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Let's go foraging

4kg blackberries picked this morning - first 5 gallons of wine will be started tomorrow
I got 3, but only because I foolishly took 1 big tub and no more. Duh. Will go back tomorrow. They've ripened faster than usual thanks to the epic rains we've had.

I've made some bramble jelly with them, and will make more tomorrow.

Also got a ton of green hazelnuts, cos Woodland Trust reckon you can ripen them at home if you keep them in a warm dark place. We'll see!

The cherry plums are falling off the trees, loads rotted already but managed to get a tub of them too. Just gonna eat them as they are.
I got 3, but only because I foolishly took 1 big tub and no more. Duh. Will go back tomorrow. They've ripened faster than usual thanks to the epic rains we've had.

I've made some bramble jelly with them, and will make more tomorrow.

Also got a ton of green hazelnuts, cos Woodland Trust reckon you can ripen them at home if you keep them in a warm dark place. We'll see!

The cherry plums are falling off the trees, loads rotted already but managed to get a tub of them too. Just gonna eat them as they are.
I’ve tried ripening hazelnuts before but they just went mouldy and smelled awful. Hope you have better luck 🙂
I'm starting to get the occasional decent sized windfall apple in my garden. They're probably not good for munching on yet, but I wonder if not-quite-ripe apples would still be okay for making chutney?
Well the wet weather is good for the mushrooms at least. Loads of field mushrooms, more oysters than I could fit in my bag and a few jelly ears.

I also optimistically brought back a few unripe hazelnuts, but they weren't really ready in any way when I got them home.
Blackberries now doing very well in Bristol - I saw someone with an enormous bag yesterday and I munched a few really nice ones out on my bike ride.

The first thing I noticed here was cycling over hazelnuts on the railway path and more recently small plums.
I have never encountered that before - not in 36 years ...
About to go out picking now. Rain has stopped play for the last 3 days so have to make up for lost time. First barrel of blackberry wine is bubbling away and is the colour of radioactive cough mixture. All good.

ETA: 3.6 kg of fat rascals picked plus noticed first tentative ripening of elderberries.
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Vaguely related to foraging, but has anyone taken cuttings from wild dog roses for propagation in their garden? (Not sure if it's even legal, but...)
Oh good, that means they'll be rope round here in about a month.
I was reading up on UK blackberries and it turns out there’s hundreds of varieties with very different sizes, characteristics and ripening times so you may have plenty on your doorstep already and not know it. I’ve identified at least a dozen varieties locally myself and some are in full flush while others remain resolutely green,
Just took a trip to see a friend in Pudsey who wanted to get rid of several huge bags of rhubarb. Currently chopping it up for wine and leaving a wee bit left over for a crumble.
Are white currants any good? I started a small plant in my garden... Should probably get some fruit next year.
My friend has a huge bush (no sniggering at the back…) and for the past 6 years or so we’ve made wine from the fruit (she only makes jam). The wine is really nice if you get it right. Last year’s batch had a strange frogspawn-like consistency and a weird taste so might go the jam route this year.
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