Minimum cage, maximum cage
No that argument doesn't work. The point is the difference between Israel and Judaism, Zionism and Judaism. The two are not the same thing.
If a left wing figure came out in the press and said he understood attacks on British Muslims because of the 7/7 bombings there would, rightly, be no beating about the bush or appreciation of fine dividing lines between understanding and support.
When you are this much of a public figure saying that you understand someone's thought process in exercising their prejudice, you are intimating that you sympathise with their conclusions. When this message comes from a figure who is viewed as a moral authority that is tantamount to support. So to pretend that you are merely 'understanding' or 'comprehending' their position is disingenuous and cowardly.
This is bollocks though. I understand why some people steal to feed a drug habit. Does that mean I think it's a good thing? I understand why some people act out their agression and get into fights. Does that mean I think it's OK?