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Lambeth Council bringing Leisure Service/ Brixton Rec Management In-house

Unexpected good news this morning from Active Lambeth - the pool at West Norwood has reopened a few weeks earlier than expected.

Reduced hours until September.

Reopening general swim programme

Monday to Friday

Adult Swim 6:30am to 12:30pm
General Swim 1pm to 4pm
Adult Swim 4:30pm to 10pm

Adult Swim 8am to 10:30am
General Swim 11:00am to 2:30pm
Adult Swim 3pm to 5pm

My (limited) understanding is that the Rec has long standing and complicated problems with the roof and other things. Not sure if the £35k allocated for "new drainage" is supposed to be related to this, but it seems like there's not much you could do with that amount, so does this mean that sorting the Rec building's more major issues is a can that's being kicked down the road?
My (limited) understanding is that the Rec has long standing and complicated problems with the roof and other things. Not sure if the £35k allocated for "new drainage" is supposed to be related to this, but it seems like there's not much you could do with that amount, so does this mean that sorting the Rec building's more major issues is a can that's being kicked down the road?
Possibly drainage to the pedestrian walkways at entrance level?
My (limited) understanding is that the Rec has long standing and complicated problems with the roof and other things. Not sure if the £35k allocated for "new drainage" is supposed to be related to this, but it seems like there's not much you could do with that amount, so does this mean that sorting the Rec building's more major issues is a can that's being kicked down the road?

Yes it does.

One might be design of roof.

Surveyor reports recommended a more detailed look at ( from what I can remember) was called the roof " philosophy"

Rainwater and how it falls off the roof.

The other thing is guttering on roof. Which was not cleaned for years due to lack of safety rails on roof.

There have been and are leaks. It's not easy to find exactly where they are originating from.

Another thing with Rec is that over years pipes etc have been altered but no proper records kept of the this.

Which makes it more difficult to trace faults
This winter ( again) the swimming pool is to cold. 25 degrees.

This along with no heating in the changing room makes it unusable for many.

This has been going on for years now.
This winter ( again) the swimming pool is to cold. 25 degrees.

This along with no heating in the changing room makes it unusable for many.

This has been going on for years now.
Is the water temperature reported anywhere on site these days?

It is some time since I went for a dip at Brixton but my feeling was water temperature was usually in high 20s, but you would rapidly feel chilled as the pool hall temperature was the same or slightly cooler due to limitations of the central heating.

Better used to claim
"Our lap pool is kept a constant 28-29 degrees and our teaching pool is a warm 30-31 degrees"

This would be in line with leisure industry maximums, seem to have become norms. It is the difference between air temperature and water temperature that can have as much of an impact on feeling comfortable as the absolute water temperature
Is the water temperature reported anywhere on site these days?

It is some time since I went for a dip at Brixton but my feeling was water temperature was usually in high 20s, but you would rapidly feel chilled as the pool hall temperature was the same or slightly cooler due to limitations of the central heating.

Better used to claim
"Our lap pool is kept a constant 28-29 degrees and our teaching pool is a warm 30-31 degrees"

This would be in line with leisure industry maximums, seem to have become norms. It is the difference between air temperature and water temperature that can have as much of an impact on feeling comfortable as the absolute water temperature

The temperature of the swimming pool is reported on the white notice board by where the person on reception sits.

It's been at 25 to 25.2

Several people I know have written to council/ Cllrs saying they can no longer use the pool due to low temperature.

Before Better went I took a screenshot of the Better app page where they promise 28 degrees.

The pool hall and changing room heating systems haven't worked for years.

Council have been told about this for years.
On the pool / changing rooms and pool hall temperature.

The replacement of worn out heating and ventilation systems always was a council responsibility. Not Better. Who were responsible for day to day maintenance
I went to the pool yesterday with my son. I have never known a pool, or the changing rooms, to be so cold.

It might be OK if you are properly exercising and doing lengths to up the body temperature, but a 9 year old wants to do a mixture of swimming and hanging around.

We had to leave early.
I went to the pool yesterday with my son. I have never known a pool, or the changing rooms, to be so cold.

It might be OK if you are properly exercising and doing lengths to up the body temperature, but a 9 year old wants to do a mixture of swimming and hanging around.

We had to leave early.
Yep. Puts me off going with my kid.
Is it possible that it's not cold because of the dodgy heating but simply because they're desperately trying to save money given the massively increased heating costs? Swimming pools take an absolutely fuck load of energy to heat. They're one of the biggest headaches for councils trying to retrofit their estate.
Is it possible that it's not cold because of the dodgy heating but simply because they're desperately trying to save money given the massively increased heating costs? Swimming pools take an absolutely fuck load of energy to heat. They're one of the biggest headaches for councils trying to retrofit their estate.

If that is the case then the Council should say that.
Leisure services are not a free service like libraries.

They are a business people are made to pay for ( with some concessions)

Memberships are not that cheap.

Given that a level of service should be kept to.
As far as I can gather cost is not the issue.

The issue is to do with the plant not working properly.
I know I've seen complaints about cold pools on local FB groups here in the north, including pools at private gyms. A gym I go to sometimes has completely closed the jacuzzi because of costs. So just wouldn't be surprised if a dodgy system was a bit of a convenient excuse.
I went to the pool yesterday with my son. I have never known a pool, or the changing rooms, to be so cold.

It might be OK if you are properly exercising and doing lengths to up the body temperature, but a 9 year old wants to do a mixture of swimming and hanging around.

We had to leave early.
I saw an ad yesterday saying that the heating was broken and warning people that it was going to be cold. I can't believe the staff didn't mention this before you went in!
I can totally understand that things won't improve the moment a new operator takes over. But Lambeth should only be taking over knowing what needs to be done. They should at least have a plan and a timetable and should be in a position to communicate it. Sorting heating should be top of that plan.
I saw an ad yesterday saying that the heating was broken and warning people that it was going to be cold. I can't believe the staff didn't mention this before you went in!
Yes to be fair they got the message about no hot water and cool water in the pools at Brixton Rec out on the Active Lambeth app fairly promptly yesterday, so it is probably worth having the app on your phone and allowing notifications. (ETA you don't have to accept the marketing ones.)
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Yes to be fair they got the message about no hot water and cool water in the pools at Brixton Rec out on the Active Lambeth app fairly promptly yesterday, so it is probably worth having the app on your phone and allowing notifications even if most of them are marketing.
I’ve got the Active Lambeth app and didn’t see anything.

I did notice a screen with the pool temperature at 24° on my way in. To my mind, a 24° day is very pleasant so I didn’t expect that to be as cold as it was.

And, even if I had been warned, or correctly interpreted the pool temperature, I had just taken a 9 year old on the bus to Brixton to go swimming. We would probably have gone in to check it out anyway rather than walking back to the bus stop.
Yes to be fair they got the message about no hot water and cool water in the pools at Brixton Rec out on the Active Lambeth app fairly promptly yesterday, so it is probably worth having the app on your phone and allowing notifications even if most of them are marketing.

This problem has being going on for some time.

Every time the weather gets cold the pool temperature goes down.

So no they did not get it promptly on app.
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I’ve got the Active Lambeth app and didn’t see anything.

I did notice a screen with the pool temperature at 24° on my way in. To my mind, a 24° day is very pleasant so I didn’t expect that to be as cold as it was.

And, even if I had been warned, or correctly interpreted the pool temperature, I had just taken a 9 year old on the bus to Brixton to go swimming. We would probably have gone in to check it out anyway rather than walking back to the bus stop.

Neither did I.

Over past weeks other swimmers I know have told me when its been cold.

Ive checked the App and nothing.

Its only now they have put it on app.
I can totally understand that things won't improve the moment a new operator takes over. But Lambeth should only be taking over knowing what needs to be done. They should at least have a plan and a timetable and should be in a position to communicate it. Sorting heating should be top of that plan.

They did have a plan.

Once the future of Rec was agreed money was set aside.

The works were divided between phase one and phase two.

Phase one were necessary upgrades like new fire alarm system.

Replacing the heating and ventilation was to be in Phase Two.

Most of phase one was done.

Then along came the pandemic and everything ground to a halt.

After pandemic the impetus to continue went.

There have also been a thorough independent surveyors report done ( now years back but still relevant)

This gave detailed survey of existing plant. With lifespan of plant.

Heating and Ventilation was way beyond its useful life.

Same with lifts.

The mge gave up on trying to fix the heating in changing rooms years back.

Was recently told by a senior officer at a meetig that the HVAC was considered to expensive to replace.. I do not remember this.

TBF things get made up by some officers

Other problem with Lambeth is turn over in officers.

Some officers are good when they start. My feeling is that officer that do not grow into the Lambeth way of doing things either go or do not get their contracts renewed.

Another problem is as you say lack of planned maintenance. A surveyor can tell you the useful life of equipment. So one can plan ahead for replacement.

Historically that is not how Lambeth works.

They complain the Rec is old. Thing is imo the way Lambeth has worked is that they think every 30 years they can do some deal with a developer/ sell land in exchange for a new centre. A public private partnership like in Streatham.

This is very short sighted.

What the Council should do is planned maintenance . Also recording what has been done. One problem for new officers is when the start their is little records kept over the years of what has been done and what needs to be done.

TBH this is all driving up me up the wall.

I can well understand why people can lose their plot with Lambeth.

I dont blame all officers. My view is get let down by Cllrs. Lambeth has no opposition to keep them on their toes. There is not incentive for Cllrs to stick their necks out and support residents.

Things like sorting out the Rec need strong political direction of officers by Cllrs.
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BTW the plant - boilers / HVAC / Lifts. All the big stuff has always been Lambeth responsibility.

Even when there was contract with Better.

Better were responsible for day to day maintenance.

Not replacing worn out plant.
From a chat over lunch I learn that the showers at Brixton Rec are now permanently too hot - feeling scalding?
My source also said they had heard from a changing room discussion that the water heating contractors have been sacked as they were so useless, but without a replacement yet being lined up???

Can anyone back either of these reports up - I now use Clapham pool as best of a poor bunch, so am out of the loop.
From a chat over lunch I learn that the showers at Brixton Rec are now permanently too hot - feeling scalding?
My source also said they had heard from a changing room discussion that the water heating contractors have been sacked as they were so useless, but without a replacement yet being lined up???

Can anyone back either of these reports up - I now use Clapham pool as best of a poor bunch, so am out of the loop.
Used them last weekend and they were ok to me.

The pool temperature is now back up.

Lambeth has a newish officer who imo is getting on top of things and the contractors.

See how long he lasts.

It appears the pool temperature and shower temperature is not only due to maintenance issues but how staff maintain the equipment.

Maintaining and knowing how to work the complicated equipment in Rec is not straightforward.

I'm not saying this as excusing Lambeth.

New officer appears to me to be making an effort.

What this says to me is that a lot depends on chance.

The other issue is the lack of information from Council.

With Rec rumours take off.

Council have been told they need to be putting out info more on how they are dealing with problems.
I got two emails simultaneously today.

Along with some shite about new karaoke booths, the key points are:

Effective 1st April 2024, your membership will increase by up to 9.9%. If you are a monthly paying customer, there is no action that you need to take, and your membership will automatically be updated to reflect the new charge.

Effective 1 April 2024, Active Lambeth's services and activities will increase by 6.7% in line with inflation. If you are a monthly paying customer, there is no action that you need to take, and your membership will automatically be updated to reflect the new charge.

I wonder if that means my membership is going up 6.7%, the rate of inflation, and others might go up by an amount less or greater than inflation, as high as 9.9%.

Hopefully the staff will get a payrise in line with inflation.
I am always complaining about the Rec but, credit where it is due, the lady who works the desk at 7am really is a superstar. So friendly and helpful when I know I’d be miserable at that time of day.
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