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VAT on Private Schools Kicks In

Sort of true. But also not true..

This is (part of) my job.

The process is exactly the same for State and Private schools. The oversight is exactly the same too

But, of course, private school pupils are at an advantage because of the resources their parents have (private diagnoses, the social capital and 'know how' to navigate the system etc ) and their schools have (specialist staff, dedicated time and space etc.)

It is becoming (much) harder to get additional time for exams because of this .
Apologies if my post seemed misleading/ sensationalist. What you have said in your post is pretty much exactly what the woman I spoke to told me. If there were less hoops and constraints for my daughter and I to jump through, of course I would have asked for extra time, breaks and a one on one exam for my daughter.
I suppose it might be a minor part of this debate, but it might be worth considering whether being educated is the same thing as being qualified (in terms of exam results/grades).
The difficult bit is you can’t say somebody is definitely learning, but how much and how well is a secret.
I taught a subject where the students happily and adamantly said you don’t learn anything in it, but ‘you get better at it’.
Anyway as I said above, the VAT move is (for me) about closing an unfair loophole for a private business but the discussion about this whole thing has been interesting.
A lot of my sympathy remains with Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
Ideally, learning. not just education, is a two way process, the teacher should also be learning from the student, how they think, how their mind works, how best to tackle a problem with them etc. Not just teachers teaching and learners learning. I really hate the current trend of MATS to call students learners, the reification of that power differential.

This reminded me of some posts here. Tory lite.

All coached in such reasonable language. The cutting ones nose to spite ones face argument.

Apparently centre right think that private and public education coexist in happy collaboration. And the choice argument. Which is laughable

Woven into the fabric of our education system is parental choice and the importance of the right school setting being available for each child.

The real reason to oppose it is ideological. Despite what this Tory MP says.

All it seems to achieve is the sating of long-held Labour prejudice about independent schools. It is the triumph of the politics of envy, over the power of evidence in policy making.

Reasonable sounding language from a Tory to defend a system that's all about perpetuating inequality and class divisions.
My experience of education was that it was a one way process. And if you didn't fit - tough. However much you have interest in learning.

Learning/ curiousity about things and education system are totally different.

Stats on whether state or public school pupils get better grades is beside the point. That's not what the public school system is about.
My experience of education was that it was a one way process. And if you didn't fit - tough. However much you have interest in learning.
And that, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with most education today too, whether it’s private or state. Not great but bearable if you’re a round peg in a round hole, or even an oval one. Terrible if you’re shaped differently.

I was talking to a friend about where all the kids who are far too overwhelmed to attend school were back in our day. They were either written off as bunkers, or went in as there was no alternative option and continually struggled and became traumatised. :(
Apologies if my post seemed misleading/ sensationalist. What you have said in your post is pretty much exactly what the woman I spoke to told me. If there were less hoops and constraints for my daughter and I to jump through, of course I would have asked for extra time, breaks and a one on one exam for my daughter.
Yeah. It's a tough ask for parents :(
Ideally, learning. not just education, is a two way process, the teacher should also be learning from the student, how they think, how their mind works, how best to tackle a problem with them etc. Not just teachers teaching and learners learning. I really hate the current trend of MATS to call students learners, the reification of that power differential.
This, so much this.
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