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Katie Hopkins


less this, more katie hopkins in the show i was talking about

but just imagine... cannot watch cbeebies already without feeling the need to do drugs
Lets all just enjoy the next few weeks while the odious woman is locked inside the bb house.
I saw a few minutes of this last night cos my sister was watching it. Weird, self absorbed celebs that they are (KH was right about that) people are on to her. Within a short time two of the other contestants had accused her of just saying outrageous things/holding offensive opinions for money. Her replies of "I'm just being honest" came across as quite feeble.
Reading the papers this morning it seems she may actually walk out of there looking the most human. You've got one guy leaving after tying to undress someone and another being warned that being racist and homophobic isn't acceptable.
That's damming with faint praise.

She probably safe from terrorists though on the grounds they generally try to terrorise rather than improve things :D
In light of her more recent bitchery, I have something I'd like to share...

I'd like to take time, if I may
To comment on the news today
And Katie Hopkins who, I'm sure,
You'll sadly have heard of before.
This paragon of modern news
Is known for her courageous views
In taking on such vicious foes
As disabled kids from struggling homes.
She also takes excessive joy
In picking on the unemployed-
Of course it's better to be paid
For spreading ridicule and hate!
She mocks the unschooled, though she's not witty;
And the overweight, though she's far from pretty:
She would do well to look inside
Before she starts to criticise.
She's just a bully with a bigger playground,
Shrieking because she likes the sound
And I, for one, feel that it's time
To take her toys and draw the line.
Turn off her show and skip her column,
And get your news from a different forum.
Soon enough she'll fall from grace
And the world will be a kinder place.
By 'ignore her' I meant, don't click on articles she is featured in, don't follow her on Twitter and complain about her in the relevant places. She is clickbait, don't give her oxygen.

This there was a sharp spike in my blood pressure in the short time I found myself following her on twitter. Once I unfollowed her account, the sun rose and a great feeling of calm descended over my world.

Jesus I every day I encounter things in reality that should have a unfollow button.

ETA the VengefulBard was much more eloquent in his response. And his fucking rhythmed. Bastard.

She's not a very nice person but epilepsy's not very much fun either and if, as she claims, she is having three to four seizures per night that requires neurosurgery to solve, that's a pretty big deal.

I'm a little bit suspicious of the double dislocations though - that definitely can happen but you need to be having some pretty major seizures for that to occur and I suspect that you would be looking at at least some bone fractures too.
I suppose I should feel some sympathy for someone scared about a medical procedure, when they give you percentages and that it must be terrifying. And yet, for some reason, I'm struggling to raise a fuck to give here.
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