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Lambeth Housing In Meltdown - Massive Rent Rises On The Way


New Member
The poison plant, the Almo, has bourne its first fruit. As a result of wreckless overspending and incompetent management, all Lambeth tenants face a rent rise of £10 in the next year - on top of the 65% increase in heating charges.

It must be nice to be a councillor and have a double income!

As a single mum, I don't think I will be able to continue working. It's a mugs game, isn't it?
:rolleyes:there's a surprise, but sadly not unexpected or unpredicted... when's the next chance to vote out the little prick Steve Reed?
The poison plant, the Almo, has bourne its first fruit. As a result of wreckless overspending and incompetent management, all Lambeth tenants face a rent rise of £10 in the next year - on top of the 65% increase in heating charges.

It must be nice to be a councillor and have a double income!

As a single mum, I don't think I will be able to continue working. It's a mugs game, isn't it?

Is this a result of the general housing overspend? Or another problem?
I don't know all the details of this, or the ALMO bar what i've grabbed snippets of on here...but £10 per what? Week or month?
Jesus H Christ that makes for depressing reading....all due to the sheer incompetence of those in charge. Again :(
crikey, that makes the lot i work for seem competent.

they employed someone specifically to forward buy light and heat and keep the costs down for tenants as far as possible.

fuck knows how Lambeth have managed to overspend so much on the Housing Management account as well. well unless they've been robbing it blind to prop up the General Fund as councils generally do - even easier with ALMOs.
I don't know why any of you are shocked/surprised. Lambeth have had a reputation for total incompetence and corruption for decades :mad:
Don't you wish you were a Lambeth officer?

Lambeth are believed to be looking at an end year deficit of some L.15-20million on their Housing Revenue Account, with further deficits as yet unquantified and unnanounced in respect of the smaller ALMO, United Residents Housing.

The proposed increases are L.5 per week from December 2008 and a further L.5 in April 2009.

It is also hoped to recover some L6.5mill. by reducing the allowances paid to TMOs. However, therere doubts on whether this is possible; as various TMOs have raised a counterclaim, in respect of earlier underpayment. If this succeeds the Council could be saddled with damages and costs of, perhaps, L 7-10mill., leaving them in exactly the same position as they started. :eek: Not a happy prospect. :eek:

A friend passed me this interesting e-mail, which says it all -

Labour Group Meeting 2 October. [Name and Shame the guilty 14!]

This meeting was called *specifically for the purpose of discussing the position regarding the housing overspends.* (Estimated £14-20mill. on HRA! not as yet quantified.)


A request for a secret ballot was refused. (No backsliding allowed!)

Group resolved (14/1)

1. To reduce the allowances to TMOs by £6.5mill. over the next 18 months;

2. To increase rents by £5 in December, and by a further £5 next April.

3. To bring in a package of "improvements" - do away with concierges, do away with 19 officer posts, economise on lighting during daylight hours! etc. which (it is hoped) will save £5.5mill.


There was no mention of -

° the overspend in URH / Loughborough; (Believed to be £2mill. - not as yet admitted.)

° disasterous incompetent management;

° any proposal to reform the service;

*nor was the true position regarding the TMOs discussed*.

As a result of the letter to TMO chairs, (announcing the cuts) a group of TMOs, which were already in dispute with Lambeth on TMO allowances, have instructed solicitors [who have agreed to act on a no result: no fee basis] to commence immediate proceedings against the Council, contesting the cuts in allowances, and making a substantial counterclaim for underpayment over the past six years.

If they succeed, and, clearly, their advisors believe them to have a good case, not only will Lambeth lose the savings that it is hoped to achieve, but we are liable to lose a further £3-5mill. + legal expenses of £2-3mill. : an alarming downside risk.

Residents deserve to be told the names of the 14 councillors who happily agreed to these measures without enquiry or any thought of how further losses might be avoided. It would also be reasonable to enquire what the 23 councillors were doing who failed to attend, or did not vote. Did they perhaps oppose the motions, but not have the courage to speak out?

Again, residents deserve to be told. The council tax of working men and women pays their allowances
Lambeth are believed to be looking at an end year deficit of some L.15-20million on their Housing Revenue Account, with further deficits as yet unquantified and unnanounced in respect of the smaller ALMO, United Residents Housing.

they need to employ someone who understands how to do the HRA Subsidy claims and pronto.

it's rare to find a good one though and those that know it properly all work contract and charge £400-£500 a day. they more than earn there keep though.

i thought Lambeth were getting on top of all this stuff. They are as bad as Hackney :(
Welcome to Lambeth - Home of Bedlam

Makes one wonder whether they were right to abolish flogging and the pillory.

These councillors should be ashamed to be poncing of working men and women.

How many of them do real jobs? Its a disgrace that they can't even be bothered to turn up to vote on such an important matter.

I'm fed up!

I work 80 hours a week to get by and earn less than £25k. What do Cllrs. Peck or Meldrum get for messing our lives up. Time they faced reality!

£20 mill. is a lot of money, you have to be completely hopeless to achieve such an overspend. Can't central government step in and sort out this ridiculous council.

A government enquiry is needed. If it is left to the council, we will once again be told that the officers responsible are no longer employed by the Council, and no paperwork can be found. My ten year old son would not dare to make such an excuse!

Weed and his friends need to be sent packing and some sensible external managers need to be brought in.
melmalony councillors have literally fuck all to do with the day to day running of the council and ime they are like mushrooms - fed shit and kept in the dark - by the people who actually do the work/run the council.

they only get to hear good news, bad news that can't be hidden and do strategic decisions/directional stuff/cut ribbons/get pictures taken with photgenic kids/persue things for people in there wards.

the average councillor wouldn't have the first clue about the functional or contractual relationship between the council and it's ALMO, about the HRA and how it works, subsidy claims etc and they lack the nous to ask the pertinent questions.

example - the council i work for has several huge PFI contracts and an ALMO all of which i'd be asking questions regularly about if i was a councillor - the best question the Executive comes up with - how much is everyone spending on water for meetings. these people have no fucking idea.

whilst the fine citizens of Lambeth can do something about it at the next local election it's the people who actually FAILED at their jobs who should be walking - the Finance Director whose watch this happened on, the people in charge of a failing rent collection department etc.

But they rarely do. The incompetence just carries on and tax payers suffer.

/rant ends
Yes. That is the way it is, but it doesn't have to be like that!

Life needs to be made really uncomfortable for these ponces. They love being able to write Councillor before their name, and it looks good on the cvs that they write for the crap jobs that those of them with jobs work in.

They would be less keen if people were less respectful, and had a go at them occasionally. I am told that hey will all have to vote publicly on these increases, so residents will know who they are.

They need to take a bit more trouble, attend meetings, read papers, and do the things for which they receive their allowances, otherwise things could get very rough. A lot of people are likely to be forced to go on benefit as a result of their incompetence.
Why not stand as a councillor mel? Part of the problem is that many of these people are wannabe politicians who have no idea how the world works. Stand in your ward on a clean up housing stance, then make life fucking difficult for the people in charge. It can be done.
They need to take a bit more trouble, attend meetings, read papers, and do the things for which they receive their allowances, otherwise things could get very rough. A lot of people are likely to be forced to go on benefit as a result of their incompetence.

heh. the papers they get are a masterclass in verbose obfuscation
i've been told off in meetings for raising problems before as they'll get minuted.


there are some excellent people working in local councils but when it takes 2-3 months for a decision to work it's way up through all the poxy committee's and despite not knowing what is really going on they won't delegate responsibilities it is impossible for councils to be proactive to problems.

they are always working about 2 months behind some exec committee or other. meanwhile things go to shit.

A friend passed me this interesting e-mail, which says it all -

Labour Group Meeting 2 October. [Name and Shame the guilty 14!]

3. To bring in a package of "improvements" - do away with concierges, do away with 19 officer posts, economise on lighting during daylight hours! etc. which (it is hoped) will save £5.5mill.

Again, residents deserve to be told. The council tax of working men and women pays their allowances[/B]!

Had nobody thought to economise by turning off lights during daylight hours before?:rolleyes:

Incidentally - what are the TMO allowances? Are they expenses etc. paid to TMO members? Or are they money handed to TMOs?
Much as I love to blame the politicians, in this situation i think the voters should take their fair share of it too.

Whenever politicians try to campaign on a cutting costs and waste platform, or at least managing resources efficiently, their opponents choose to smear them with the line that they want to cut services and throw people out on the street/keep swimming pools for the rich/whatever.

I have seen local government waste before from the inside. You would weep at the amount of money that is wasted on nonsense -Lambeth Life anyone? I wonder how many people would prefer to have it scrapped for a reduction in their rent.

However, people enjoy being spun to by politicians who will say whatever to re-inforce their world view that its the evil cost-cutters and capitalist pigs (i.e. Lib Dems and Tories) responsible for all the evils. Vote for Labour, the party that cares.
Well, boohoo.

Rather than keep an eye on things and attend these boring council meetings when decisions are being made (most are not secret) , supervising the politicians they pay to take decisions, people stay home and watch Eastenders or Big Brother or go to the pub. Then they wonder what the money is being spent on and why costs keep rising.

I am shocked at how many of us pay thousands to the council every year and never bother to check up on how the money is being spent, only complaining when it's too late to do anything about it except vote them out at the next election and repeat the cycle!
Incidentally - what are the TMO allowances? Are they expenses etc. paid to TMO members? Or are they money handed to TMOs?

I think the original reference is to the "management and maintenance" allowances paid to the Tenant Management Organisations for providing services that would otherwise have been met from local Housing Office budgets. See TMOs page on Lambeth website

Some of the TMOs have been convinced for years that they were getting substantially less for each property than the equivalent funding going to estates that were still (mis)managed in-house by Lambeth.
No answer

Why not stand as a councillor mel? Part of the problem is that many of these people are wannabe politicians who have no idea how the world works. Stand in your ward on a clean up housing stance, then make life fucking difficult for the people in charge. It can be done.

An individual councillor is powerless, gets no administrative assistance, and is sidelined by officers. It would be a complete waste of time.

The party system is at fault that allows incompetent sheep-like creatures, the unemployed and unemployable to get elected and then supports and protects them.

For whatever reason, power, status, political conviction, these people have chosen to be councillors. Having made the choice they should do the work required, resign, or be made to pay for their incompetence. For their very small talent and the sloppy way that they do their job these people are overpaid.

I have no wish to be any part of this. Like most people, I have children to bring up and I want to continue working.

The answer could be a directly elected mayor.

One thing is certain the present system is not working - and won't work with people like these!
An individual councillor is powerless, gets no administrative assistance, and is sidelined by officers. It would be a complete waste of time.

The party system is at fault that allows incompetent sheep-like creatures, the unemployed and unemployable to get elected and then supports and protects them.

For whatever reason, power, status, political conviction, these people have chosen to be councillors. Having made the choice they should do the work required, resign, or be made to pay for their incompetence. For their very small talent and the sloppy way that they do their job these people are overpaid.

I have no wish to be any part of this. Like most people, I have children to bring up and I want to continue working.

The answer could be a directly elected mayor.

One thing is certain the present system is not working - and won't work with people like these!

Seriously Bluestreak's right - you should stand as a councillor. If you get elected there's childcare and backbench opposition allowances are about £8k.

If you do your job as councillor properly it's maybe 20 hours a week - so you'd be getting the equivalent of a slightly better wage rate than you're currently getting.

If you're interested PM me / or post here and I'll explain the practicalities. The legal side is insanely easy.
Seriously Bluestreak's right - you should stand as a councillor. If you get elected there's childcare and backbench opposition allowances are about £8k.

If you do your job as councillor properly it's maybe 20 hours a week - so you'd be getting the equivalent of a slightly better wage rate than you're currently getting.

If you're interested PM me / or post here and I'll explain the practicalities. The legal side is insanely easy.

Thank you. I am not interested in joining your party!

I may be poor and not very well educated, but I am not an idiot.

Unless you are prepared to become a member of a party and let people like Cllrs. Reed, Kazantzis, Dixon and Peck do your thinking for you, your chances of getting elected or having any effect, if you are, are very slight.

Campaigning is expensive and when you get on the council you receive no administrative support.
Councillors are a waste of time for effecting change on a day to day basis. They have a directional/checks and balance role that is very important - also they are paralysed by fear for every 2 years out of 4. Elections -2 years is all about reducing costs to keep the council tax low in election year and the year leading up to the election is about avoiding all difficult decisions at any cost.

The only way to change the way failing Local Authorities work is to have a mass cull in failing management, pay decent wages to attract competent staff and ditch the obsession on one pay rise for all and performance manage your staff correctly.

most London Councils are the size of a medium sized/large company in terms of complexity, budget and staffing numbers and should start behaving as such. the kind of failures seen at Lambeth (and others, Hackney springs to mind) would just not stand anywhere else other than the cosy world of local authorities (or some bits of the civil service). Some of the failures i have seen since i moved from the private sector stun me, well not the failures as such as they will occur anywhere to a certain extent but the complete lack of any comeback for anyone involved. it's shocking.

taxpayers then get shat on with shit services, wasted money, financial black holes because no one will man up, rock the boat and deal with the problems.
Dan U, you are correct about the roles of councillors and officers. However, Lambeth has two serious problems: there are far too many officers who hold office in the Labour Party (the masonic effect); and being so close to Whitehall and Westminster, far too many Labour councillors have no real interest in what happens in this borough, and just see their job as something to put on their cv, a help for networking, and a useful source of extra income.

When did you last see your councillors at a leaseholders meeting? Did they appear to have any idea at all of the problems in your ward?
Camden is seen like that amongst the North London councils.

as a breeding ground for New Labour hacks and central govt departments.

Following widespread protests voiced by resident representatives and Opposition Councillors, the Labour leadership of Lambeth Council at a meeting yesterday afternoon overturned Labour Group's decision of last Thursday and resolved -

° to abandon the proposed £5 rent increases in December 2008 and April 2009;

° to do away with the posts of a further 30 officers in the housing service;

° to carry through the proposed reduction of TMO allowances by £6.5 million over the next 18 months; and

° confirmed that the proposed increases in lighting and heating charges would be proceeded with as already agreed.

While there is general satisfaction that the inflationary rent increases, which would undoubtedly have caused many tenants very severe hardship, have been dropped, the move causes many people grave concern regarding this administration's competence, and whether one can put any trust in their handling of housing finance.

It was as recently as June this year that officers and councillors were congratulating themselves on the healthy state of the housing department's accounts, which for the first time in years they expected to balance, yet now we are told to anticipate an unquantified overspend of £14million +.

This is an enormous sum of money, when set against the total housing budget, and no proper explanation has been forthcoming as to how such a situation could have arisen.

Being aware of the situation regarding the department's overspend on temporary accommodation, and recent overspends in URH (£400000 last year, and; it is alleged, £2 million this year), as well as overspends in a number of other council departments, it seems quite clear that Lambeth's financial officers are incapable of planning or administering a budget; and, above all, of any form of self-monitoring.

Heads should roll.

Councillor Dixon should tender his resignation immediately: he has been asleep on watch!

Clearly, too, a proper external investigation into how such a disgraceful situation could have arisen should be immediately instituted.

This appalling incompetence will affect every resident in Lambeth; and will almost certainly destroy any chance of Lambeth being able to draw down any money under the ALMO, Lambeth Living.

Surely, also, after rejection by his own constituency party for selection as their Parliamentary candidate, Councillor Reed cannot survive to lead his party to defeat in 2010. With him as, the leader who foisted a borough-wide ALMO on his party's core supporters, without giving them, or party members either, any choice when they voted on his manifesto, and having permitted the dissipation of all the savings of Adjstment A, they will have no chance of victory.
This appalling incompetence will affect every resident in Lambeth; and will almost certainly destroy any chance of Lambeth being able to draw down any money under the ALMO, Lambeth Living.

Surely, also, after rejection by his own constituency party for selection as their Parliamentary candidate, Councillor Reed cannot survive to lead his party to defeat in 2010. With him as, the leader who foisted a borough-wide ALMO on his party's core supporters, without giving them, or party members either, any choice when they voted on his manifesto, and having permitted the dissipation of all the savings of Adjstment A, they will have no chance of victory.

To be honest I dont think the situation would be any different if the Lib Dems or any other party had been in charge - Lambeth's problems stem from poverty which means there is a very big demand for council services such as housing and a very small number of people to pay for them.

For the past 10+ years (at least - probably much much longer) the council has not had adequate funding for its housing or other services and it has not been politically acceptable for the Lib Dem or Labour councils to put up council tax to levels which would provide enough funding, central government also must take some blame for not until recently seeing housing and in particular council housing as a political priority and therefore not putting adequate money into this policy area.

There has also been a knee jerk reaction to rent increases from Labour politicians and their political opponents which means that another source of funding is not available to the housing department - a £5 increase may be a relatively large amount in percentage terms but look at the overall levels: the rental for council housing would still be less than £100 a week and this makes no difference to many residents as they are on housing benefit (reclaimed by the council from central government).

So where do we go from here? - the ALMO remains the only way that funding will be available (and if you like this was foisted on Lambeth by central government: Lambeth Labour accepted it very reluctantly). Also if you are saying that Lambeth housing is incompetent surely then a new organisation without political interference could not do any worse?

As for Mr Reed I dont see that the failure to select him as Parliamentary candidate has anything to do with it - the Streatham Labour Party selected another person because they felt that he could represent them better in Parliament, perhaps its a tribute to Reed that they felt he was best as council leader - he has far more real power and influence as council leader than as a backbench MP.

To be honest I think there is little chance of defeat in 2010 for Labour as Lib Dems have not shown themselves to be any better in councils which they control such as Southwark nor have they been a very effective or constructive opposition in Lambeth - they seem very ready tio jump in with the criticism but have no alternative plans to implement instead.

(Besides from an electoral point of view the Lib Dems never actually gain a majority in the years they 'win' the council - Labour still gain a clear majority of votes cast and usually are within one or two seats in terms of being the biggest party - it is only the Lib Dems' willingness to jump into bed with the Tories that deliver them the council)
However, Lambeth has two serious problems: there are far too many officers who hold office in the Labour Party (the masonic effect)

It wouldn't surprise me if this were the case, but is it actually true? Can you name some names??

Have you seen that Lambeth to publish a guide for councillors on how to do their job? It's the last story on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/3089413/Waste-watch.html

In response to the poster who suggests that Lambeth should pay decent salaries to attract the best talent - a lot of the top jobs in Lambeth Council and Lambeth Living are filled by very well-paid "interim managers", employed on a consultancy basis (often for many years). They are paid extorniate sums, outside of nationally-agreed terms and conditions and are not subject to the Council's policies eg disciplinary, capability, they don't have to reveal whether they belong to the Freemasons or other secret societies. The top three jobs in the ALMO are filled by people employed in this way - Peter Redman, David Thompson, Marcia Mitchell - each costing rent-payers in excess of £250,000 a year.

The problem within Lambeth is not the ability of the staff in general. It is the fact that these staff are being directed by mercenary consultants who have no long-standing commitment to Lambeth and no knowledge of this borough's particular circumstances. At the same, contractors are allowed to such millions out of the Housing Revenue Account for sub-standard or non-existent work, due to inadequate monitoring of works. How can staff be expected to do their jobs properly when, due to one crisis or another, every six months there is a major reorganisation cutting jobs and changing roles? If councillors enabled staff and residents together to direct services, and did away with expensive, incompetent, uncaring consultants, we would see a massive improvement in the quality of servcies delivered to ordinary citizens of Lambeth.
Where The Responsibility Lies

I freely admit that there is much that is true in what SE5 says above.

However, it is my feeling that the writer is not a Lambeth tenant, and that he has little experience of housing management in this borough, or of the behaviour of councillors; but I was brought up in a council property (which my mother still occupies) and have had much experience of both.

I am, also, a realist, andl, as senior civil, servant I do not have unreasonable expectations of either council members or local government officers. However, the behaviour of both in this case falls well below what is acceptable.

Councillors are well paid today for the work that they are expected to do: we expect them to read papers, and do their work with reasonable diligence. Thus, it is absolutely unacceptable for them to fail to attend a group meeting on an issue of the importance of that which was decided 8 days ago. It is also totally unacceptable for them not to make proper enquiries regarding a department's failure to work within a budget, and to accept an overspend of that proportion, without making stringent enquiries into why it has been exceeded by more than, say 5%, at the outside. Their backing down in response to harsh criticism, and officers' acceptance of the compromise without question, suggests that no one has any idea of the sums that are really required to deliver the service, or what it will really cost. This is absolutely shocking

Lambeth officers are infamous throughout Westminster and Whitehall, indeed, the whole country, and the service is probably incapable of being reformed from the inside. However, this is not entirely their fault. Councillors have not exercised the powers that they have to emend the situation, and so must take equal responsibility.

Councillor Dixon should resign, or be replaced, and so should Councillor Reed; and, if they won't they should be forced into it.

I don't know if the Liberal Democrats, in coalition with the Conservatives will do any better, but both these councillors are removed, and the managers responsible for the current situation are replaced, the situation is liable to deteriorate further, and we simply cannot afford that!

We need the ALMO money, and we surely won't get it if thing like this continue to occur. Furthermore, it is a once only offer, and we will not see its like again. Party members (and as a young man, I was one) must force the issue, otherwise they will not be forgiven.

If Labour lose the next lg elections (and I, for one, will not be voting for them, either locally or nationally: I shall vote Green), at least the fate of these officers and councillors will be noted, and the next incumbents are likely to try a great deal harder. Who knows, they may even produce an acceptable level of service.

One can but hope! :)
How can staff be expected to do their jobs properly when, due to one crisis or another, every six months there is a major reorganisation cutting jobs and changing roles?

how true that is. in complex areas like the HRA, understanding outsourced maintenance contracts etc can take you 6 months to learn alone. It is a simple fact of life that there are only a finite amount of people who understand the HRA sufficiently to account for it. and it takes years to get that knowledge - a lot of those people have chosen to work as contractors (i am not one of them btw but know several)

where i work the Finance Department has had 3 planned reorganisations in 3 years.

If councillors enabled staff and residents together to direct services, and did away with expensive, incompetent, uncaring consultants, we would see a massive improvement in the quality of servcies delivered to ordinary citizens of Lambeth.

i have to say the experience in my borough around the HRA and Housing Finance in general is that the contractors do care, have sorted the problems out of there predecessors and are now handing over to newly recruited permanent staff. the audit commission scores reflect this.

they are all performance managed like everybody else. but all boroughs are different. it may not work so well in Lambeth, it sounds pretty dysfunctional generally.

i'm not on about the top managers either btw, but the people doing the work day to day.

Part of the problem i feel is that local authorities have been given these complex commercial arrangements to deal with - ALMO's, PFI, huge outsourced maintenance contracts - by Central Govt. What has not happened, but is happening slowly, is that the skill set within the councils to monitor contracts, understand commercial arrangements, negotiate etc is catching up. Most people are capable of doing this with training etc but it takes time and as you said before, if you are in a constant state of flux how do you learn. you buy it in.
It was as recently as June this year that officers and councillors were congratulating themselves on the healthy state of the housing department's accounts, which for the first time in years they expected to balance, yet now we are told to anticipate an unquantified overspend of £14million +.

This is an enormous sum of money, when set against the total housing budget, and no proper explanation has been forthcoming as to how such a situation could have arisen.

Being aware of the situation regarding the department's overspend on temporary accommodation, and recent overspends in URH (£400000 last year, and; it is alleged, £2 million this year), as well as overspends in a number of other council departments, it seems quite clear that Lambeth's financial officers are incapable of planning or administering a budget; and, above all, of any form of self-monitoring.

That's absolutely crazy. How on earth can they not know what's going on?

:confused: My company has pretty much daily control of the amount of money in it - admittedly it's 70 people - but any sensible organisation should be able to see things are seriously out of kilter after a few weeks (or maybe a month). Bu to get to £14m is insane.
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