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Ken Loach and dubious "anti-semitism" claims

why is that nutty? it is a fairly well argued critiques of the peace process/two state solution as cementing the divisons of palestine .. there are plenty of people who argue the two state solution wil simply finalise division and hence make reconciliation impossible ..

Its all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order. I more or less agree with what they advocate its just that all the emphasis is wrong and the Israeli state is removed from the equation. The principles are there but they are there only in the abstract and make no connection with reality. Jewish settlements in Gaza are not an explosive issue because of the peace process or international solidarity with the Palestinians its because the settlers turf out the original occupants. If you can't see that you can't see anything.
odd, I can read socialist worker and permanent revolution (and probably most other lefty sites) here at work, but spiked is blocked.
Without the holocaust, the state of israel wouldn't be able to make such a strong claim to represent all the jewish people, not draw upon international sympathy, especially in places like Germany. Look at the relatively big left wing anti-zionist movements among jews in the USA in the last 50 years - without the holocaust there'd be an even bigger community of non-zionist and left wing jews based in Europe.
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