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Lambeth Country Show 10 and 11 June 2023

Dutty Moonshine on the Saturday are a very good, fun group. Shame to see such little excitement about this once great weekend event. The fence, security searches and £6 pints have really taken much of the enjoyment away.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Post fence, that was the only decent value way of getting pissed once past the completely unnecessary (albeit friendly to be fair) security checks.
Enjoyed Ruby Cross, ace guitarist on the Village Green Stage. Very busy and good to see Bullfinch and other local breweries in attendance albeit with eye watering prices....
I thought the music yesterday was much better than usual for the Saturday. And much more music in general around the middle area. Didn't go in the big top, was it Latino music? It's still shit there is a fence and a can of beer is £6, but I actually liked how they used all the infrastructure from the recent full on festivals. Today should be fun!
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