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Let's go foraging

I got a few sloes earlier while out with the dog. They’re really very nearly ready here. I know a few people who pick from this place, who will have been watching and gently pinching them for more years than me.
Driving today I passed a woman up a ladder picking something. She looked very unsafe, also because she was on a road, I hoped the foraging was worth the risk.
I hope all of you picking masses are actually using them all, not just gathering a load and leaving squat for other people/birds then throwing away what you don't need (in my experience, wild picked blackberries go mouldy within 48 hours of being picked if not processed or frozen for example). Everything anywhere I go has been picked bare already!

Good luck with all the jams and jellies and wines!!
My freezer is fucking rammed with blackberries. I figured, what with the world going to penniless shit, I am gonna be making LOTS of stuff involving blackberries. Already made 20 jars of bramble jelly, more to come, and some blackberry brandy for crimbo, cos even though I don't drink now, it's a very christmassy sippy thing innit?

People who throw away foraged food are worse than Hitler. Official.
I'm foregoing elderberries this year. I used to make antiviral syrup with them, but they are a massive faff, and I've been so busy with brambles and err, other stuff, that I've just not had the time. Or freezer space!
Another big haul of elderberries this morning and another 10 gallons of elderberry and blackberry wine started over the weekend. As the berry season starts to wane I'm going to set up the press this weekend to welcome the start of the cider season. What a great season so far. Looking forward to all these brews keeping us warm in the depths of winter.

Can you mistake other things for field mushrooms? I was 99.99% sure some I picked the other day were field mushrooms, but they tasted funny when cooked (so I only ate a mouthful and put the rest aside), and I'm hoping it was just that the pan had been used to toast pine nuts last time it was used :hmm: These ones I got today were from the same place, but later I saw some others you could mistake for field mushrooms but I don't think were, they had markings on the top, so I was thinking possible amanita family, which you def don't want to eat. The ones I ate the other day didn't give me any adverse effects, I waited 48 hours to make sure I didn't die :thumbs: Must do some more checking and brush up on my mushroom identification. I'm not sure I like the look of that one in the pic that's slightly shaggy with blades of grass on it. Not very smooth.
I picked them partly cos the guy who rents the field said he'd had some from there and that they were field mushrooms & he'd been eating them.
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