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Labour leadership

When do they win with a message of hope?

What does this winning look like for me?
maybe i've been swept along in corbyn-fever but i guess "When" would be "the next election"and "What would it look like" would be "the traditional socialist labour party renationalising, rebuilding the NHS and the welfare system, taxing the rich more... all those good things.
maybe i've been swept along in corbyn-fever but i guess "When" would be "the next election"and "What would it look like" would be "the traditional socialist labour party renationalising, rebuilding the NHS and the welfare system, taxing the rich more... all those good things.
So it hasn't happened? This stuff from Corbyn is like some shitty tesco birthday card,.
what hasn't happened? the leadership election? no it hasn't happened yet so it is early days. what would you like to happen??

oops forgot to quote. butchersapron
Corbyn said that labour wins with hope or some nonsense - i asked when that had actually happened. And the answer seemed to be at some point in the future.

Seriously, that banality from him is as bad as any blairite guff soundbite - in fact, it's the same model isn't it?
maybe i've been swept along in corbyn-fever but i guess "When" would be "the next election"and "What would it look like" would be "the traditional socialist labour party renationalising, rebuilding the NHS and the welfare system, taxing the rich more... all those good things.

If you think that Corbyn could win and survive to the next GE, then you are living in a fantasy world; if you want free needs based health care, social owned industries and people's livelihoods protected from the demands of capital, then nice as he is (and I've met him and he's more than ok) Jeremy is not the answer.

Cheers -Louis MacNeie
Corbyn said that labour wins with hope or some nonsense - i asked when that had actually happened. And the answer seemed to be at some point in the future.
no he didn't say that. the person who wrote the article that i posted said it; it was a comment piece on his unexpectedly popular leadership campaign, not an interview.
andrew niel hammered him on 'talking to the ira two days after they'd tried to blow up the government'. His response that you don't make peace by ignoring the other side was valid but I can see that one being a millstone round his neck.
I have read the article - and it really is just cynical greeting card guff.
ok i just thought you hadn't because you said that corbyn had said the quote about "hope winning the election", when in fact it was a direct quote from the article and he hasn't said anything of the kind as far as I know?

I still don't know what you want! as far as i can see the fact that a fairly left wing candidate has evoked such support can only be a good thing whether he wins or not.
Only just discovered I have a vote through my union.

I'm not particulary interested in party politics (not since Blair ignored 2 million people and went to war anyway) Haven't read anything about the candidates or seen them on tv. I heard a lack lustre speach from Corbyn at the Anti Austerity rally and have his a flyer. I know nothing of the other candiates, other than theres 3 women and 3 blokes and Corbyn is the most left wing of the lot - is that right? gawd help us.

Would anyone care to say anything about them to help me in my choice?
all cunts except corbyn who seems vaugely alright but hasn't got a cat made of ice's chance in hell. Might as well vote for him I suppose.
andrew niel hammered him on 'talking to the ira two days after they'd tried to blow up the government'. His response that you don't make peace by ignoring the other side was valid but I can see that one being a millstone round his neck.

Is that in relation to the 1991 mortar attack on Downing street? Because the obvious response to that one is that the Tory government had been talking behind the scenes to the Provies from 1987 onwards.
Is that in relation to the 1991 mortar attack on Downing street? Because the obvious response to that one is that the Tory government had been talking behind the scenes to the Provies from 1987 onwards.
brighton hotel


and he did mention that the gov. had been in talks with the ira behind the scenes anyway- mediated through priests wsn't it?
Is that in relation to the 1991 mortar attack on Downing street? Because the obvious response to that one is that the Tory government had been talking behind the scenes to the Provies from 1987 onwards.
Corbyn actually made that point but was drowned out by Brilllo talking over him.
In his letter, Burnham admitted that he had led calls for the party to change its position, but sought to reassure Labour MPs that it was “only the beginning of a major fight with the Tories”.

“I am determined that we will fight this regressive bill line by line, word by word in committee,” he added.

FFS, fighting it by supporting it!
BBC News reporting that Burnham, Cooper and Kendall, will back Harriet position on abstaining from tonights Welfare vote, though some(a few) LP MP will vote against

so, the LP is voting for a form of state eugenics, cuts in disability benefits, a cap down to 13,000 for a single person.


Burnham really is a shape shifter, turner

You would think that people who are apparently so enamoured of business and business people would be familiar with the importance of having a 'unique selling point' to flog your brand.
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