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Lambeth Council bringing Leisure Service/ Brixton Rec Management In-house

But that gives me a problem: I want to swim at Vauxhall, yet take fitness classes at the Rec. So two memberships? :confused: The idea for Vauxhall was always that it would be on parity with all other Lambeth services. This feels like the Lido all over again with users having to pay twice.
I was planning to set up just a PAYG membership with Active Lambeth for occasional swims at Clapham or Streatham when I can't be arsed to cycle to Vauxhall or Chelsea - but having gone through hoops of setting up a new user account both the website and app for android are refusing to accept my credit card details!

EDITED: I cycle to Vauxhall or Chelsea and despite the rumours will continue to deny that I swim down the Effra sewer to the Thames!
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I finally got my Active Lambeth membership transferred over from Better. AL emailed on Monday morning. The advice was a copy and paste from the website - the very information that isn't working for me :facepalm:

As a last resort I went to the Rec. I wasn't alone. There was a queue of around a dozen users wanting access to their membership. To be fair, it was quite smooth. They took my old Better card and then gave me a new AL login. This work on iPhone for me.

But here's the shock: a swim outside of peak times with my 40% pay and play discount is £4.63 :eek: I can still swim at the 'private' pool at Vauxhall for £2.80. No brainer.

I've no idea what happens when my pay and play annual membership expires. Will I still be able to use my old Better details to get a £2.80 swim at Vauxhall? I doubt if Active Lambeth know the answer.

It sounds to me that you are being charged incorrect amount.

When I went on Sunday to Rec and got my App sorted out at reception I tried to buy a swim.

My account on App says I have the over 60s pay and play membership.

But the App was trying to charge me the full amount.

Reception said this is a problem with pay and play membership. That it would be sorted out by Monday. They had told the app people.

They helpfully let me in to swim anyway.
On Vauxhall.

My reading of the planning application and planning committee minutes where the development was agreed is that the gym/ pool in basement was meant to be a public facility run by Council. This was the reason why the developer was allowed to build a tower of lucrative student rabbit hutches above it. With overseas students pay the full wack.

It was a planning gain.

However , and this is fault of Council not developer, the Council came to some arrangement with GLL/ Better to manage it. Without putting in a clause that if Better ever leave Lambeth it reverts to Lambeth.

A total fuck up on Lambeths part.

At very least they should explain why this state of affairs happened.

Sometimes with Lambeth its not that they are malicious it is that they are incompetent.

They have managed to lose a Leisure centre.
An update from a Council Officer via email:

"GLL have a long lease on the Vauxhall facility so it isn’t under our management. I’m not aware of any planning conditions, Lambeth previously had an agreement with GLL that pricing and concessions would be aligned. We subsidised the concessions in exchange for the centre being badged as a Lambeth facility. That expired with the contract, but we are currently finalising a reciprocal agreement with GLL that will allow Active Lambeth members to use Vauxhall and will make an announcement on that shortly."

Which at least sounds encouraging.
Interestingly, the app developer for Active Lambeth on iOS is listed as Lambeth Country Show. It seems to be exactly the same app as Better, except with different colours.

Also, I am still able to use my Better membership ID to book free swimming in Belfast.
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I am a pay as you go user. I want to swim tomorrow but can't sign into the new app. What should I do?
It sounds to me that you are being charged incorrect amount.

When I went on Sunday to Rec and got my App sorted out at reception I tried to buy a swim.

My account on App says I have the over 60s pay and play membership.

But the App was trying to charge me the full amount.

Reception said this is a problem with pay and play membership. That it would be sorted out by Monday. They had told the app people.

They helpfully let me in to swim anyway.
I have the same issue on the website - no discount showing at all. Have emailed them yesterday, no reply yet. What worries me is that the new website says that the new website has 66 + age limit for Senior Pay and Play - used to be 60 +. And all the Pay and Play memberships only give up to 30% discount (50% for concessions) so even if they don't cancel my card as I am not 66 yet, I would stil l be paying almost £4 for a swim I thought it used to be a lot more for off peak in the past. Looks there will be one Lambeth resident who is going to be less active in future.
I am a pay as you go user. I want to swim tomorrow but can't sign into the new app. What should I do?
Its a pain, but actually going to the Rec worked for me. The polite person at the desk had to just flick a switch on her computer and the transfer was done. Although they did keep my physical Better card, which I use to use to swipe at Vauxhall. The Better app has a digital version.

Maybe go at a time when you want to swim and the app is showing spaces available?

I do miss the days of the Lambeth Leisure Card pre-GLL and AL. Turn up, hand over some coins, swim.
An update from a Council Officer via email:

"GLL have a long lease on the Vauxhall facility so it isn’t under our management. I’m not aware of any planning conditions, Lambeth previously had an agreement with GLL that pricing and concessions would be aligned. We subsidised the concessions in exchange for the centre being badged as a Lambeth facility. That expired with the contract, but we are currently finalising a reciprocal agreement with GLL that will allow Active Lambeth members to use Vauxhall and will make an announcement on that shortly."

Which at least sounds encouraging.
No, no, keep the plebs out!;)
An update from a Council Officer via email:

"GLL have a long lease on the Vauxhall facility so it isn’t under our management. I’m not aware of any planning conditions, Lambeth previously had an agreement with GLL that pricing and concessions would be aligned. We subsidised the concessions in exchange for the centre being badged as a Lambeth facility. That expired with the contract, but we are currently finalising a reciprocal agreement with GLL that will allow Active Lambeth members to use Vauxhall and will make an announcement on that shortly."

Which at least sounds encouraging.

The question is why the Council did not take a lease out itself.

Secondly there is a Section106 for that site. So not sure why the officer is not aware of any planning conditions.
My Senior Pay and Play discount now shows on the website. Price has increased to £2.65, but I was not really expecting to keep on swimming at £1.15, it probably costs me almost as much to have a hot shower at home. Still had no reply to my email. So I don't know if I can renew as senior when my current annual Pay and Play runs out or if I have to wait until I am 66.
Its a pain, but actually going to the Rec worked for me. The polite person at the desk had to just flick a switch on her computer and the transfer was done. Although they did keep my physical Better card, which I use to use to swipe at Vauxhall. The Better app has a digital version.

Maybe go at a time when you want to swim and the app is showing spaces available?

I do miss the days of the Lambeth Leisure Card pre-GLL and AL. Turn up, hand over some coins, swim.
This did work, thanks. And luckily I went before 11 as there wasn't a queue but when I left an hour later there was.
Change rooms were unusually clean and water was warm.
An update from a Council Officer via email:

"GLL have a long lease on the Vauxhall facility so it isn’t under our management. I’m not aware of any planning conditions, Lambeth previously had an agreement with GLL that pricing and concessions would be aligned. We subsidised the concessions in exchange for the centre being badged as a Lambeth facility. That expired with the contract, but we are currently finalising a reciprocal agreement with GLL that will allow Active Lambeth members to use Vauxhall and will make an announcement on that shortly."

Which at least sounds encouraging.

I've emailed Cllr Donatus the info on the planning application for the Vauxhall leisure centre/ student housing and section 106 agreement. Asked him to pass this info onto officers.

The section 106 was made quite a few years ago. And took some digging to find. So it would not surprise me if officers were not aware of it.
Its a pain, but actually going to the Rec worked for me. The polite person at the desk had to just flick a switch on her computer and the transfer was done. Although they did keep my physical Better card, which I use to use to swipe at Vauxhall. The Better app has a digital version.

Maybe go at a time when you want to swim and the app is showing spaces available?

I do miss the days of the Lambeth Leisure Card pre-GLL and AL. Turn up, hand over some coins, swim.

And I will wait and see but in previous discussion with Council people being able to pay at reception was brought up. And Cllr/ officers were not against this idea.

I'm going to see how things go with Active Lambeth but what concerns me is that a few things brought in with pandemic are being assumed to be how things always were.

Booking on app in time slots for example.

I never used to have to book for swimming.

I also remember the Rec being open until 8pm on Saturday and Sunday.
My Senior Pay and Play discount now shows on the website. Price has increased to £2.65, but I was not really expecting to keep on swimming at £1.15, it probably costs me almost as much to have a hot shower at home. Still had no reply to my email. So I don't know if I can renew as senior when my current annual Pay and Play runs out or if I have to wait until I am 66.

That is still a big increase.

Lambeth haven't been giving clear info on price increases.

At public meeting told it would be at inflation rate. This looks more
I didn't go to the meeting but also read somewhere it would be inflation rate. They will probably say that it is not the price as such that has changed, but the % of the discount. Looks to me like they made big changes there, but I was not that familiar with the previous prices.
And I will wait and see but in previous discussion with Council people being able to pay at reception was brought up. And Cllr/ officers were not against this idea.

I'm going to see how things go with Active Lambeth but what concerns me is that a few things brought in with pandemic are being assumed to be how things always were.

Booking on app in time slots for example.

I never used to have to book for swimming.

I also remember the Rec being open until 8pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Yes, having to book in advance and being pushed to use an app just to go swimming is irritating me, too. I think I even prefer the queues from before.
My AL app is still showing me £4.43 for a swim with a Pay and Play membership for the Rec. It was £2.80 previously with GLL.
My swim today was £5.69, so not cheap if your income is under pressure, which mine is.
What does a Pay and Play membership cost, Tricky Skills ? I thought that was what I had but clearly not. I'm a Lambeth employee of sorts so maybe I can do better.
My swim today was £5.69, so not cheap if your income is under pressure, which mine is.
What does a Pay and Play membership cost, Tricky Skills ? I thought that was what I had but clearly not. I'm a Lambeth employee of sorts so maybe I can do better.

If you are logged into the App you can check if you have current play and play membership by pressing My Account and then My memberships.

If you were given new Active Lambeth card it will say Pay and Play on it.

On the App costs for Pay and Play are:

Adult concession 7.25 pounds

Adult full price 47.73 pounds

Worth checking eligibility Criteria for concession price.

These prices appear to be big hike up from last year.
My Senior Pay and Play discount now shows on the website. Price has increased to £2.65, but I was not really expecting to keep on swimming at £1.15, it probably costs me almost as much to have a hot shower at home. Still had no reply to my email. So I don't know if I can renew as senior when my current annual Pay and Play runs out or if I have to wait until I am 66.

Ive just checked that on the App and it says 66plus now. Either that is mistake on the App or yet another change from the Council.

Considering their was a public meeting a few days before the change over Im somewhat irritated that the officer reply about prices was not fuller. Im also fairly sure they said that concessions would stay the same.

The change was that disabled concession will allow letter from hospital/ GP to confirm disability if not on benefits.

Should have questioned them further on that. They must have decided on these increases way before.

What I might do is next time I go for swim ask at reception about this price. They should have it on their system. Then will know if the App is wrong.
Over last year in run up to the change to in house management their has been very little consultation or communication by the Council.

Only public consultation has been organised by BRUG.

BRUG has also been asking questions. But a lot of decisions have been made already.

Council think the consultation on the Active Lambeth policy document counted as consultation on bringing it back in house.

Their is a board set up to oversee Active Lambeth. But from what I have heard it has no resident representation on it.

It is comprised of already existing groups.

Ive seen no minutes of it or any way to bring up issues to board attention.
Just got a reply from my query about password. Given reset password link. Ive already sorted it at reception. But query system does work. Even if it took several days.
My Pay and Play membership cost £41.50 back in June 2022 for a year. It gives you discount across all activities. I'm not sure the exact percentage, but I was paying £2.80 for a non-peak Rec swim. This is now £4.43.

I've just checked for Vauxhall. I paid £2.80 for my swim on Monday. Now it's showing as £5.15 moving forward - an increase of 84% :eek:

It's small fry compared to the recent rent hikes, but remember that Lambeth Labour like to remind us that "We're on you're side."
My Pay and Play membership cost £41.50 back in June 2022 for a year. It gives you discount across all activities. I'm not sure the exact percentage, but I was paying £2.80 for a non-peak Rec swim. This is now £4.43.

I've just checked for Vauxhall. I paid £2.80 for my swim on Monday. Now it's showing as £5.15 moving forward - an increase of 84% :eek:

It's small fry compared to the recent rent hikes, but remember that Lambeth Labour like to remind us that "We're on you're side."
Wouldn't be worth it to me then as I only swim. And only once a week, less if I'm really busy. And I don't have a spare £40 most months.
Ive looked at my recent bank statement. Last swim I did under Better was £1.50 with my 60 plus pay and play membership

The App is now saying £2.65
When I was paying the full adult rate for the Leisure Card I did find unless one swam a lot it was not worth having. I normally only have time to swim weekends. Over a year it did not save me that much.
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