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Last day of school.

Finished GCSE's in '91, I think we had a disco, but I didn't go, and never went to anything after walking out of the last exam.

Same for A levels, there would have been a party of some form - not a prom, there was none of that shit - or they might have got down to Thekla in Bristol, which seems to have the destination of choice - but I didn't go.

I just had no interest in any of that stuff.
Finished GCSE's in '91, I think we had a disco, but I didn't go, and never went to anything after walking out of the last exam.

Same for A levels, there would have been a party of some form - not a prom, there was none of that shit - or they might have got down to Thekla in Bristol, which seems to have the destination of choice - but I didn't go.

I just had no interest in any of that stuff.
I left school in 1974 after my O Levels and never went back ever again, not that I particularly hated it I just had no interest in any further contact with it. Mine was the first school year that had to stop until it was 16 (they told us this on the day we started) I did very well at my O Levels and suspect I would have done well at A Levels but the public education system and I never really saw eye to eye.
Pretty much every parents day went along the lines of "Mick is a very intelligent boy Mr Q and could go far in life if he wasn't so lazy, he just won't apply himself". I think my Dad was fed up of hearing it after a while and called in favours to help me find a job at the same place where he worked rather than try and persuade me to do A Levels.
I haven't had any contact with anyone from my schooldays for decades. Mrs Q on the other hand is still in touch with plenty of friends from her time at school, we've even been to a couple of school reunions.
My last day at school was, well, a damp squib, tbh.
I think the school pond received a couple of unpopular bullies courtesy of the sixth form ...
It was a looong time ago, no prom or anything like that. Being a solitary sort I hadn't really made many friends there, although I've sort of kept in touch with three or four of them [plus the lass who went on to be a vet, who died really very young - she was, I think, made very ill by some of the chemicals she was handling because of treating the farm animals, I know she was disgusted by the way Foot & Mouth was handled].

OH was secondary school teacher until retiring early - last day of term was always a day to be careful - watching fire alarms / extinguishers, staff cars and certain individual trouble-makers ...
Ha, I did consider that.

Just the idea that people who were leaving school around the millennium are in their 40s. Only ten years behind me.

That's basically me. Did my last A-Level in June 2000. I was in the workforce by September doing a junior office job to save up for my first desktop computer for University the following year.
I can remember my last day at senior school quite well, we were told we could leave at lunchtime - I think the reason being that the fire alarm was set off by some of the girls who had left the previous year and the school didn't want anything like that happening again :D
I'm still very good friends with three fellas I met at school; way before leaving we'd stopped giving a shit about school, other pupils largely, and we all followed the natural progression from school to college to pub
Just slunk out after my final exam, didn't say goodbye to any teachers, met a bunch of other kids on Clapham Common, we drank lager and drew cocks and fannies on each other's shirts, then went home and blanked the whole 12 years of hell from my mind. Two months later an envelope appeared with GCSE results in it, when my mum came home from work that night it was still unopened, had no interest in it at all. She opened it, a handful of C's and one B, meh...
Eldest who was 35 last Friday had a prom, her husband who was 40 in February reckons he did not have a prom, they went to the same school albeit several years apart so sometime between 1999 and 2004 around here.

timing sounds about right to me as well. had a 6th form leavers ball in 1996 but proms were definitely not a thing yet.
Leavers Ball here, 2000. "Proms" seemed to become a thing in the early noughties. I find the idea of rebranding these things as 'Prom Night' in the UK a bit naff tbh. Imported bollocks to sound hip.
Leavers Ball here, 2000. "Proms" seemed to become a thing in the early noughties. I find the idea of rebranding these things as 'Prom Night' in the UK a bit naff tbh. Imported bollocks to sound hip.
I think it must have coincided with Saved By The Bell becoming the recognised televisiual representation of a school over Grange Hill.
Signed our shirts and got pissed in the pub afterwards as standard. Now I’m back at the same school as a teacher so I’ll have a second ‘last day’ in a couple of decades.
Signed our shirts too, 2000, people did not wait for the pub. Mates gf got sent home for 'smelling like a brewery' she said "you don't brew vodka!" Her dad was a department head lol.

Person with the most exclusions ever was a mates sister, he was second. Their dad was the science guy for the school. Had giant snails, also drove us to buy weed. Confusing but sort of made sense lol.
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