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Late form in for PIP friend has had it stopped


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My mate who has mental health issues sent his form into the DWP, but they said it was a week late
he is now really panicking does anyone know what happens next.... thanks in advance
My mate who has mental health issues sent his form into the DWP, but they said it was a week late
he is now really panicking does anyone know what happens next.... thanks in advance
If PIP form not returned in a month the DWP assume the claim has ceased. Your mate will probably have to start a new claim, sorry. Can apply for mandatory reconsideration and cite extenuating circumstances (like health) but best to get a new claim in anyway alongside it. Shit innit.
If PIP form not returned in a month the DWP assume the claim has ceased. Your mate will probably have to start a new claim, sorry. Can apply for mandatory reconsideration and cite extenuating circumstances (like health) but best to get a new claim in anyway alongside it. Shit innit.

Not sure if you can start a new claim if you ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration?

Have they given him an option to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? Was he switching from DLA? Best bet is too ring them and find out his options and it could be worth going for the Mandatory reconsideration.

Did he get help to complete the form and did if he have to wait for that help? If he gets a new form I would recommend ringing them straight away to request for an extension to the two weeks they give. They will normally give two weeks extra straight away, but I appreciate your friend will want to get it in straight away if their money has been stopped.

Would definitely be worth contacting local money advice service or CAB too.
Not sure if you can start a new claim if you ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration?

Have they given him an option to ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? Was he switching from DLA? Best bet is too ring them and find out his options and it could be worth going for the Mandatory reconsideration.

Did he get help to complete the form and did if he have to wait for that help? If he gets a new form I would recommend ringing them straight away to request for an extension to the two weeks they give. They will normally give two weeks extra straight away, but I appreciate your friend will want to get it in straight away if their money has been stopped.

Would definitely be worth contacting local money advice service or CAB too.

You can make a new claim and apply for reconsideration, this is from CAB. But yeah getting help is a good idea
That really don`t sound good, not got the heart to tell him this :(
Sorry. If he has anything to show when he posted it, post office receipt or similar, then should be overturned but would still be via mandatory reconsideration. Like bristolecho suggested, might be best just pointing him in direction of a money advice centre or CAB, at least they can offer constructive help alongside shit news. Turn2us has a directory to find something local. Best of luck
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