop here.

The first paragraph is nutty as squirrel shit. Verging on bigotry.

Agree with the second one though (not sure I'd use the term "pseudo-autism" mind).
I've lately come to believe that Libertarianism is kind of like a new Back-to-Nature movement. If we all just throw off our clothes and roam naked under the stars then a kind of economically optimal utopia will emerge, and usher in the dawn of New Libertarian Man.

Nature (the unbridled market) left to it's own devices, will provide for all (Left-Libertarianism) except the Unworthy, who shall be trampled underfoot, but that's ok because the Strong should not be burdened by the Unfit (Right-Libertarianism).
That in his hand? thats his new brand of beer thats going for a tenner fourpack

its called 'Believe' and is a citrus fruit beer. Yes he really is that much of a wanker
A libertarian is someone who thinks the State shouldn't be doing something that you think it should. :)

It might also help if you think of Libertarians as minarchists - that the government should only do what is absolutely necessary.
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