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Let's go foraging

I've no idea how expensive cinammon sticks are these days. 1.5 in the pot. They were lying around in the cupboard. Got five jars out of that.

I think that it's probably alright if you can get a bag of them from somewhere, it's the pissing little jars of spices that you get in supermarkets that annoy me, when you might be looking at 2 sticks for £1.50 or worse!

I tend to save my spice buying for when I go somewhere I can get a bag, Morrison's and their tiddly jars where you are paying as much for the packaging can go do one :D I am just bitter due to the time I needed a cinnamon stick in an emergency (not actually a joke!)
Not really foraging, but I saw some goose barnacles the other day on the beach, didn’t bring them home as I have eaten them once and they are disgusting

And then found today that my quince tree did actually have some fruit this year so picked this meagre offering up off the ground and may get some jelly from them.
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Charcoal burners. Delicious!
I've always been wary of these, because I find it difficult identifying them. I'm a bit colour blind, which doesn't help, and the mushroom guides say that there is quite a range of colour variation. Is there anything about them which makes them easier to identify? Or any dodgy russulas with which they might be mistaken?
I've always been wary of these, because I find it difficult identifying them. I'm a bit colour blind, which doesn't help, and the mushroom guides say that there is quite a range of colour variation. Is there anything about them which makes them easier to identify? Or any dodgy russulas with which they might be mistaken?

The gills are flexible rather than brittle supposedly. Also, all the dodgy russulas apparently taste hot / acrid. So the books tell me anyway!
Has anyone bothered making crème de cassis/ mure? Was it worth it? I’ve just looked at some recipes and see that it’s not just a cordial or syrup, nor a simple fruit infused alcohol with added sugar. I’ve had perfectly nice Kirs with a splash of ribena, or a spoonful of the wet part of jam. I’m pretty sure my palate wouldn’t tell the difference, but would be interested to make it.
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