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Ken Loach and dubious "anti-semitism" claims

Interestingly Zachor doesn't mention this bit at the end of the link...

No doubt this person is a raving Jew-baiter a la Streicher too.... :rolleyes:
She lost her daughter in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem in 1997.

When my little girl was killed, a reporter asked me how I was willing to accept condolences from the other side. I replied without hesitation that I refused it: When representatives of Netanyahu's government came to offer their condolences I took my leave and would not sit with them.

For me, the other side, the enemy, is not the Palestinian people. For me the struggle is not between Palestinians and Israelis, nor between Jews and Arabs. The fight is between those who seek peace and those who seek war. My people are those who seek peace. My sisters are the bereaved mothers, Israeli and Palestinian, who live in Israel and in Gaza and in the refugee camps. My brothers are the fathers who try to defend their children from the cruel occupation, and are, as I was, unsuccessful in doing so. Although we were born into a different history and speak different tongues there is more that unites us than that which divides us.
mmm, I think you are making the same mistake littlebabyjesus is making Garf.

No one has said that all Gazans blame 'jews', but no one can honestly deny that some do, nor that, when the state in question defines itself as 'jewish' and states that any condemnation of it is a condmenation of all jewry, then it IS all too understandable that some people will rspond by blaming 'jews'

And saying that does not make me, or Ken Loach, at all anti-semitic.
not saying it does i was picking up on the misuse of language in what is specifically a language based conflict inso far as using or misusing terms to atribute actions to sides and how those actions are defined.

In this instance the post suggesting that Isrealis and Jews are interchangable, which of course they are not.

I'm suggesting neither that you or Ken Loach are juedophobic, merely that by implicating all jews or isrealis as interchangable terms is... inherantly.

however i concure with your sentiment critism of isreali miltary action doens't equate to feelings of juedophobia or the wider jewry populace...
I think there's also an issue atm of seperation of Palestinians and Gazans they are they same.

The issues of palestine are the issues of Gaza and vice versa.

To continue using the approved rhetoric and maintaining the assumed and inferred seperation serves to further deligitmise the poltical choice of all Palestinians to have hamas as their elected leadership.

The W/B having not been handed over to hamas by Fatah and in effect this can be seen as a futher attempt by western powers at conferring legitimacy on their preffered partner Fatah rather than having to deal with the terrorist's Hamas...

which should also not be supported as this is clearly against the will of the palestinian people.

Nor should it be forgotten that the reason that Hamas got in was primarily the corruption and inaction of Fatah since the disbanded PLO movement became the PA in terms of organiseational hireachy, this couplled with a stated aim of Hamas to return the situation to the action and defence of Palestine against the invasionary and occupational forces. This is what was wanted by the majority of palestinian people or they would not have elected who they did.

there's of course a reasoned debate to be had as to whether the actions taken in support of the continued PLO type actions in insisting on a free and contigious state is legitiamate given the poltical landscape however it should also be recognised that this is more in the way of anti Hamas propaganda which ultimately boils down to anti Palestinian propaganda...
I understand your point, but I really don't think that rioted was making that suggestion
no id on't either but it goes to show how critical the language used around this subject is...

sadly, the elephant in the room is often the specture of judeophobia when commenting on these matters and time in time out the misuse of language means that it encourages this type of argument for what could in effect have been negated for want of a bit more care...

the points being made and their vaildity are entirely different from the manner in which they are made.

the confusion comes when a for want of extreme polemic examples

a nazi says
when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews.

or a peace activist says
when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews.

it isn't under any circumstances understandable to blame jews; but it would be understandable to blame isrealis...

language here is critical...
Unfortunately, when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews. Sitting in safety several thousand miles away you may take a more rational view.

hang on, Loach was talking about Muslims in Europe moving towards anti-semitism, forgive me if i am wrong, but I haven't seen any Israeli planes bombing Rotterdam.

and yes, conflating being a jew with support for Israel is not a good idea, .
but under the circumstances that do exist - not least the Israeli states self-description of itself as the jewish state - it IS understandable that some people will make that kind of comment. Indeed, one could argue that the Israeli state thrives off that position. Which is not to say it is right or defensible, but it is understandable.
hang on, Loach was talking about Muslims in Europe moving towards anti-semitism, forgive me if i am wrong, but I haven't seen any Israeli planes bombing Rotterdam.

but they have seen their co-religionists, people who they consider (and may well actually be) their brothers and sisters, bombed to bits. you seem to be deliberately missing the point.
but under the circumstances that do exist - not least the Israeli states self-description of itself as the jewish state - it IS understandable that some people will make that kind of comment. Indeed, one could argue that the Israeli state thrives off that position. Which is not to say it is right or defensible, but it is understandable.
it's scertainly a benifical situation to exist where any and all critic can be phrased as juedophobic behaviour it doesn't mean that you should pander towards encouaging that default position by actualyl conflagrating the two in precisely the manner which allows the Isreali govt to do so...

It's playing into their hands and of course gives rise to the ancient and old chestnust well they are anitsemitic in their actions hence their comments which deflects even the most staunch critic of the situation...
no, of course one shouldn't pander to that position. But I dont think that saying that it is understandable that some people adopt it is pandering
but they have seen their co-religionists,


Since when has the Left cared about co-religionists, I dont see such argument used about the Christians, for example, who are being butchered around the world? These people are now French, Dutch, English, etc, yes some may be of Palestinian descent and have relatives, but very few. I don't care about people as co-religionists, people yes, the Palestinians should be supported because of human right violations, etc, not because of an adherence to a particular Abrahamic religion.
no, of course one shouldn't pander to that position. But I dont think that saying that it is understandable that some people adopt it is pandering
Maybe i'm being incoherant here (it has been known!!)

the content of the discussion isn't in dispute.

people who say:
when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews.

They are instantly falling into the trap of conflgrating isrealis and jews as being entirely interchangeable.

This in itself is juedophobic, regardless of the senitment inside of the comment ie

"there is a understandable feeling which would lead some into retailiation for the actions of war committed on a largley and predominantly civial population by isreali military" is fine it's the conferred sentiment of all isrealis are all jews which isn't fine...

Also it's a bit biased and unknowledgeable to assume to speak for all european muslims and espouse and opinion which inferres this is their reasoning...

and ultimately come from the same standpoint as all isrealis are jews...

The assumption is that both sides are homoginous units which can be easliy identified by jew or arab. which we know of course they cannot.

to further discussion around such terminology without seeking to clarify and specify the peoples you are discussing will only ever lead to sloppy and disjointed or even misinterpretted comments about the situation.
god, are you being deliberately dim treelover?

you dont care, that much is obvious, but that isnt the point. Many people, often, but not always, of a muslim background, do care about the people they consider their brothers and sisters being blown to bits.
Maybe i'm being incoherant here (it has been known!!)
I'm afraid i think you are.

the content of the discussion isn't in dispute.
actually, it does appear to be

people who say:
when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews.

They are instantly falling into the trap of conflgrating isrealis and jews as being entirely interchangeable.

This in itself is juedophobic, regardless of the senitment inside of the comment
so the Israeli state itself is judeophobic?

No one on here has said that that elision is fine, or correct, or anything of the kind, but it is understnadlabel when exactly the same argument (Israel = Judaism) is mnade by the Israeli state.

Also it's a bit biased and unknowledgeable to assume to speak for all european muslims and espouse and opinion which inferres this is their reasoning...
No one has done that tho, indeed, mostly people have very explicitly said that it is NOT all muslims or jews who hold such a view.
actually, it does appear to be

not at all i'm taking issue with the language used rather than the content.

so the Israeli state itself is judeophobic?

no more than a black person using the n word is racist...

what the isreali state chooses to define itself as is entirely irrelevant to the obivous statement which conflagrates isrealis and jews as being interchangeable.

It's the words themselves.

Isreali isn't Jew and Jew isn't Isreali.

It's irrelvant that Israel defines itself as a jewish state. has no bearing on the assumptive nature of conflagrating the word jew and the word isreali.

No one on here has said that that elision is fine, or correct, or anything of the kind, but it is understnadlabel when exactly the same argument (Israel = Judaism) is mnade by the Israeli state.

the comment isn't aimed at anyone here it's aimed at anyone who would mistakenly misuse langauge when discussing the subject which leads to lazy and assumptive argument counter argument about juedophobia rather than about the subejct matter at hand (it the situation which has prompted the discussion in the first place).

to put it another way if i call you a fucking cunt on here it's likely that however vaild my argument is you will not debate that but debate the manner in which it was put accross to you and my intended insult against you. it matters little if you agree or disagree with the point you are already going to take issue at being attacked aggressively without due cause...

this will the colour all subsiquent discussion to be had on any subject matter because you can dimiss my points as being irrelvant because I have shown my nature and the motiveation behind it and also against you as a poster by calling you a fuckign cunt...

others might step in and say garf don't call them a cunt it's not on, but regardless you aren't going to be as accepting of the vaild point being made because you are already on the defensive...

By making the same elementary mistake time in time out social commintators do regularlly interchange jew and isreali as being one and the same and it has the same reaction.

as i've said had what have been said been:

when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Israelis.

insted of :

when your house is being bombed, your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, it is understandable to blame Jews.

then this would have been better and avioded the entire conversation as to the intended or unintended Juedophobia...

No one has done that tho, indeed, mostly people have very explicitly said that it is NOT all muslims or jews who hold such a view.

again it's not an issue of it being on the thread the original quote from loach makes this elementary mistake and swaps isreali for jew halfway through the paragraph...
what the isreali state chooses to define itself as is entirely irrelevant to the obivous statement which conflagrates isrealis and jews as being interchangeable.
Not so. The fact that Israel defines itself in such a manner, and often defines criticism of itself as criticism of ALL jewry is absolutely central. It is the main reason why such a wider conflation exists.

I agree with your middle comments - as i think everyone else on here does too - so there's no need for me to respond to them.

again it's not an issue of it being on the thread the original quote from loach makes this elementary mistake and swaps isreali for jew halfway through the paragraph...

mmm, no he doesn't.
I'm suggesting neither that you or Ken Loach are juedophobic, merely that by implicating all jews or isrealis as interchangable terms is... inherantly.
Nobody is saying that the terms 'Jew' and 'Israeli' are interchangeable. Nor is anyone suggesting that all Jews (or indeed all Israelis) are responsible for the actions of the Israeli state. What they are suggesting is that when people do conflate the two, and inappropriately blame Jews for Israeli state actions, that that is understandable. Not pardonable, not condonable, but understandable.

In other word, people are wrong to blame Jews when your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, but that it is at least possible to see why they might, especially given the Israeli state's self-identification ideology.

That is what's being said.
http://thejc.com/articles/jews-are-paying-price-gaza-says-loach "“I know there have been recently statements about the rise in antisemitism. Well of course we all abhor racism in whatever form, wherever it comes, but nothing has been a greater instigator of antisemitism than the self-proclaimed Jewish state itself.

“Until we deal with that, until that is acknowledged, then racism, I’m afraid, will be with us.”

personally i think it is shite absolute shite and fits in entirely with anti semitism ( though i do not think Loach is anti semitic )

.. one of the key parts of anti-semitism is that 'the jews are to blame' .. if they make money they are to blame, if they fight they are to blame, if they are communists they are to blame, if they are bankers they are to blame, the only 'nation' that is not allowed to behave like a nation .. the russian state found a solution for the jews .. in Pacific Siberia, the Nazis found a solution for the jews in the gas chambers .. the jews are to be neither seen nor heard but hey every now and again we'll go kill some

i think that the many people are always looking for reasons to have ago at the jews .. while yes we must protest israels actions until there is a solution that finally puts to bed anti semitism Israel will carry on .. and idiots will accuse IT and the jews of creating there own problems like for centuries before

that the european community never found a safe place for the remainder of the european jewish community after the almost imaginable holocaust still rankles .. the UK stopped emaciated refugees from reaching Palestine, we torpedoed boats with Holocuast survivors for fuck sake, our soldiers bombed jewish political offices etc etc .. and the creation of of home for the jews in palestine was bugnled to unbelievable proportions .. until we can guarantee the jewish community that they no longer face annihaliation as many in Israel clearly believe and due to the history of the last 50 years ( of which yes of courser they have helped create) that is stil a real threat .. and certainly a more real threat than that faced by any other community in europe or close by ( maybe except the roma)
so you don't think that the Israeli state has any culpability at all?

That's not really a tenable position, is it?
Nobody is saying that the terms 'Jew' and 'Israeli' are interchangeable. Nor is anyone suggesting that all Jews (or indeed all Israelis) are responsible for the actions of the Israeli state. What they are suggesting is that when people do conflate the two, and inappropriately blame Jews for Israeli state actions, that that is understandable. Not pardonable, not condonable, but understandable.

In other word, people are wrong to blame Jews when your kids killed and the warplanes have Israeli markings, but that it is at least possible to see why they might, especially given the Israeli state's self-identification ideology.

That is what's being said.
wrong look at his comments above 'self proclaimed' ( wtf does THAT mean!!) 'instigator' .. they are to blame?? it is accusation with no history, no context, no understanding .. he should know better
Anti-semitism is way up there on the list of things that make me upset and angry. Ken Loach's comments have not triggered such repulsions for me.

For as far as Im concerned, at the heart of anti-semitism is the fear, mistrust, hate and dehumanisation of others, people who can be labelled 'not us' in some way. Jews have suffered very badly from this, but they dont have a monopoly on being victims. Apologists for Israeli atrocities who seek to use this stuff to deflect from the suffering of others, annoy me as much as anti-semites. You are as bad as them, you are engaging in some of the same thought processes, that just perpetuate the hate.

Genuine understanding of the emotions, suffering, drives, fears and aims of all sides during conflict is to be welcomed. The focus on merely justifying one sides actions and condemning & blaming the other side for all the problems, is not understanding. Now its certainly true that many of Israels critics do not try all that hard to have sympathy with Israel, and this does leave some critics of Israel open to legitimate criticism. But such criticisms do end up seeming like some sort of distractionary sideshow most of the time, for the words of both sides in such arguments are not usually the words which are perpetuating the violence. For example its hard to convince me that any of the anti-semitic violence in Europe would be driven by the words of Ken Loach, as opposed to being driven by existing racist jew-hating beliefs of a minority, military action by Israel, and the ongoing plight of the palestinians.

Jenny Tonge got in big trouble when she expressed an opinion that she could understand why some people became suicide bombers. She may of worded it quite badly, but it was interesting to see that apparently we are not supposed to try to understand the mindset of people, the nature of desperation, instead we are supposed to talk of people as monsters, committing evil acts that are absolutely impossible to understand. What bullshit with transparent motives.

OK it can be tricky, maybe there is only a fine line between claiming to understand something, and being an apologist or supporter of something, but conflict resolution must surely involve making this line clearer, not muddying it for your own aims.
Anti-semitism is way up there on the list of things that make me upset and angry. Ken Loach's comments have not triggered such repulsions for me.

For as far as Im concerned, at the heart of anti-semitism is the fear, mistrust, hate and dehumanisation of others, people who can be labelled 'not us' in some way. Jews have suffered very badly from this, but they dont have a monopoly on being victims. Apologists for Israeli atrocities who seek to use this stuff to deflect from the suffering of others, annoy me as much as anti-semites. You are as bad as them, you are engaging in some of the same thought processes, that just perpetuate the hate.

Genuine understanding of the emotions, suffering, drives, fears and aims of all sides during conflict is to be welcomed. The focus on merely justifying one sides actions and condemning & blaming the other side for all the problems, is not understanding. Now its certainly true that many of Israels critics do not try all that hard to have sympathy with Israel, and this does leave some critics of Israel open to legitimate criticism. But such criticisms do end up seeming like some sort of distractionary sideshow most of the time, for the words of both sides in such arguments are not usually the words which are perpetuating the violence. For example its hard to convince me that any of the anti-semitic violence in Europe would be driven by the words of Ken Loach, as opposed to being driven by existing racist jew-hating beliefs of a minority, military action by Israel, and the ongoing plight of the palestinians.

Jenny Tonge got in big trouble when she expressed an opinion that she could understand why some people became suicide bombers. She may of worded it quite badly, but it was interesting to see that apparently we are not supposed to try to understand the mindset of people, the nature of desperation, instead we are supposed to talk of people as monsters, committing evil acts that are absolutely impossible to understand. What bullshit with transparent motives.

OK it can be tricky, maybe there is only a fine line between claiming to understand something, and being an apologist or supporter of something, but conflict resolution must surely involve making this line clearer, not muddying it for your own aims.

this x
Not so. The fact that Israel defines itself in such a manner, and often defines criticism of itself as criticism of ALL jewry is absolutely central. It is the main reason why such a wider conflation exists.

I'd say that this is one of the minor reasons it exists there greater one is the inherant juedophoic line of argument which has historical preceedent.

If it weren't true on any level it wouldn't be a position which would hold any purchase to the argument at all.

Sadly, many juedophoic people do make this conflagration mistake and therefore it is the default reaction to any and all comments which labour udner this mishaprehension....

I agree with your middle comments - as i think everyone else on here does too - so there's no need for me to respond to them.[/QUOTE]

fairy nuff. was merely an outline of my position in different terms to aide understanding of it :)

mmm, no he doesn't.

I have to admit being at work earlier and relied upon the quote in the intial comment as being a verbatium rather than checking the link but certainly within what's been read of it and the repetition of it i'd still say it's an ementary mistake when making comment on the Is/Pal situation, though i also accept dannys alternate reading of it as being what what probably intended by the comments.
" ..nothing has been a greater instigator of antisemitism than the self-proclaimed Jewish state itself..." Ken Loach
this is the key think .. he is NOT saying he understands anti semitism in the context of Israel and Palestine .. he is saying

" ..nothing has been a greater instigator of antisemitism than the self-proclaimed Jewish state itself..."

which is frankly absurd and shows utter ignorence of jewish and anti-semitism history and the holocaust
Yes, I am aware of that. I was trying to get you to state YOUR opinion
no of course i don't agree with it .. and it is the classic anti semitic trick .. that anti semitism is created by the jews themselves ... it is ALL their own fault .. if only they had all assimilated etc etc

( oh shite that didn't work in germany did it?? )
I'd say that this is one of the minor reasons it exists there greater one is the inherant juedophoic line of argument which has historical preceedent.

yes, of course. Anti-semitism does obviously have a long and vile history, which does impact upon any modern discourse.

The Israeli state does also exacerbate that conflation tho
I have to admit being at work earlier and relied upon the quote in the intial comment as being a verbatium rather than checking the link

taking something on this issue from Zachor simply on trust??!! Now that is silly :)
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