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Let's go foraging

I went out earlier got 3 good sized containers in an hour. Been limiting myself to once a week but no-one else seems to go to the same spot.

Seen some sloes by the canal I need to stop and pick before someone else grabs them. Much more foot/cycle traffic there.
Haha, I've become addicted to brambling :D Cannot stop meself - there's so fucking many!

I keep squeezing the sloes I walk past but they’re still not quite ready here.
Yeh, sloes round our way are purpling up, but they're nowhere near ready to pick yet.

Tell you what though, the bloody elderberries are ripening already! Everything has come through so much faster this year! I'm bloody overwhelmed :D

Sloes aren’t really ready til the frost gets them.
Or alternatively you can pick them before that and bung them in the freezer. You end up with the same effect.
Haha, I've become addicted to brambling :D Cannot stop meself - there's so fucking many!

Yeh, sloes round our way are purpling up, but they're nowhere near ready to pick yet.

Tell you what though, the bloody elderberries are ripening already! Everything has come through so much faster this year! I'm bloody overwhelmed :D

Or alternatively you can pick them before that and bung them in the freezer. You end up with the same effect.

It has come dead early, that’s for sure! And suddenly..

Sloes: the trick of putting them in the freezer is good, but they still need to be ripe for that to work. And in my experience they are amongst the last to ripen off, so closer to when the frosts are likely. That’s what I meant and said it very badly.
It has come dead early, that’s for sure! And suddenly..

Sloes: the trick of putting them in the freezer is good, but they still need to be ripe for that to work. And in my experience they are amongst the last to ripen off, so closer to when the frosts are likely. That’s what I meant and said it very badly.
Yeh still need to be ripe, but you could wait til fucking christmas for a frost eh?! :D And that's no good to me if I want sloe gin for crimbo :D
Nobody seems to pick blackberries anymore. Not where I live anyway, they're just falling off the bushes. Many years ago me and the other local kids would sell them door to door by the pint.
Granny B (father's mum) was a great forager. Their house backed onto a vast expanse of fields, and she used to pick sloes, blackberries, wild strawberries, wild rose-hips (and petals), elderberries (and elderflowers in the summer), crab-apples, sweet chestnuts from the wood just a little further down the road, and they had their own walnut tree.

She used to make sloe gin (though she never drank it herself) and lots and lots of jellies (I remember crab-apple & rose-hip, elderberry, raspberry & rose (she made raspberry & rose lemonade too. The Fentiman's rose lemonade is the closest I've ever come (it really isn't bad)), and she made lemon and elderflower cordial in the summer. She was the best cook I've ever known. Xmas dinners were legendary (we had goose because she got it cheap because she knew the local butcher).
Walking Lily this morning came across an amazing crop of mushrooms.


Would have picked some except the wife is on holiday this week; it would have ended up in a row about me picking/cooking/eating POISONOUS mushrooms, so I decided it was easier to leave them in situ.

I openly wept as I walked back to the car...
Walking Lily this morning came across an amazing crop of mushrooms.

View attachment 181719

Would have picked some except the wife is on holiday this week; it would have ended up in a row about me picking/cooking/eating POISONOUS mushrooms, so I decided it was easier to leave them in situ.

I openly wept as I walked back to the car...
Looking like a parasol, but I'd want to double check everything
They grow in the same place every year and I've picked/cooked them from the same spot before.

The slightly older mushrooms look textbook Agaricus Aaugustus but this one was only a few hours old.
Lily is NOT "googley eyed" :mad:
Sorry to besmirch the looks of Lily. However should you ever want to get into breeding I have just the mutt for her...

Walking Lily this morning came across an amazing crop of mushrooms.

View attachment 181719

Would have picked some except the wife is on holiday this week; it would have ended up in a row about me picking/cooking/eating POISONOUS mushrooms, so I decided it was easier to leave them in situ.

I openly wept as I walked back to the car...

Oh what a shame! That looks like parasol mushroom. Very delicious!

ETA. I’m glad to know you did actually bring at least one home.

As you know, mushrooms dry very well. I can never resist bringing home a smile many as possible and drying what I can’t eat right away.
Anyone got a good elderberry rob recipe?

Take the berries off the stems with yiur hands or by combing with a fork. The stems are emetic.

Put them all in a heavy bottomed pot with enough water to let them be wet and floaty, not enough to make it soupy (you’re going to be reducing the water afterwards, so don’t put too much in at the start)

Put the pan into the oven on a low heat for about an hour.

Allow to cool enough so you wont get scalded. Use a potato masher to squish all the berries.

Strain through a colander, then a sieve. Press out the remaining berries, the marc. I sometimes rinse them through to get as much colour as possible (the colour is the anthocyanin, which is good medicine).

Put the menstruum, the cooked berry juice, into a large panover a very low heat. Don’t boil it.

Reduce it, evaporate off the water. Once you get down to a quarter, check the setting consistency by allowing some to cool off, as with jam. You want it to be somewhere around the treacle, marmite level. Not peanut butter level.

That’s it. Put it in sterilised jars, label, and keep.

One teaspoon in hot water when you feel poorly. It will help you to sweat and ward off an impending URTI, and treat one too. Excellent for colds, flu etc.

I keep it simple and add in anything else at the time of taking because everyone has different tastes. Some people add in the extra during the cook. So while it’s in the oven you could add cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, any other herbs you might want to include, orange peel... Remember that you’ll be concentrating it down, so don’t make it too strong.

If you want to add honey or sugar, do it at the very end of the evaporation. Bear in mind that the consistency will change when you add in the honey/sugar. Again, I don’t do this. I keep my rob very simple.
I had to look up what a 'rob' was Miss-Shelf . It's the anti-viral syrup you're after innit? My recipe is much simpler than the one posted by Sheila.

Freeze elderberries on their stalks, then remove with fingers. Much easier when they're frozen!

Put in a pan with juice and rind of one lemon and some golden caster sugar. Don't need too much. No extra fluid required.

Bring up to boil, and simmer for 20 mins.

Sieve through a fine colander/muslin sheet.

Done. Keeps fine in tubs in the freezer and when you get ill, just scoop out spoonfuls to have. 3 per day.
Anyway, I'm a-gonna be making blackberry and apple jelly this weekend I reckon. Fucked off the jam idea - way too pippy. Bought a jelly bag and can't wait! Used to bloody love it as a kid :oldthumbsup:
Wish there foragable stuff out there that I actually want to eat, such as root veg and herbs that are not wild garlic.
If only there was such a thing as a sausage tree
I had to look up what a 'rob' was Miss-Shelf . It's the anti-viral syrup you're after innit? My recipe is much simpler than the one posted by Sheila.

Freeze elderberries on their stalks, then remove with fingers. Much easier when they're frozen!

Put in a pan with juice and rind of one lemon and some golden caster sugar. Don't need too much. No extra fluid required.

Bring up to boil, and simmer for 20 mins.

Sieve through a fine colander/muslin sheet.

Done. Keeps fine in tubs in the freezer and when you get ill, just scoop out spoonfuls to have. 3 per day.

That’s a syrup, and wonderful. A rob is a particular thing.

A syrup adds in sugar or honey. A rob uses the sugars already present in the fruit. So to get the correct ratio so that it’ll keep properly and do the job, you need to reduce it down so it’s concentrated.

When I had a grape vine on my back wall I’d make grape rob. Bloody lovely, that was.
I had to look up what a 'rob' was Miss-Shelf . It's the anti-viral syrup you're after innit? My recipe is much simpler than the one posted by Sheila.

Freeze elderberries on their stalks, then remove with fingers. Much easier when they're frozen!

Put in a pan with juice and rind of one lemon and some golden caster sugar. Don't need too much. No extra fluid required.

Bring up to boil, and simmer for 20 mins.

Sieve through a fine colander/muslin sheet.

Done. Keeps fine in tubs in the freezer and when you get ill, just scoop out spoonfuls to have. 3 per day.

I’ve made only learn d this trick with the freezing of the umbels this year. Can’t believe I never knew before. So many wasted hours!
I’ve been eating shaggy parasols this last week. They seem to have popped up in great numbers over the last week.

And judging by the mushroom Facebook pages I look at, there are loads and loads of ceps and boletes about now too.
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