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Labour leadership


Sitting on the bok of the day
So if Miliband has to go.........who next?

I have rather liked Ed Miliband - think he is quite decent and honest, rare in a politician.

Given tonight's likely outcome there will be calls for him to stand down.

Who next? I must admit I am struggling to see an obvious front runner.

And it does matter.
Andy Burnham is favourite with bookies - Cooper was but isn't any more.

I have thought Cooper or Burnham - interesting to look at 2011 candidates. One emigrated, one not really an option, one might lose his seat tonight.

While further to the right than I would like Labour are our only realistic chance of kicking out the tories. I fear a repeat of 79 - 97. By which time the NHS, the benefits system and our employment rights etc. will be well and truly fucked. Labour needs a strong leader who will do deals with other parties.
It'll be an anodyne Tory clone whoever . The labour " left " have had their chance and blown it big time . Looks to me like the pundits are deciding for them they went too far left , and they'll be stampeded further right by a media clamour from without and the Blairites from within . Its shaping up to be the "accepted wisdom" and therell be nobody from their "left " with a shred of credibility after tonight to put up any argument against it .
They're a self serving beaten docket with no ideas , pointless .
It'll be an anodyne Tory clone whoever . The labour " left " have had their chance and blown it big time . Looks to me like the pundits are deciding for them they went too far left , and they'll be stampeded further right by a media clamour from without and the Blairites from within . Its shaping up to be the "accepted wisdom" and therell be nobody from their "left " with a shred of credibility after tonight to put up any argument against it .
They're a self serving beaten docket with no ideas , pointless .

The problem is they don't stand for fucking anything, and they do it badly. The blarites stood for nothing with real force and authority.

They've lost on the left to the SNP, some of their English working class voters to UKIP and to disaffection, they've lost in the center to the tories - basically lost all over.
I'm calling Rachel Reeves for shadow chancellor, unfortunately.

Pairing with Cooper would be interesting, and having two women opposite Cameron's patronising flashman act might show him up for the buffoon he is.

Burnham hasn't really come across well when I've seen him on TV before the election, just argued over his opponents and looked short-tempered.
Chuka is an obvious call.

If I was his tactician, I'd say leave it for it a bit, build support.

He's not universally liked in my constituency, but he's a lot smarter and more literate than most MPs. Would get my support as Labour leader.

All considered: Chuka. He's now got two or three years to build support. Only worry... he's way more centrist than Ed.
Chuka is an obvious call.

If I was his tactician, I'd say leave it for it a bit, build support.

He's not universally liked in my constituency, but he's a lot smarter and more literate than most MPs. Would get my support as Labour leader.

All considered: Chuka. He's now got two or three years to build support. Only worry... he's way more centrist than Ed.

Chuka's an empty vessel, so he'd be perfect for the right of the party, and he'd play really well with the middle class wiberal vote that Labour cultivate. Plus they could score loads of wiberal points because he's (ruling class) black.
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