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Kick Racism Out of Football

Serie A has launched what they call an anti-racism campaign using pictures of monkeys.


Serie A uses monkeys in anti-racism posters

Serie A anti-racism artwork featuring monkeys condemned as a ‘sick joke’

Speechless, quite speechless.

Stan spot on as ever.

“Fantastic to see Serie A anti-racism campaign posters (yes, it’s really real),” tweeted the former England forward Stan Collymore. “Maybe get the mascots to black up as a finishing touch.”
I'm baffled as to why clubs earning hundreds of millions cannot hire undercover "fans" with hidden cameras to stand within the crowd to identify racists and just ban them for life. Easy thing to do.
I'm baffled as to why clubs earning hundreds of millions cannot hire undercover "fans" with hidden cameras to stand within the crowd to identify racists and just ban them for life. Easy thing to do.
Most premiership & championship grounds have pretty extensive video surveillance.

What baffles me is how the scumbags think they are going to get away with it.
Most premiership & championship grounds have pretty extensive video surveillance.

but most only get caught by sky cameras and usually when they are near the field of play where they can abuse players. Those further back will be shouting even worse abuse and these are the ones that are getting away with it
Raheem Sterling (of Manchester City): Manchester City fans banned for racist abuse


(Source: MEN Media)

Ian Baldry, 58, admitted to shouting racist abuse at Raheem Sterling during a home match against Bournemouth on 1 December 2018. Baldry pleaded guilty at his hearing last year and claimed that Sterling was his 'favourite player'.


(Source: MEN Media)

James McConnell, 57, made racist remarks towards players, stewards and a fellow fan who told him his behaviour was "unnaceptable".
"He goes to the match with his 70 year old mum and behaves like an utter p*ick"


(Source: as stated in image)

Or even "40-year-old Josef Smith, behaves like ignorant white supremacist while sitting with his 70-year-old mother and thousands of others".

In years of watching football I have never seen an idiot getting their dick out at an actual game.

on the way home on the train, after a game one day, I have seen a first class wanker running up and down a train carriage with his dick hanging out.

He appeared to be particulary concerned that that everyone was aware that he had a foreskin and was therefore unlikley to be a Tottenham fan.
I was sitting with a couple of women, and we took the view that he was a twat, and we went going to have a fight.

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I was at an England v. Scotland game at Wembley, the game where Wembley was trashed. Anyway, I was in with the Scotland fans standing on the terraces. They were all ratted. The guy in front of me couldn't be arsed to make his way to the toilets. As you do, he got his sick out and pissed on the pocket of the bloke in front of him

"Derby County player Max Lowe has said he is "shocked" by comments from pundit Craig Ramage on BBC Radio Derby that suggested "young black lads" should "go back to basics, working hard" ..."

Derby County's Max Lowe criticises pundit's 'racial ignorance' in BBC broadcast


"I would like to reiterate my heartfelt apology not only to the players but also the fans that have listened to me over the past 7 years and also to those that followed me throughout my career. I would like to reinforce that this error in no way reflects my personal views."

I wonder whose views he was reflecting when he made his comments?
Missed this last night but saw it on the Portuguese news this morning. Porto playing away at Guimaraes. Marega , a black Porto foward scores gets a load of racist abuse from some Guimaraes supporters, points to the colour of his skin later gets more, remonstrates again with them pointing his middle fingers gets booked by referee and then goes to walk off the pitch. Both Porto team mates and the opposition ( including other black players) try to dissuade him, prevent him from walking off rather than showing any real solidaity by walking off with him. Portugues press , especially the football papers in support of Marega and against racsim. Lots of social media very critical of Porto not walking off others saying its only words. Marega said on Instagram "Just want to tell these idiots that come to the stadium to say racist chants… fuck you,I also thank the refs that didn’t protect me with the yellow card I got for defending the colour of my skin.I hope to never meet you again in a football field! YOU ARE SHAMEFUL.”
Missed this last night but saw it on the Portuguese news this morning. Porto playing away at Guimaraes. Marega , a black Porto foward scores gets a load of racist abuse from some Guimaraes supporters, points to the colour of his skin later gets more, remonstrates again with them pointing his middle fingers gets booked by referee and then goes to walk off the pitch. Both Porto team mates and the opposition ( including other black players) try to dissuade him, prevent him from walking off rather than showing any real solidaity by walking off with him. Portugues press , especially the football papers in support of Marega and against racsim. Lots of social media very critical of Porto not walking off others saying its only words. Marega said on Instagram "Just want to tell these idiots that come to the stadium to say racist chants… fuck you,I also thank the refs that didn’t protect me with the yellow card I got for defending the colour of my skin.I hope to never meet you again in a football field! YOU ARE SHAMEFUL.”

Doesnt the new protocol apply over there? Is it just the FA over here cos I thought it was a UEFA wide thing.
Doesnt the new protocol apply over there? Is it just the FA over here cos I thought it was a UEFA wide thing.
Dont know tbh first time I've seen racist abuse in a Portuguese League match , not saying it hasnt happened before but first time I've seen it.I'll have to get out my google translate app and ask later tonight.

Derby County's Max Lowe criticises pundit's 'racial ignorance' in BBC broadcast


"I would like to reiterate my heartfelt apology not only to the players but also the fans that have listened to me over the past 7 years and also to those that followed me throughout my career. I would like to reinforce that this error in no way reflects my personal views."

I wonder whose views he was reflecting when he made his comments?
NO. IMO if this does not reflect "my" views, I should say so in advance by saying so and so said or, preferably to quote so and so...
He probably wished he said the young players should go back to basics. There was no need to mention skin colour, race, sexuality Etc.
He needs lessons in equality.
Dont know tbh first time I've seen racist abuse in a Portuguese League match , not saying it hasnt happened before but first time I've seen it.I'll have to get out my google translate app and ask later tonight.

Yeah I'll have a look later as well, not between 8 and 10 though eh
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