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Legitimate criticism of Islam

Mind you could have some affect. On occasion Christians have said they would pray for me it's normally made me feel quite depressed so who knows how this magic really works.
people often seem to forget that in the example of the Lords prayer and well, 90% of prayer you have to give it all the 'hallowed be' and basically butter the skybeard up a bit before you start with the wishes.
battering's so passé, people are instead looking back to pursuits of former years like archery


And you choose a depiction of the martyrdom of St Sebastian. ...
You've a bit of a fascination with Christianity ... dont you? ...
I don't mean to open a whole new can of worms, but is Islam a race? If I converted to Islam tomorrow, does my race change?
the thing with the EDL is that they say 'islam is not a race' despite the most visible and predominant practitioners just so happen to be of asian appearance.
the thing with the EDL is that they say 'islam is not a race' despite the most visible and predominant practitioners just so happen to be of asian appearance.

Here in the UK the majority of Muslims may be South Asian but that's anomaly compared to other countries in Europe. Of course Islam isn't a race and whatever anyone may think since the very beginning starting with Bilal the very first muezzin, the Prophet Muhammad's last sermon* and the Quran itself this has been made very clear.

*"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."
it seems it is nearly impossible to criticise anyone nowadays without being called something. that is a big problem.
i argued with some anarchists, and they called me an authoritarian.
with some trots, and they called me a stalinist.
none gave me real answers or replied to my quizzing.
i dont think Dawkins is a racist, he is just a dork.
what kind of criticism do you want to make of Islam?
or is it about the problems around immigration? ( which should be discussed too, sensibly)
or about how Muslims fit into British society as Muslims?
there are issues that are going to turn up, and they should be discussed sensibly.
for instance, the supposed 500 who have gone to fight? in Syria/Iraq. there is an issue there, and i can see it is something the media and government will use to further turn britain into a police state. but rather than throwing labels around, it is better to have a serious informed discussion. the tendency on the left is to shout down anyone who doesn't say the right thing.
an interesting book by Kenan Malik is called 'from fatwa to jihad'. it gives a different perspective on things.
The question is whether the bad things done in the name of a religion, or by people from that religious culture are in any way caused in essence by that religion.

Most of us on this board would more likely believe that the primary cause of conflict and inhumanity is economic and emanates as a consequence of the social relations of capitalism and imperialism and the legacies of previous social relations however complex these seem. This would appear to be supported by the fact that the followers of no religion have a monopoly on good or evil. People just seem to be people whatever. This would be rejected I'm sure by fundamentalists of every religion including Christians who would believe that their every action good or bad is motivated by their religious conviction.

But some sects and flavours are worse than others and whilst you can't really blame 'Islam' for anything at all any more than any other religion you can blame Sunni extremism as an expression of Gulf Wealth and power and the Shia Iranian regime as an expression of the power of the religious state for quite a lot. And religion gone drunk with power is an intolerant and bitter adversary.
Some poor sod in Nigeria came out, in a town under Sharia. He got sent to a psychiatric ward against his will.

Oh, by came out, I mean as an atheist.

Fuck I hate religion.
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